Hey Obama, lots of liberals listen to Rush Limbaugh and find out he’s not the enemy, is not brainwashing people, and actually gives "facts."
Posted by Kelsey G on Wednesday, September 24th, 2008 at 10:55 amNot long ago Carlos wrote a blog titled “Obama: Stop listening to conservative talk radio.” In the blog, Obama is quoted referring to Americans who listen to the “wrong” talk radio shows as “confused.” By “wrong,” Obama was referring to shows which had political ideologies which disagreed with his own. By “confused,” Obama was referring to people that know too much and are too well informed to EVER vote for him.
We received a lot of heated response to that blog and it generated roughly 30,000 unique visitors to the site over a period of a just a few days. It would appear that Carlos’ blog was “linked to” by one of more site s frequented by liberals and from the comments they left, they all seemed to believe they were “experts” on conservative talk radio. One thing that was apparent from their comments was that they hated conservative radio with a passion.
As a person that listens to a lot of radio programs throughout the day, both conservatives and liberal, I can say with clarity that many of the critics which visited Scoopthis had most likely never listened to an entire broadcast of shows like the Rush Limbaugh’s. They just hear negatively spun snippets about him from their talking heads and that’s enough for them. So much for independent thought… and they call me “brainwashed.”
I found this transcript excerpt from Rush Limbaugh’s show where one of his many liberal listeners called in to express his appreciation and his knowledge gained from actually listening to the show:”
RUSH: Mike in Maysville, Kentucky. Mike, welcome, I’m glad you waited. You’re next on the EIB Network, sir. Hello.
CALLER: Hi, Rush. How are you?
RUSH: Very well, sir. Thank you.
CALLER: Wonderful. First of all, real quick point, I’d like to apologize to you, sir. I have been a lifelong Democrat all my life, and this election was very important to me — and under the old axiom, keep your friends close and keep your enemies closer, I decided to listen to you and a couple other hosts. You are very… I like you. And, quite frankly, it comes to find out you’re not my enemy. We may disagree on certain social issues, but you give me the facts and I check ‘em out and you are absolutely right.
RUSH: Thank you, sir, very much. That’s very big of you.
CALLER: Kudos to you, and I never thought I’d say that. I have listened to sound bites of you, sir, and come to find out they were all taken out of context, and that’s not fair.
RUSH: No, but it’s the way the game’s played. The left can’t defeat you in the arena of ideas –
CALLER: I understand.
RUSH: — they try to discredit people and that’s it.
CALLER: I understand. It works both ways, on both sides, but since you are, you know, a figure, it seems that they come after you more. And it wasn’t fair. So I do like to apologize, but that isn’t the reason why I called. It’s one of the reasons. The reason why I called is because of the poll yesterday that seems to be that I’m a white Democrat — a lifelong Democrat, a very old Democrat — who is married to a black woman from Mississippi who is extremely liberal, and neither one of us are going to vote for Obama.
RUSH: Well, I know what you mean. I’ve got a time problem here and I can’t move the break. I don’t mean to be rude, but that was a poll AP, ripping white Democrats as one-third of them racist ’cause they won’t vote Obama. The Philadelphia Daily News has done it today. I’ve got it in the Stack.
I hope this transcript will demonstrate to some of those people that commented here that there is value in listening to both sides of a story rather than just accepting your leadership’s command to avoid opposing views. I encourage each and every one of you to tune into a single 3 hour broadcast of the Rush Limbaugh Show and give him a shot. You may not agree with him throughout the broadcast but I suspect that the experience will be enjoyable and you might actually realize he and people like him are not such the bad guys your politicians want you to think that they are.
For station information, click here. His show is on from 11am to 2pm CST every weekday.
And please, don’t presume to think that I’ll care about your comments regarding conservative radio unless you have actually listened to a broadcast of Limbaugh, who is the “King” of conservative radio. It will be quite obvious to me if you’ve never listened to him so don’t even try. There’s nothing more annoying and ironic than having someone make statements about me being brainwashed based only on evidence that they have heard second hand and not verified for themselves.
Filed Under: News & Politics
When will this months stats come out? I want see how many hits we got form the liberal sheep.
I don’t know about monthly stats. We get daily stats. Then again, I’ve only recently been set up to receive the statistics so maybe I just haven’t gotten a monthly summary yet.
We will get the monthly stats next week.
I think the stats are going to be huge, and August was a great starting month for us.
Maybe in a few months STO will be on a liberal sites hit list
I heard that segment yesterday on the show.
The exact demographic Obama’s campaign is targeting - lifelong Democrats in a bi-racial marriage - who have a beautiful life story, are voting for… McCain.
Oh yeah, I almost completely forgot about the bi-racial thing in that transcript. I was more focused on the fact that a liberal, like many liberals that call Limbaugh’s show, actually enjoys listening to Limbaugh!
It flies in the face of many of the comments we received on your last blog on the subject.
When Democrats actually listen to Rush, they find out the real skinny now don’t they?
The libs fear him…because he has a huge audience and he is armed with great knowledge and common sense. He points out the silliness of liberals on a daily basis.
I did try to listen to him a few times, many years ago. He was a loudmouthed, presumptuous and slanderous idiot. Maybe the drug addiction chilled him out!
“I did try to listen to him a few times, many years ago. He was a loudmouthed, presumptuous and slanderous idiot. Maybe the drug addiction chilled him out!”
Listen to a whole show, two if you have to. He may not change your mind about the issues but he’ll change your mind about himself. I’m sure of it. Especially after you hear him say something mild that the media takes out of context in order to turn into a gaff. Then you’ll see that a lot of anti-Limbaugh hatred on the left is based upon distortion and ignorance.
I listened to enough to find him intelligent, but still despicable. You guys think I’m just repeating crap that I’ve heard Party Loyalists say, but that can’t be further from the truth. The only party loyalist that I know is my wife, and she gets peeved when I say anything bad about Obama.
I just apparently don’t agree with you on anything but racists sucking and Megan Fox’s hotness.
I’m glad you at least recognized that he’s intelligent. We have come to expect a lot less from liberals about how they view people with ideas different than theirs.
You’ve got to listen to Rush, he is THE Spinmeister. It was a treat to listen to Rush spin Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac lobbyist Rick Davis, and McCain campaign manager, to make it look like Davis had no connection to his firm. Rush is nothing more but an entertainer. I feel sorry for the fools that take his word as gospel.
Verify what Rush is saying. When I am inspired to blog about a topic he’s talked about on his show, I conduct independent research and have rarely found the info he gives to be lacking. Just because it’s inconvenient for the political party you support, doesn’t mean it’s not true.
Anyone who believes any racist bull shit that comes out of Rush’s big stupid fat mouth is also an idiot. As far as Rush being a Christian give me a fucking break! He is the epitome of sensational journalism and all you sheep think he is doing it for the good of the country. Get real. He is doing it for the money! More than a few million! Isn’t gluttony a sin?? I am so sick of the so called right wing calling them selves Christians. They hide behind the bible principles but are nothing but hat mongers, war mongering bigots. The religious right is are the dividers of this country! Their new motto if you are not like us you are against us.
Yeah, Rush sure is a hat monger. He stole my new Phillies cap!
“if your not like us your against us” liberals already took that motto. sorry
All I can say is Rush’s show ROCKS! Ir is FULL of nothing but TRUTH! The liberals claim he is a loudmouth but you need to check out what he is ACTUALLY saying you dummies!
Fringe minority neoliberal neosocialist neocommunist anti-freedom Democrat loudmouths are notorious for lying about those who tell the truth, not to mention notorious for attacking those who they do not agree with.
The irrationally partisan closedminded rant from rebeckah further underscores that point
“form the liberal sheep” do you mean from the liberal sheep? C’mon liberals only listen to Rush so they know the latest hate speech he’s spewing. Many, many people listen to Rush not because they like what he’s saying. In order to debate people you have to hear their views even if they are hateful, racist, sexist, or just plain stupid.
And hey, why don’t you consider conservatives “right winged sheep?”. Conservatives aren’t any more objective than liberals. People gravitate to the side that speaks to them the loudest.
Moreover, I’d be concerned about listening to an drug addict. Are they the pills talking or the man.? He needs to get more exercise too. He’s starting to look more like “a certain animal” every time I see a picture of him.
Mrs. Wasp ;-),
It’s easy to dismiss something if you call it “hate speech,” isn’t it? It’s also easy to dismiss yourself from alternative viewpoints if you think the “alternatives” are “hate speech.” That’s why politicians and pundits who get paid much more than you and I (maybe) are keen to refer to Rush Limbaugh in the way that they do. Comments like that from these people which are now repeated by individuals like yourself, are in effect, an effort to scare Americans away from having views that might be counter to the goals of the Democrat Party. Such allegations toward Limbaugh, however successful in spreading they might be, are simply untrue in most cases.
It is clear to me from your post that you haven’t taken the time to listen to him in an objective manner… if at all. You’re just repeating the same rather untrue rhetoric that his political opponents have given and you’ve blindly accepted every word of it as fact without investigating for yourself.
I can tell the difference between someone who disagrees with Limbaugh based upon what they’ve actually heard him say in context, while listening directly to HIS show… and someone who’s based their opinion on what others have told them to think based upon misquotes and out-of-context soundbytes. I am confident that if you actually turned on Limbaugh’s show and opened your mind (which doesn’t mean agreeing necessarily), you would come away with a different view of where he’s coming from whether you actually agreed with him or not.
How safe is the first amendment when simply dubbing something “hate speech” (whether it is or not) will result in millions of people dismissing an opposing political viewpoint without ever listening to it for themselves?