Live Blog! Second Presidential Debate!
Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, October 7th, 2008 at 9:03 pmCheck out the live feed!
Hat Tip: Hot Air
UPDATE 1: Both Senator McCain and Senator Obama dodged the question of, “Who will be the next Secretary of Treasury?”
They both touted Warren Buffet. NEWS FLASH: He does not want the job! He does not need the job. And, honestly, he would not take the job.
UPDATE 2: Another point: Senator Obama dodged the Secretary of Treasury question by saying 95% of Americans will get a tax cut. No you will not! Do not fall for this ploy! Senator Obama has voted to raise taxes 94 times. Honestly, do you really think you will get a tax cut? When has a Democrat ever cut taxes?
UPDATE 3: Senator Obama is dodging the questions and Senator McCain is breathing too heavily and tripping over his words a bit.
Right now, Tom Brokaw is winning the debate.
UPDATE 4: Senator Obama says Iran is benefiting from higher oil prices. You think? Idiot…
UPDATE 5: Senator McCain is touting his lengthy record. It is a good strategy listing everything he has accomplished (versus Senator Obama’s record of no accomplishments), but McCain needs to get nasty!
Start naming names!
Terrorist Bill Ayers!
Fannie Mae C.E.O. Franklin Raines! He has embezzled nearly $100 million!
Barney Frank! He is the main reason we are in this financial mess! Plus, he is a damn liberal Democrat!
Get tough, Senator McCain!
UPDATE 6: Senator Obama says, “A lot of you remember the tragedy of 9/11.” No, I forgot, numb nuts. And “a lot”? No, we ALL remember!
UPDATE 7: Since Senator Obama brought up 9/11, Senator McCain should tout Senator Obama’s close friend… Terrorist Bill Ayers!
Do it!
UPDATE 8: Senator Obama tries to respond to Senator McCain on taxes, and Tom Brokaw told Senator Obama to shut the hell up and follow the rules!
UPDATE 9: Senator Obama says he wants to provide a tax cut for 95% of Americans. How much? $1,000? Might as well keep President Bush’s tax cuts and receive more tax rebates and incentives!
Senator Obama continues to lie and say that Senator McCain wants to give tax cuts to C.E.O.’s. Is there proof of this? I am calling BULLSHIT on Senator Obama’s continues lies!
UPDATE 10: Senator Obama, “We own 3% of the world’s oil reserve, but use 25% of the world’s oil. Drilling will not solve our energy problem.”
And there you have it! Senator Obama proves his stupidity. Yes, drilling will solve this problem. Drilling for oil will bring down the price of oil. The price of oil was at $147 per barrel in July. President Bush removed the Presidential ban on offshore drilling, then Congress decided not to renew the Congressional ban on offshore drilling. By this bi-partisan action, the price of oil per barrel fell $60 dollars in 3 months!
Liberals cry that the price of gas will not be affected until 2018 if we started drilling today, but we have to start drilling some time! The longer we delay, the longer we pay more for gas.
UPDATE 11: Senator Obama says, “You can keep your own doctor.”
Oh, thank you! Thank you! You are generous as you are stupid.
Senator Obama rambles on and on and on about health care and health care insurance! I hope everyone understands Senator Obama is touting costly and ineffective universal health care.
Look, if you go to a hospital, by law, they have to treat you. You can settle hospital payments after you get out of the hospital.
Plus, by purchasing your own health care, you have payment receipts and a record of what you have paid to the insurance company. By not missing payments and defaulting on those payments, you can take the insurance company to court, and win, when they do not decide to pay your hospital payments.
Everyone, please understand that insurance is much like gambling. Insurance companies happily take your money and promise to provide coverage if, and when, you do get sick. If you hardly get sick, they will make a lot of money from your monthly and yearly payments. If you get sick, they are stuck paying the bill. That is what insurance is.
UPDATE 12: Senator Obama says that he will not invade Pakistan.
August 2, 2007: Obama willing to invade Pakistan in al-Qaeda hunt.
Barack Obama, a leading Democrat candidate in the US presidential race, provoked anger yesterday by threatening to send troops into Pakistan to hunt down terrorists — even without permission from that country’s Government.
Spin, spin, spin, Barack Hussein Obama, and I will catch you in all of your lies.
UPDATE 13: The debate has shifted over to Russia invading Georgia.
Remember, Senator McCain was the first one to condemn Russia.
Senator Obama was on vacation in Hawaii with his typical white grandmother.
UPDATE 14: Tom Brokaw asks, “Yes or No: Is Russia again the evil empire?”
Senator Obama goes on and on about nothing. Senator Obama cannot answer a “Yes or No” question.
Senator McCain says, “Maybe”.
UPDATE 15: Drudge Report has a premature poll asking who won the debate.
UPDATE 16: Someone in the audience asks if U.S. troops will be deployed to defend Israel if Iran attacks it.
Senator McCain says “Yes” without saying yes.
Senator Obama says “No” without saying no, plus rambles on and on about Iran joining the “community of nations”.
UPDATE 17: Thank the Lord that this debate is over!
UPDATE 18: Drudge Report’s headline? B-O-R-I-N-G
Yes, this was boring. This was just a bunch of talking points from both candidates. Senator Obama rambled on and on, and Senator McCain did not attack Senator Obama when the opening was right.
I am starting to wish that Biden and Palin were the Presidential candidates!
Filed Under: = BREAKING NEWS =, News & Politics
October 7th, 2008 at 9:40 pm
Yeah he wasn’t allowed to answer the question so he uses the next one to lie about his taxes. Is anyone timing this because Obama goes on and on and on….
October 7th, 2008 at 9:45 pm
Can we PLEEEEESE get off this Climate stuff. He loses so many points when he talks about that.
October 7th, 2008 at 9:47 pm
There is NO climate crisis Nobama.
October 7th, 2008 at 11:19 pm
McCain didn’t go on the offensive against Obama in this debate dispite many clear openings to do so. It gives a glimpse into the kind of President McCain would be.
Like Bush, McCain will never go on the offensive if even to defend himself against the ruthless and often unfounded attacks from the left. It will result in a low approval rating just like Bush’s and it will further damage the Republican brand.
I’m now predicting that short of some miracle, Obama will win this election. On the bright side, the democrats will be in control of all three branches of government which means they’ll actually have to start taking responsibility for their own actions rather than blaming someone else. 2 to 4 years of them mucking things up will result in another 20 year resurgence of real conservatism in response to a 4 year Obama administration.
Conservatism and principal has been asleep for the past 8 years and it will awaken anew after the failed policies of Jimmy Carter re-manifest themselves in a 4 year Obama administration. If Obama’s policies don’t cause Republicans to stand up and grow a pair, nothing will.
October 8th, 2008 at 4:17 am
i’m thinking what kelsey said is accurate. mccain is leaving the attacks to sarah palin. he could have attacked SO many times! i think that i could have done better. although i did like his response of “maybe” about russia.
i am very concerned.
October 8th, 2008 at 8:27 am
lets don’t forget the lame questions that brokow picked out. I wish someone would ask Obama about Acorn. Of course he would have some lie to tell about it but things like that should be brought up.