The Liberal Fascism Chronicles: Race Edition
Posted by Kelsey Golden on Tuesday, October 7th, 2008 at 2:34 pmToday, we examine the liberal fascist’s attempt to avoid responsibility for their own actions by playing "the race card."

In a most recent example, we have comments from the "Honorable" Barney Frank from Massachusetts:
"The Massachusetts Democrat, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, said the GOP is appealing to its base by blaming the country’s mortgage foreclosure problem on efforts to expand affordable housing through the Community Reinvestment Act.
He said that blame is misplaced, because those loans are issued by regulated institutions, while far more foreclosures were triggered by high-cost loans made by unregulated entities.
"They get to take things out on poor people," Frank said at a mortgage foreclosure symposium in Boston. "Let’s be honest: The fact that some of the poor people are black doesn’t hurt them either, from their standpoint. This is an effort, I believe, to appeal to a kind of anger in people." SOURCE
In this particular case, Mr. Frank is using the Race Card for two purposes. First, his playing "the race card" will no doubt have the effect of riling up those who blindly support him against the Republicans who he’s calling "racist" based upon a very flawed twist of logic. Second, he’s demonizing anyone who criticizes him via intimidation and the political stigma that goes along with being labeled a racist. In either case, his playing of the race card helps him avoid having to address the issue at hand… which is that Democrats like him are responsible for the influx in subprime loans that is now destroying the global economy.
In another recent example, they’re calling Sarah Palin a "racist" for bringing up Obama’s Connections to Domestic Terrorist and Homicide Advocate, William Ayers:
"By claiming that Democrat Barack Obama is "palling around with terrorists" and doesn’t see the U.S. like other Americans, vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin targeted key goals for a faltering campaign.
And though she may have scored a political hit each time, her attack was unsubstantiated and carried a racially tinged subtext that John McCain himself may come to regret…."
In this case, not only are Obama Supporters completely bypassing the need to address Obama’s connections to Terrorists, they are also asserting that mere criticism of Obama is "racism" simply because Obama happens to be black! So does that mean that when Obama is president, people will be afraid to hold him accountable because the organ of Liberal Fascism, the Associated Press, will label his critics "racists?"
In the polls, which are still interviewing 50% more Democrats than Republicans in order to give Obama a lead, it’s no surprise that Obama is still leading. If we are to believe those polls regardless of their proven deliberate bias towards Obama, it would seem that Obama is going to win the election. The liberal fascist poll manipulation in and of itself would be meaningless were it not for the fact that its purpose is to sway the vote in one direction or another. This was precisely the point behind polls in swing states which asserted that Democrats in voting in the primary for Clinton and who intend to vote for John McCain were doing so because they were racists.
In bringing up this point, the purpose of the poll is to in effect, "guilt trip" Democrats who’re turning away from their ever leftward leaning party and moving more towards the middle of the road moderate that is John McCain. Nobody wants to be called a racist even if it isn’t true because the mere accusation carries such a stigma that the lack of guilt is irrelevant. It isn’t that democrats want the party to move back to the center, assert liberals, it’s that they’re racists for not voting for a black man who wants the party to move ever leftward.
Fascism has many avenues and manifestations. But the single thing that ties all fascist tactics together is the shutting down of real debate, the suppression of free speech, and the intimidation of the Opposition. All of these things are present in the Democratic Party of today.
Filed Under: = BREAKING NEWS =, News & Politics
October 7th, 2008 at 7:03 pm
Haha! This just llike every democrats hating website and tv station. They say that dems are the cause of the financial crisis we are facing now. Oh and about the polls. Even you beloved Fox News which is EXTREMELY biased show that Obama is winning. Why are republidumbs always crying and using dirty tactics to get their point across. Quit crying and face up to the fact your party is flawed and needs to be removed from office!
October 7th, 2008 at 7:41 pm
Gee… another liberal idiot comment that avoids the subject matter because liberalism has no answer for the mess they created in 1978.
October 7th, 2008 at 7:44 pm
This is deja vu Carlos… it seems like this discussion has occured before.

But yeah, Asebes here just glossed over every supporting fact I presented and went straight for the assumptions, changes of subject, and prejudgement that makes up any common liberal argument.
This is why liberals do not understand the truth… they refuse to even look at it.
October 8th, 2008 at 4:16 pm
Barfy is full of crap! He is playing the race card just to get eyes off him for being THE CAUSE of Fanny and Fae failing! I mean why the hell are we talking about race when ALL the dems ARE
repoNsible for voting AGAINST a bill in ‘03 and ‘05 to regulate Fanny and Fae! Race has nothing to do with it for crying out loud! We have a black man running for presedent! SSHHHEESSHH! :{