Posts Tagged ‘Bill Ayers’

Terrorist Bill Ayers votes in Barack Obama’s neighborhood.

Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, November 4th, 2008 at 10:44 am

Unrepentant terrorist, Bill Ayers, voted at the same school as Barack Obama.

Jake Tapper reports that Louis Farrakhan voted in the same neighborhood:

CHICAGO, Ill. — Among the other voters who have shown up to vote at Shoesmith Elementary School this morning, where Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., will vote: Louis Farrakhan and William Ayers.


Welcome to the South Side of Chicago.

I see that Barack Obama has locked up the terrorist and anti-Semitic vote.

Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin

UPDATE 1: Hot Air has more video.

Bill Ayers will not be smiling when he is burning in eternal Hell.

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Barack Obama’s friend, terrorist Bill Ayers, calls the cops on O’Reilly’s producer.

Posted by Carlos C. on Saturday, October 25th, 2008 at 12:41 pm

Barack Obama’s friend, terrorist Bill Ayers, a terrorist that has murdered police officers, felt the need to call the police in order to be escorted to his vehicle yesterday while being asked questions from a producer associated with The O’Reilly Factor television show.

Barack Obama’s friend, terrorist Bill Ayers, also felt the need to tell the producer to get off his property. That is funny because terrorist Bill Ayers, Barack Obama’s friend, violated the property rights of private citizens in order to bomb their houses and kill innocent people.


Hat Tip: Hot Air

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The domestic terrorist vote is leaning Obama.

Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, October 21st, 2008 at 7:31 pm

I dare any broadcast network to play this commercial.


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Run, Barack, run!

Posted by Carlos C. on Monday, October 20th, 2008 at 7:57 pm

Star Gazette

Halloween display aims for ’shock value’

Democratic backer sends message by showing McCain, in KKK robe, chasing Obama

CATHARINE — Ron Havens has a reputation for provocative Halloween displays that reflect his strong political views.

But even Havens was pretty sure his latest effort was over the top. That didn’t stop him from setting it up in plain sight anyway.

Havens, who lives on Schuyler County Route 15 (Ridge Road) just south of Odessa, this week set up a Halloween display featuring mannequins that look like Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and Republican rival John McCain.

But the Obama figure looks like he is running, and the McCain likeness is dressed in the hooded robe of the Ku Klux Klan and is carrying a baseball bat.

Havens is quick to point out he is a liberal and a big supporter of Obama, and that the scene is meant to provoke thought about the way he believes Obama has been unfairly treated by the McCain campaign.

“I figured it would be equally offensive to everyone. It’s just for shock value,” Havens said. “McCain has been rabble-rousing, calling Obama a terrorist and a Muslim. The McCain campaign has gotten so ugly. That’s what the message is. I can see how people could take this the wrong way. I’m not advocating anything. It’s sarcasm.”

The McCain campaign has not called Barack Obama a terrorist, nor a Muslim. However, Barack Obama’s connection to domestic terrorist Bill Ayers should be questioned. Bill Ayers is not just a terrorist, but an unapologetic Socialist, and has influenced Barack Obama for at least 15 years, if not, longer. If John McCain was Bill Ayers friend, McCain would not even be the nominee at the moment.

Ron Havens says that he is just advocating sarcasm. However, Havens is advocating stupidity. It is funny how stupidity and liberalism are synonymous with one another. Nevertheless, liberals, seeing as they have no intellect, nor a viable plan on how to win on any important issue, must resort to implementing the race card. Perhaps the election on November 4th is not a formality or a coronation after all.

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New McCain ad: “Ambition”

Posted by Carlos C. on Friday, October 10th, 2008 at 9:06 am

This will be John McCain’s plan of attack for the next three-plus weeks until the election. After the terrorism America experienced 7 years ago, why would Americans, as a majority, want to elect a man who is a friend of a terrorist? Terrorist Bill Ayers stated in interviews throughout the 1990’s that he was not remorseful for his actions. This terrorist, Bill Ayers, on September 11, 2001, was quoted in the New York Times saying that he wished he had committed more acts of violence against the United States. Why does Barack Obama consider Bill Ayers a friend? This shows poor judgment by Barack Obama.

Also, Congressional liberals, including Barack Obama, disregarded that there was any problem due to the sub-prime mortgage crisis. President Bush tried to introduce legislation in 2003, and John McCain tried to introduce legislation in 2004, in order to stop the forthcoming mortgage collapse. Congressional liberals blocked both measures.

Hat Tip: Hot Air

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New RNC ad: “Chicago Way”

Posted by Carlos C. on Friday, October 10th, 2008 at 5:07 am

Every one knows about convicted criminal Tony Rezko and terrorist William “Bill” Ayers.

William Daley and the Daley family are pretty much the “Chicago Machine”. The late Richard J. Daley, father to 7 children including William Daley, was “the last big city boss”. He used his positions as Chairman of Cook County and Mayor of Chicago to partake in corruption. It is safe to assume that William Daley will, and most likely has, taken after his father. William Daley sits on numerous boards, including: Boeing, Merck, & Co., Boston Properties, Loyola University Chicago, and the Council on Foreign Relations.

If you watched the debate last Tuesday, you may remember Tom Brokaw asking both Barack Obama and John McCain about who they will nominate as Secretary of Treasury. Both candidates said Warren Buffet, but that is just a smoke screen. William Daley is on Barack Obama’s short list for the Secretary of Treasury position, especially since William Daley used to work for the Amalgamated Bank of Chicago.

Hat Tip:
Hot Air (video)

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John McCain goes after terrorist Bill Ayers!

Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, October 9th, 2008 at 4:22 pm

You are judged by the company you keep, and it is time to cast stones against the most unholy one, Barack Hussein Obama. The following are family members, close friends, and personal mentors.

The Obama Spider Web

Barack Hussein Obama Sr. - Obama’s father was an African socialist who mentored Obama through his mail correspondence.

Stanley Ann Dunham - Obama’s mother was a 1960’s liberal feminist, rebellious radical.

Frank Marshall Davis - Obama’s childhood mentor and member of the Communist Party. Davis was a former “community organizer” in Chicago and exposed Obama to his rants about white supremacy and white Christianity, as well as exposed Obama to his pro-Soviet writings.

Saul Alinsky - Socialist community organizer. The “king” of social activism. Author of the book, “Rules for Radicals.”

John L. McKnight - Former ACLU director. A board member of the National People’s Action (NPA), a leftist community organizing group. Professor at Northwestern University. Wrote a letter of recommendation to Harvard for Obama.

Reverend Jeremiah Wright - Mentored Obama for 20 years at Trinity United Church of Christ with black liberation theology, which is a mix black religion and Marxist philosophy.

Reverend Jim Wallis - Founder of Sojourners magazine, which is critical of capitalism, American foreign policy, and expresses support for socialism and socialist governments. Joined the group “Witness for Peace”, which supported a Marxist revolutionary guerilla group, FMLN, and the Sandinista regime in Nicaragua. Created Call to Renewal in 1995, a Socialist religious group.

Father Michael Pfleger - He has received hundreds of thousands of dollars in earmarks and foundation grants from Obama and has contributed to Obama’s multiple political campaigns. As a Catholic Christian myself, Father Pfleger has no business taking earmarks.

William Ayers - As part of the Weathermen Underground leftist terrorist group, he bombed police stations, the Capitol Building, and the Pentagon. Served for six years on the Chicago Annenberg Challenge board with Obama.

Bernardine Dohrn - Another unrepentant Weatherman Underground terrorist. She has a criminal record for her actions in 1960’s and 1970’s, including declaring war on America. She is now an adjunct professor at Northwestern University. (What the hell? How do you go from a terrorist to a professor? The same goes for Bill Ayers.)

ACORN - Barack Obama’s Developing Communities Project and his “Project VOTE” campaign worked closely with ACORN. ACORN officials have been accused and convicted of voter fraud. ACORN has an agenda to register voters who vote for liberals.

There are about another 15 names on the list, including Tony Rezko, convicted slum lord in Chicago.

Socialist, communist, and fascist leaders and terrorist groups that support Barack Obama include:

Hugo Chavez, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Fidel Castro, HAMAS, Party of European Socialists, Marxist FARC terrorist organization, Louis Farrakhan, Democratic Socialists of America, and Communist Party USA, among many others.

This is not “guilty by association”. These radicals, racists, criminals, terrorists, and murderers have all had a substantial influence on Barack Obama’s early childhood education, college education, employment opportunities, and political career. At one time or another, they have all had Obama’s ear.

I know many people will laugh off this blog. Many people will call me a racist. Many people will ignore this blog altogether, but all I offer is the truth. This is the truth the media will not report on. This is the reason why conservative blogs exist - to expose the truth.

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“Barack Obama’s friend, Bill Ayers, tried to kill my family.”

Posted by Carlos C. on Wednesday, October 8th, 2008 at 3:56 pm

City Journal

When I was 9 years-old the Weather Underground, the terrorist group founded by Barack Obama’s friend William Ayers, firebombed my house. Barack Obama has dismissed concerns about his relationship with Ayers by noting that he was only a child when Ayers was planting bombs at the Pentagon and the U.S. Capitol. But Ayers has never apologized for his crimes, he has reveled in them, expressing regret only for the fact that he didn’t do more.

While Barack Obama once downplayed his relationship with Ayers, today his campaign took that deceit one step further. Barack Obama now denies he was even aware of his friend’s violent past when, in 1995, Ayers hosted a party launching Obama’s political career. Given Ayers’ celebrity status among the left, it’s difficult to believe. The question remains: what did Obama know, and when did he know it? When did Obama learn the truth about his friend? Barack Obama helped Ayers promote his book in 1997, served on charitable boards with him through 2002, and regularly exchanged emails and phone calls with him through 2005. At what point did Barack Obama discover that his friend was an unrepentant terrorist? And if he is so repulsed by the acts of terror committed by William Ayers, why did the relationship continue? Any honest accounting by Barack Obama will necessarily cast further doubt on his judgment and his fitness to serve as commander in chief.

Barack Obama may have been a child when William Ayers was plotting attacks against U.S. targets — but I was one of those targets. Barack Obama’s friend tried to kill my family.

That is the testament of John M. Murtagh. Mr. Murtagh, along with his parents, were the victims and targets of unrepentant terrorist, Bill Ayers, who is the friend of Barack Obama. Bill Ayers, terrorist and friend of Barack Obama, says in his own words:

But listen to Ayers interviewed in the New York Times on September 11, 2001, of all days: “I don’t regret setting bombs. I feel we didn’t do enough.”

Translation: “We meant to kill that judge and his family, not just damage the porch.”

When asked by the Times if he would do it all again, Ayers responded: “I don’t want to discount the possibility.”

Barack Obama has no business being friends with terrorist Bill Ayers. Yet, Bill Ayers, terrorist, has been a mentor of Barack Obama. Bill Ayers, terrorist, has had influence over Barack Obama. Bill Ayers, terrorist, has had a hand in Barack Obama’s exposure to Socialism. Bill Ayers, terrorist, met with Venezuelan dictator, Hugo Chavez, in 2006. During that meeting, Bill Ayers, terrorist, applauded Hugo Chavez for his Socialist revolution in education. This is the same Socialist education Barack Obama wants to expose the American youth to, thanks in part to his friend and terrorist, Bill Ayers.

Why does Barack Obama continue to dismiss the actions of his terrorist friend, Bill Ayers, as someone in his neighborhood? Why do the New York Times say that Bill Ayers, terrorist, and Barack Obama are only casual acquaintances? Liberals, why are you, as part of the American electorate, willing to vote for Barack Obama? Has your Bush Derangement Syndrome blinded you so much as to vote for Barack Obama?

Remember, Barack Obama’s possible election night victory will be a moral victory for Bill Ayers - terrorist.

Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin

Hat Tip: Kelsey Golden’s “Associations”

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Barack Obama is trying to silence free speech!

Posted by Carlos C. on Wednesday, August 27th, 2008 at 12:25 pm

Barack Obama and his lawyers seek to silence free speech they do not agree with!

Obama and his campaign do not want you to see this independently funded, legal, and factual ad:

Ben Smith at reports that Obama’s lawyers are trying to get the Justice Department to bring charges on Harold Simmons, the financier of the commercial. Also, Obama’s lawyers are using strong-arm tactics to pressure television stations to not air the ad by threatening to contact their sponsors. The ad is still being run in local markets.

I have featured this ad twice on Scoop This (American Issues Project attacks Barack Obama and Fox News refuses to run “Bill Ayers” ad). If I have to, I will feature this ad everyday on Scoop This, and I will make sure that all other conservative websites feature this ad at least once a day. I dare Obama’s lawyers to come after me.

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Fox News refuses to run “Bill Ayers” ad!

Posted by Carlos C. on Friday, August 22nd, 2008 at 4:33 pm

Scoop This posted this ad yesterday.

Fox News is refusing to air this ad during it’s prime time programming:

However, this ad will run on MSNBC during the Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews shows.

Breaking News…


CNN is also refusing to air the ad!




UPDATE 3: Fox News is caving to the liberal idiots over at Think Progress. As Scoop This reader Karen Swanson correctly points out in the comments section, Fox News did run the wrong ad during Shepard Smith’s show earlier today. However, this ad is legitimate, and it is factually correct!

Also, the liberal idiots at the Huffington Post think that this ad violates election law. The conservative group American Issues Project has agreed to release the names of all of its monetary donors and prove that this ad does not violate election law.

Media Bistro

CNN, FNC Reject Ayers Ad

The Associated Press’ Jim Kuhnhenn writes about a new ad from the American Issues Project aimed at Sen. Barack Obama.

The ad focuses on Obama’s relationship with William Ayers, a founder of the Weather Underground.

But don’t expect to see the ad on your cabler anytime soon — Kuhnhenn writes the ad was rejected by Fox News, and The New York Times’ Jim Rutenberg reports that CNN rejected the ad as well.

“Fox News Channel said Thursday night that it would not accept the advertisement amid questions about its legality,” writes Rutenberg. “That raised the possibility that other stations and networks could have similar issues, but Mr. Pinkston said he was confident the advertisement would have healthy exposure in the two states. CNN also said it turned the group down, citing a ban on negative advertisements from outside groups during the party conventions.”

Hopefully Fox News will air the ad when all legal issues are resolved.

I also hope CNN will run the ad after the conventions.

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