There are new attacks on Sarah Palin and her family! Scoop This was one of the first blogs to report the abuse and attack by the idiotic Daily Kos Kids on Sarah Palin’s daughter (Nasty Daily Kos rumor against Sarah Palin!). They claim that Sarah Palin was never pregnant. They claim her daughter Bristol was pregnant because Bristol has a “belly bump” in two pictures.
This is Sarah Palin pregnant at 7 months. Since Sarah Palin is athletic, as well as the fact that she’s wearing a loose-fitting jacket, her baby bump is barely noticeable in this picture:

Now, these are the photographs of Bristol Palin purportedly “pregnant”:

According to, these photos were taken by the Anchorage Daily News in 2006! These photos were not taken in 2007, as the Daily Kos suggests. Basically, the idiots at the Daily Kos believe that Bristol was pregnant for two years, and her mom covered for her, even though Sarah Palin’s water broke in a room full of people at a meeting in Texas in 2008. Do the idiots at the Daily Kos really think the entire state of Alaska is hiding Palin’s pregnancy?
Liberals are scared of Sarah Palin. They know Palin just gave a huge boost to McCain’s campaign. McCain’s website received $7 million in donations after he announced Palin as his VP choice. Conservatives around the nation are excited! Come November 4th, McCain will win the Presidency by at least by four million votes, just like President Bush won in 2004.
UPDATE 1: Also, there is a rumor, started by Alan Colmes, that Sarah Palin’s son, Trig, was born with Down’s Syndrome because he did not receive proper prenatal health care. It is hilarious that Alan Colmes, a pro-choice liberal, would care about a woman’s prenatal health care. The following blogs are covering this story:
Gateway Pundit
Michelle Malkin
Hopefully, Sean Hannity gives Colmes hell this week!
UPDATE 2: The Jawa Report just posted this picture!

Sarah Palin looks really pregnant to me! More pictures are available on Free Republic.
UPDATE 3: Ace over at ACE OF SPADES HQ is reporting that Daily Kos is now retracting this rumor. But, Daily Kos are now making up another lie about Karl Rove starting this rumor!
UPDATE 4: Hot Air is debunking Alan Colmes blog.
UPDATE 5: Michelle Malkin is also debunking Andy Sullivan’s blog. Sullivan is pushing the “grandma-gate” rumor.
UPDATE 6: Don Surber is debunking the “grandma-gate” story on his Daily Mail blog. Also, Right Wing News has two more pictures of a pregnant Sarah Palin.

I truly hope the Palin’s sue the crap out of Daily Kos. Just because someone cites “credible” newspapers and sources does not mean that the story is true. Daily Kos just wants to float this rumor and hope that people willing to vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin think twice. Liberals are scared that Sarah Palin is new, fresh, and has more experience than Barack Obama. Keep it up, Kos Kids.
UPDATE 7: Hot Air says this is an epic fail for the nut-roots.
UPDATE 8: The Post Chronicle has debunked the story and says that it is totally fabricated.
Palin 1 - Nutroots 0. Epic Fail.
UPDATE 9: Stop the ACLU is getting in on the fun and debunking Daily Kos. Actually, Stop the ACLU wrote another blog debunking this crap!