New McCain ad: “Week”
Posted by Carlos C. on Wednesday, October 1st, 2008 at 7:08 pmJohn McCain was the only Presidential candidate to come back to Washington D.C. on his own accord. And now, he gets bragging rights. McCain showed leadership in a time of crisis and lived up to his campaign promise and life commitment - Country First.
Also, McCain came back to Washington D.C. to work and get this financial deal through, while the Democrats played games with the vote, and Barack Obama proved why he is not ready to lead.
Hat Tip: Hot Air
Filed Under: News & Politics
October 1st, 2008 at 8:08 pm
We need a Republican leader who blames who caused this mess….the Democrats.
Wake up John.
October 2nd, 2008 at 9:42 am
The blame game is juvenile and should be left to those who are legally allowed to behave as such. children. There are several contributing factors to our current financial state. You may want to investigate laws past a few years ago involving the financial institutions. I’ll let you have the joy of discovery as you connect the dots. the last three presidents allowed some things to go into law that should never have been allowed.
another warning about pork barreling.
October 2nd, 2008 at 12:05 pm
I used to think that the blame game was juvenile…but I flip-flopped…to me the republicans need to start naming names and blameing…because the democrats have taken the game to a whole new level! I will always think that is why Bush is so low rated because he takes all the blame with no rebuttal! He should have come out in his defense many times! I know Bush has done some crazy mess but he has also so done some wonderful stuff… why am I talking about Bush??? haha totally off topic…sorry! It is sad but the public does listen to that stupid media….
McCain has shown that he puts Country First!! Go McCain!!