Baby Caylee Anthony is dead!
Posted by Carlos C. on Wednesday, August 27th, 2008 at 3:56 pmThe body was decomposing in the car!
Breaking News…
Results Say Body Was Decomposing In Anthony’s Trunk
ORLANDO, Fla. — Much-anticipated results from the University of Tennessee Body Farm reveal that a body was decomposing in the trunk of Casey Anthony, mother of missing 3-year-old, Caylee.
On Aug. 10, air sample tests were taken from taken Anthony’s trunk and sent to the facility.
Initially, Cindy Anthony said her daughter’s car smelled like a dead body, but later the Anthonys argued that it was a combination of smells — rotting pizza and cleaning fluid left in a hot car for fifteen days.
This is the first scientific test giving investigators another signal that a dead body was indeed in Casey Anthony’s car.
Anthony was arrested in mid-July and was held on charges of child neglect until a Sacramento-based bounty hunter posted up her $500,000 bond on Aug. 21.
Sources close to the investigation also exclusively told WESH 2 that time is running out on a deal offered by the state to give Casey Anthony limited immunity for statements she makes, if it would help investigators find Caylee. The State Attorney’s office confirms an offer was made on Wednesday afternoon. According to WESH 2’s source, that deal will run out at the end of the business day on Thursday afternoon.
Anthony has been a focus in the investigation into her daughter’s disappearance since her arrest. Investigators also searched the back yard of parents’ home.
George and Cindy Anthony have stood by their daughter from the beginning and have repeated the message that the priority should be finding Caylee, passing out fliers and wearing T-shirts featuring the toddler’s face.
I wonder if Casey Anthony will be re-arrested now that she is out on bond.
Will the grandparents face charges?
UPDATE 2: Here is a pic of Baby Caylee.
ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — Court documents show the mother of a missing Florida toddler wanted to give the girl up for adoption before she was born.
Documents released by prosecutors Monday show Casey Anthony’s mother insisted that she keep the child. Three-year-old Caylee has been missing since June.
Police say the 22-year-old Anthony didn’t report Caylee missing for more than a month and then lied to them. Caylee’s grandmother finally reported the disappearance in July.
Anthony faces charges of child neglect, making false statements and obstructing an investigation. She was released from jail on $500,000 bail last week and returned to her parents’ home.
She has told detectives she didn’t immediately report Caylee missing because she was conducting her own investigation.
If Caylee was put up for adoption, she would most likely be alive today.
Filed Under: = BREAKING NEWS =, Crime
Please God, may the mother get the death penalty…what a stupid ho
are you serious? i wonder why fox news hasn’t interrupted the stupid ass DNC with this news alert! they better get her back behind bars.
What shame. The poor thing. Rest In Peace.
This bitch needs to be tortured to death. The death penalty is to light on things like this.
Poor little girl suffered so should the mother.
I always held on to some shred of hope that she would be okay… worst fears were confirmed. Anyone who could do this to their baby or any baby is as evil as they come.
i live less than 5 minutes down the road from this crazy do you think i feel
and its heart renching to know that caylee is dead..look at the world we live in..horrible
It hurts to know that there are people in the world who can be so crule. Casey Anthony is a heartless person who’s selfish and a coward in many ways. If she cared so much for her missing daughter as much as she says she does, she wouldn’t just do nothing but to find a way to get her back home safely. If Caylee meant the world to her she wouldn’t be off having her little fun, partying and enjoying life while her daughter is suffering out there in the world. Casey desirves whats coming to her. God is watching and it is he who will judge and Casey is being judged. If she does know where her daughter is she should just fis up because its only going to get worse but if she wants to learn it the hard way then she’ll be running to hell and back.
I think the police know what happened to Caylee. They are wating for her mom to admit to what happened so they will have a good case against her. Remember the Susan Smith case in SC. They knew she was guilty and waited for her to confess the crime she committed.
I always thought that the bitch needed money, and that she sold the girl. I guess I was way off. She’s a thief & a murderer. I still think that she had help from a guy to do all of this. I say burn her alive!
I would like to have two minutes with that mother! Poor baby! Mother needs to be tortured to death. My prayers are with this baby!
Casey Anthony, Cindy Anthony , and company
I could never imagine , doing such a thing.
I cant even begin to understand , the way you all think.
God have mercy on you alls souls.
It would be awful to be in your shoes.
God will take care of you all.
Caylee, I know, your in better hands.
If she really cared for her daughter she would of called the police the same day caylee went missing so that she could get a lot more help finding her daughter. Maybe if she would of called the police on the day caylee went missing then maybe caylee would be at home now instead of on the news. I know if my daughter was missing for over an hour, i would call the police asap to get a lot more help finding my baby girl. Casey anthony just don’t care. She shows no emotion what so ever. I would be broke down crying.
They need to do way instain mother> who kill thier babbys. becuse these babby cant frigth back?
it was on the news this mroing a mother in ar had kill her three kids. they are taking the three babby back to new york too lady to rest my pary are with the father who lost his chrilden ; i am truley sorry for your lots
Caylee’s mom should never ever be released from prison. She should also be castrated like the bitch she is.
This is why I believe she killed baby Caylee. If she was kidnapped you would at least tell your parents. She waits a month to give this story to her mom. Please she killed her and she is just stringing everyone along for the thrill of it all. She is a murderer, thief, pycho, and hopefully will be in jail forever. I also believe now that the parents know more then they are saying. Why wouldn’t they take a lie detector test??? And if so then why are they protecting their daughter over an helpfless little girl. Tragic!
After hearing the two conversations with the police from June 16, to me its clear that this poor child has been killed. She is talking about Caylee in the past tense. You only do that when you know you killed her. I just hope and pray that we can find her so she can have a decent burial. The so call (mom) needs to rot in jail for good. I just can’t believe between the parents, the lawyer, and the police that this girl can’t break. What is it going to take. I think she needs to be rearrested and put in a cell all by herself with out visitation or phone calls allowed. She will then break down, because there is No attention being given to her.
puddin: you should have me stay at your house for a while
I so appauld of this young mother has done to her precious little girl, Cay-lee her daughter.
I have been watching the case on the Nancy Grace show, it is heart retching to know that there is another mother, who cannot stand being around her child.
And for what she may have done to Cay-lee, she should tell the truth, instead of lies, confess for what she has done.
For life in prison, is too good for her,she should die by lethal injection, by state law.
We know deep in our hearts that little Cay-lee is dead, let us get on with prosecuting her, and send her away so that she can’t hurt anyone else’s child
This is truly a traggic story, the sad thing is I have two little guys, my youngest is seven, he has been following this really close poor thing, said that mabey the baby got locked in the trunck of the car or mabey the mom put her there then went to a party and just forgott about her baby. It is really sad that children think of such things. I hope the mother comes forward and tells the truth, this little girl deserves to have a proper burial or at least be with people that will cherish her if she is still living. God be with her if she has passed and if so the mother should be burned at the stake public exacution would be nice but I think the crazy snot did this for the attention.
hi my heart hurts for this poor baby and the dad and grandparents on the babys daddys side of his know what casey anthony and parents
should all go to prison and pay for what they have done. if this mother cared for her daughter so much before and wanted to give this baby up for adoption she should of.instead of killing this poor baby. she did nothing wrong this beautiful baby makes me very sick to know that this bitch and lowlife called a so called mother needs to be so tourtured. and burn in hell because she shouldnt have done this. to that poor baby. and as for the grandmother and grandfather caseys mom and dad they need to go right along with her because they are saying she didnt do it but there all llying through there ass.yall sick people are going to rot in hell. and as for the babys daddys side of the family. my heart and prayes go out to you. and may yalls baby rest in peace.god is with her now and she is safe.god bless you . sincerly amy carbajal
Amy gets it spot on as we now know that bones have been confirmed as being those of Caylee. Fuck the electric chair — give Casey a public execution by FIRING SQUAD at the ORANGE BOWL in MIAMI AND PUT THE SHIT ON PAY PER VIEW!!!!!
The mother is based as a liar although she could just lied to where her baby daugter is. especially when she lost track of being with her child…. i seen casey anthonys profile. shes been torturing her own child since i am alert of this tracking for the seach of Caylee Marie Anthony. she is also a murder of top 1st high degree of killing a child. i was on this scene although i can tell this a better way of saying this: she killed her own kid because she thinks she will be like her grandparents. and thats my true statement. and now mother faces for death. she should just give her up when she was with Casey. but for now she will be in death with nothing to say of this child in morn. Caylee was just 2 years old and she was old enough to be placed to a foster care unit. but i am aware of her temper to be a killer. from now on keep your child away from strangers until they are dependable to survive and fight. they need to protect themselves. however I am just knowing what she will do next. after Caylee Maries Death will be on a 20millon dollar funds will be given to make a statue of herself by the Polk County Animal Control Unit. We Love you Caylee Marie Anthony! may all the worlds best things that are around you… and as for the mother she does not get nothing for what she did to Caylee!!! shes gonna get coal for christmas for sure! Caylee will be remembered in our ways forever by Polk County Animal Control unit. may the lord give her love and life that was given to us as a friend. how would you feel if this was to you? how will you love one to another if you cant be nice? how will you try to harm your way? just think about this! remember all of us are one! LOVE, Mariah Carey Krieger, ERIC, DOC, DEBBIE, HEATHER. ps one of our pets has a name after Caylee Marie Anthony> given a place to stay at Polk County Animal Control Unit. Rest in Peace Caylee Marie Anthony! 2005-2008 in watch until 2012.
We must remember this poor little angel and just hope she did not suffer a great deal of pain. Her mother may never get the punishment that we all believe she deserves here on earth but she will pay one day and she suffer great pain and despare a million times over what poor little Caylee endured… God Bless you little one… Rest in peace.
Nobody should show this chic any mercy she knew what she was doing now that little girl is gone and that bitch dont care….DEATH PENALTY!…Dont show her no mercy that heartless bitch!
I’ve prayed and cried for little Caylee every night. She is with God now at peace. May the good Lord himself punish the mother of this child.