Chloroform from Dictionary.com
1. Also called trichloromethane. Chemistry, Pharmacology. a colorless, volatile, nonflammable, slightly water-soluble, pungent, sweet-tasting liquid, CHCl3, usually derived from acetone, acetaldehyde, or ethyl alcohol by the reaction of chloride of lime: used chiefly in medicine as a solvent and formerly as an anesthetic.
–verb (used with object)
2. to administer chloroform to, esp. in order to anesthetize, make unconscious, or kill.
3. to put chloroform on (a cloth, object, etc.).
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. — Investigators won’t confirm reports that they found traces of chloroform in the truck of Casey Anthony’s car. A criminal expert told Eyewitness News that he believes the child’s mother may have used chloroform to knock her child out.
For starters, he thinks that because it could explain a cause of death.
Eyewitness News reported about the forensic evidence suggesting Caylee Anthony’s decomposing body was at one time in the trunk of the car. Now preliminary tests show chloroform was in that trunk, too.
“Chloroform would have to be investigated, because that’s a potential cause of death,” Dr. Michael Baden told Eyewitness News.
Baden is a forensic pathologist known for his expertise in the O.J. Simpson case. He says chloroform, a chemical once used as an anesthetic, could be used to put people to sleep. Investigation sources told Eyewitness News someone at the Anthony home looked up chloroform on the Web around the time of Caylee’s disappearance.
“A parent, usually a mom, will put a kid to sleep by putting over a nose or mouth and cause it to lose consciousness,” Baden said.
Baden said the practice is more common among young moms who don’t want to be bothered by a crying baby. It is well-documented Casey Anthony liked to party and in discovery documents one of her friends even says at parties “the kid slept through anything.”
“If the baby is sleeping at times convenient for the mom, one has to seriously consider something’s being done to put the baby to sleep,” Baden said.
Baden said it’s a dangerous practice, because you don’t know how much a child is inhaling. It can shut down the respiratory system, the brain and then the heart. Baden said he has seen no proof, but theorizes that it’s possible Casey used chloroform intentionally but her child’s death was an accident.
“It may work ten times, but the 11th time too much is given and the baby dies,” Baden said.
Eyewitness News offered the Anthony family a chance to respond, but their spokesman called the theory outlandish and said it really isn’t even worth commenting on.
There are rumors that Casey Anthony, the mother of baby Caylee Anthony, used chloroform on her daughter several times so she can party! The rumors that I am hearing indicate that some friends of Casey Anthony witnessed Casey use chloroform on Caylee! Casey’s friends actually saw this process take place and did nothing! Also, the rumors are that Casey’s other friends who did not witness this process wondered why Caylee was a “quiet baby”, and the use of chloroform is the reason why!
A more explosive rumor is that someone in the Anthony household looked up the word “chloroform” on a computer, and the police have the computer in custody! Computer records show that the word “chloroform” was searched at the time of Baby Caylee’s disappearance! This should be breaking news on every major news website! Where is the news coverage? Greta Van Susteren? Where is Fox News? Where is CNN? Where is MSNBC?
Casey Anthony killed her daughter, stuffed Caylee’s body in her car’s trunk, let the body decompose, then dumped the body! Where is your daughter’s body, Casey? Tell the public the truth!
As Anthony was arrested, bonded out of jail, was rearrested and bonded out again, investigators disclosed that they have uncovered some damaging evidence in the case.
Authorities said they have found traces of chloroform in the car Anthony drove and Internet searches of chloroform Web sites on her computer.
Investigators said they had found evidence of human decomposition in the trunk of Anthony’s car. Law enforcement sources also suggested that a strand of hair found in the trunk of the car was Caylee’s.
At least CNN confirmed the chloroform internet search.