Fox News refuses to run “Bill Ayers” ad!
Posted by Carlos C. on Friday, August 22nd, 2008 at 4:33 pmScoop This posted this ad yesterday.
Fox News is refusing to air this ad during it’s prime time programming:
However, this ad will run on MSNBC during the Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews shows.
Breaking News…
UPDATE 1: CNN is also refusing to air the ad!
UPDATE 3: Fox News is caving to the liberal idiots over at Think Progress. As Scoop This reader Karen Swanson correctly points out in the comments section, Fox News did run the wrong ad during Shepard Smith’s show earlier today. However, this ad is legitimate, and it is factually correct!
Also, the liberal idiots at the Huffington Post think that this ad violates election law. The conservative group American Issues Project has agreed to release the names of all of its monetary donors and prove that this ad does not violate election law.
UPDATE 4: Media Bistro
CNN, FNC Reject Ayers Ad
The Associated Press’ Jim Kuhnhenn writes about a new ad from the American Issues Project aimed at Sen. Barack Obama.
The ad focuses on Obama’s relationship with William Ayers, a founder of the Weather Underground.
But don’t expect to see the ad on your cabler anytime soon — Kuhnhenn writes the ad was rejected by Fox News, and The New York Times’ Jim Rutenberg reports that CNN rejected the ad as well.
“Fox News Channel said Thursday night that it would not accept the advertisement amid questions about its legality,” writes Rutenberg. “That raised the possibility that other stations and networks could have similar issues, but Mr. Pinkston said he was confident the advertisement would have healthy exposure in the two states. CNN also said it turned the group down, citing a ban on negative advertisements from outside groups during the party conventions.”
Hopefully Fox News will air the ad when all legal issues are resolved.
I also hope CNN will run the ad after the conventions.
Filed Under: = BREAKING NEWS =, News & Politics
August 22nd, 2008 at 4:43 pm
I am shocked that Fox News would pass on this advert.
However, I am NOT surprised that Clinton News Nutwork would pass on this advert, seeing how they are in the tank for Osama.
But what REALLY shocked me is that that advert will even AIR on Most Soitenly Nuthin’ But Crap, LET ALONE during No-Balls with Chris NO-BALLS Matthews, and Countdown to Socialism with Keith AllBullshitMan.
August 22nd, 2008 at 4:46 pm
haha, good one, los!! funny thing is, not sure if you saw it, but when fox was covering the housing back and forth between obama and mccain (on how many houses mccain doesn’t know he has and obama’s rezko thing), they were interviewing a mccain person in sedona and she went to air the ad mccain fired back with on the housing issue, and she accidentally aired THIS ONE on AYERS!! lmao. so we saw it in full, but by accident.
August 23rd, 2008 at 10:17 am
Shame on FOX News, and f*** Keith Olberman, that loser. BTW the Breitbart news chick is smoking….how come you cannot meet conservative ladies like that around?