Liberal Fascist Chronicles: Arrest Edition (Update, Corsi Deported from Kenya)
Posted by Kelsey Golden on Wednesday, October 8th, 2008 at 3:10 am———————————-Update at Bottom of blog—————————
Breaking News…
It has just come to the attention of Scoopthis that the Author of "Obama Nation" and World Net Daily contributor Jerome Corsi, has been arrested in Kenya while investigating Obama’s ties to the country. Kenyan officials arrested Corsi just prior to a press conference he was about to hold where he was to deliver a report on his findings in the country. Corsi has not been seen or heard from for several hours and Kenyan Officials say they plan to keep it that way until he is deported from the country.
"Just as we were about to start the 10 a.m. press conference at the Grand Regency Hotel in Nairobi, Kenyan immigration approached us and detained us," Corsi told WND by telephone this morning. "Tim Bueler, my publicist, and I are now in the immigration offices, with our passports taken. The immigration officer told the press, ‘There is no problem, and Dr. Corsi is a friend of Kenya.’"
Corsi and Bueler are booked on a British Airways flight to London tonight, an airline agent confirmed to WND. But Joseph Farah, WND editor and CEO, said he was in touch with Corsi until about 9:30 a.m. Eastern today and has not been able to reach him for several hours.
"We also hear unconfirmed reports from the government claiming it has ‘deported’ Corsi," Farah said. "Since Corsi was scheduled to leave the country today, this would seem to be a strange action from a government that was well aware of Corsi’s presence, his travels and his activities in the country for the last week."
Peter Mbae, a Kenyan publicist who arranged the news conference, told WND he spoke with an immigration officer who confirmed that Ministry of Immigration authorities are holding Corsi and Bueler at the airport until their flight tonight.
Their movements are restricted, and they have no access to telephones, Mbae said, citing the officer." Cited from World Net Daily
When and if Corsi does re-emerge, this story is bound to deserve headlines but likely won’t get them from the liberal media. If Corsi does not re-emerge, it will be even more shocking. Is this a preview of what an Obama regime will look like? Criticize him and his cronies "disappear" you? Time will tell as his victory in the election is almost certain.
Corsi has been released and boy does he have a story to tell:
"Don’t ever come back. See you in hell," Corsi reported an unidentified official told him as the author of the No. 1 best-selling book "The Obama Nation" was delivered to a flight departing from Nairobi for London.
"We got brought to immigration headquarters by what turned out to be about a dozen immigration officers plus military armed with automatic rifles," he reported. "Tim got placed in the back of the vehicle and was surrounded by the armed military. I was in the front between the driver and the top immigration officer who first identified himself at the hotel."
Here is a preview of what Corsi was investigating during his trip to Kenya.
Corsi was in Kenya because Obama has a history of connections there, and the African nation is where his father worked as a well-known government economist. Corsi documented this history in his book but scheduled the trip to find answers to lingering questions – particularly about the links between the presidential candidate and Kenya Prime Minister Raila Odinga.
Corsi had promised a news conference that would "expose details of deep secret ties between U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and a section of Kenya government leaders, their connection to certain sectoral groups in Kenya and subsequent plot to be executed in Kenya should Senator Obama win the American presidency."
Corsi was set to show Obama and Odinga have been in direct contact since the senator’s visit to Kenya in 2006. He was to claim Obama advised Odinga on campaign strategy and helped him raise money in the U.S. for the Kenya presidential campaign.
Corsi was to report Odinga’s 2007 presidential campaign strategy called for exploiting anti-Kikuyu tribal sentiments, claiming victory and charging voter fraud even if the campaign knew the election had been legitimately lost. Odinga, Corsi said, also was willing to fan the flames of ethnic tribal tensions and use violence as a last resort by calling for mass action that led to the destruction of properties, injuries, loss of life and the displacement of over 500,000 Kenyans. The purpose was to compel the Electoral Commission of Kenya to declare him the winner or enable him to declare himself the winner by force.
Even though Odinga has not fulfilled his campaign promises to the Muslims who voted for him, he continues to cause concern among Kenyans because he has not declared his position on Shariah law, Corsi said.
Corsi said Obama remained in active phone contact with Odinga through the New Hampshire Democratic Party primary in January. The Illinois senator continued to support Odinga, he said, turning a blind eye to an agreement signed with Muslims and the post-election violence instigated as part of the campaign strategy."
I look forward to reading the full report as soon as it’s available.
Filed Under: = BREAKING NEWS =, News & Politics
October 7th, 2008 at 8:10 pm
Eventually, I think he will be let go.
Honestly, though, did he think he would be welcomed in Kenya?
October 7th, 2008 at 8:49 pm
He was welcome until they realized he was “investigating” Obama. Kenya is “supposed” to be a democracy just like us and yet, this type of politics based law enforcement is allowed to go on.
October 7th, 2008 at 11:02 pm
I went to high school with Tim Bueler in Northern California. He was an asshole then, and it appears he is still an asshole. It also tells me what kind of person Corsi must be. Maybe with any luck there are more lions in Kenya than Christianists.
October 7th, 2008 at 11:10 pm
Spoken like a true fascist Richard: wishing death to those who disagree with you, way to go my friend!
So I guess you think it’s “ok” that this guy was arrested for what seems to be the crime of critiquing Obama? Do tell more Richie… I am very interested in your insights on how *not* to encourage the growth of a free society.
October 8th, 2008 at 12:28 pm
Wow! Kenyans are racist.
October 8th, 2008 at 2:10 pm
Racist? How so?
October 8th, 2008 at 2:46 pm
I was joking.