What will Joe Biden say at tonight’s debate?
Oh, I don’t know…
And Sarah Palin?
I will be updating this blog as the debate unfolds. The debate starts at 9pm. I will be watching it on Fox News in order to anger liberals even more.
Also, I am watching the Phillies game, so hopefully it ends soon in a Phillies win in time for the debate!
Domestic and Foreign Policy questions…
These questions were not cleared by either campaign…
Governor Palin asks Senator Biden if she can call him “Joe”…

Hello handshake…
UPDATE 2: Governor Palin says that Barack Obama has voted to raise taxes 94 times.
Senator Biden says that John McCain has voted to raise taxes 477 times. Really, Joe? I call bullshit.
UPDATE 3: Senator Biden says that Barack Obama will give 95% of the American people a tax cut.
Governor Palin counters with the fact that small business owners that make $250,000 and higher will affect their business negatively.
Senator Biden says that 95% of small business owners make less than $250,000. Really? I call bullshit on that, too.
UPDATE 3: Governor Palin disses Joe by bringing up Senator Biden’s comment, “Paying taxes is patriotic.”
Senator Biden barks back, “That is the ultimate bridge to nowhere”, when commenting on John McCain’s tax plan.
UPDATE 4: Phillies beat the Brewers 5 to 2 tonight. Sweet.
UPDATE 5: Senator Biden says that Barack Obama wants to give back $1,000 in tax cuts to the “middle class”.
Good. That’s enough for a happy meal.
UPDATE 6: Senator Biden says that John McCain only brought up the mortgage crisis this past December and says that John McCain stated, “I do not believe there is a mortgage crisis.”
President Bush mentioned the crisis in 2003 and John McCain mentioned it in 2005. Both President Bush and John McCain wanted legislation to reign in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. John McCain introduced legislation to hold Mae and Mac accountable. The Democrats did not want to do anything about it and killed McCain’s legislation in committee.
UPDATE 7: Senator Biden says that “global warming is man-made”.
More liberal bullshit.
The Earth has had periods of warming and cooling throughout its 4-billion-year history. I am sure that dinosaurs and cavemen were zipping around in their sport-utility-vehicles.
UPDATE 8: Neither candidate supports “gay marriage” and redefining marriage.
Governor Palin says marriage is “one man and one woman”.
UPDATE 9: Governor Palin says that the surge and counter-insurgency strategy has worked, thanks to John McCain’s support for the plan.
Governor Palin says that Barack Obama voted not to fund and support the troops.
Senator Biden says that John McCain voted “no” as well. Really? I am calling semi-bullshit. I will have to look that up, but until then, I do not believe Senator Biden.
Senator Biden says that Barack Obama’s exit strategy is to draw down troops over a 16-month period.
Governor Palin says that the Obama-Biden exit strategy is a “white flag”! Sweet.
UPDATE 10: Senator Biden says that John McCain voted not to fund the troops $1.6 billion dollars. Really? I am calling semi-bullshit. I will have to look that up. Again, I do not believe Senator Biden.
UPDATE 11: Governor Palin mentions that Barack Obama is willing to meet terrorists without preconditions, including Ahmadinejad and the Castro brothers.
Senator Biden is says that is not true.
I think Vets For Freedom will call bullshit on this one.
UPDATE 13: Senator Biden is tripping over himself. I do not understand what the hell he is trying to say.
More money has been spent in 3 weeks in Iraq than 6 1/2 years in Afghanistan. Can I call bullshit on this one? Cause it sounds like bullshit.
UPDATE 14: Senator Biden keeps talking about John Lugar. Who is that? Is that person relevant? Is that person going to help in Iraq or Afghanistan?
Governor Palin counters with the fact that Americans want to know why Senator Biden opposes the Iraq war now when he voted for it. Ouch.
Governor Palin also says that American wants straight talk from Senator Biden. I do not think that is going to happen tonight, Sarah. Senator Biden sounds liquored up, or at least is, again, tripping over himself.
UPDATE 15: Drudge Report took down its premature poll.
UPDATE 16: Senator Biden says that this is the most important election since 1932. What?
UPDATE 17: Just to do a little re-cap, Senator Biden called Bosnians, “Bosniacks”.
God love you, Joe.
UPDATE 18: Senator Biden says Vice-President Cheney has been the most dangerous Vice President in our nation’s history.
In what way, Joe? Give up the idiotic liberal talking points.
UPDATE 19: Governor Palin says that she and John McCain are the true reformers in this year’s election, and that they both have a track record of reform.
UPDATE 20: Closing statements…
UPDATE 21: Governor Palin goes first…
Governor Palin says she and John McCain will be fighting for the middle class. She knows the pain, but she also knows the joy. Governor Palin quotes Ronald Reagan:
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.
John McCain is the only one in this race that has ever fought for America’s freedom.
UPDATE 22: Senator Biden says that “we have been dug into a deep hole these past 8 years”.
Senator Biden asks God to bless our troops.
UPDATE 23: Fox News will re-air the interview at 2:00am. I will definitely watch it again. There are some debate issues I missed.
This was a very spirited debate. Both candidates did well in connection with the “average” American. They both spoke of their home towns. They both referred to their own lives.
Also, both candidates were forceful. They both knew what they were talking about.
I believe Governor Palin shined in this debate. No major gaffes. Conservatives should, and are, happy with her performance.
Senator Biden had two gaffes, but he was mostly solid throughout the night. Biden’s “1932″ gaffe and “Bosniacks” gaffe were funny.
UPDATE 24: Make sure to check out DrudgeReport.com and vote for either Sarah or Joe.
UPDATE 25: I hope to read your comments about the debate. Remember, Fox News will re-air the debate at 2:00am.
Brit Hume on Fox News said that Sarah Palin is attractive.
UPDATE 26: My Way News has an article posted about tonight’s debate.

Goodbye handshake…