Posts Tagged ‘RNC’

New RNC ad: “Chicago Way”

Posted by Carlos C. on Friday, October 10th, 2008 at 5:07 am

Every one knows about convicted criminal Tony Rezko and terrorist William “Bill” Ayers.

William Daley and the Daley family are pretty much the “Chicago Machine”. The late Richard J. Daley, father to 7 children including William Daley, was “the last big city boss”. He used his positions as Chairman of Cook County and Mayor of Chicago to partake in corruption. It is safe to assume that William Daley will, and most likely has, taken after his father. William Daley sits on numerous boards, including: Boeing, Merck, & Co., Boston Properties, Loyola University Chicago, and the Council on Foreign Relations.

If you watched the debate last Tuesday, you may remember Tom Brokaw asking both Barack Obama and John McCain about who they will nominate as Secretary of Treasury. Both candidates said Warren Buffet, but that is just a smoke screen. William Daley is on Barack Obama’s short list for the Secretary of Treasury position, especially since William Daley used to work for the Amalgamated Bank of Chicago.

Hat Tip:
Hot Air (video)

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GOP will file fundraising complaint against Obama!

Posted by Carlos C. on Sunday, October 5th, 2008 at 3:41 pm

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Republican National Committee plans to file a fundraising complaint against Democrat Barack Obama’s presidential campaign Monday, alleging it has accepted donations that exceed federal limits as well as illegal contributions from foreigners.

RNC officials acknowledged Sunday that they do not have a list of foreign donors to Obama’s campaign. Instead, the complaint is based largely on media reports, including one from a conservative Web site.

The complaint asks the Federal Elections Commission to audit Obama’s campaign fund, RNC chief counsel Sean Cairncross said in a conference call with reporters.

Cairncross said little is known about many of Obama’s donors because the campaign is not required to disclose detailed information about people who give less than $200.

The Obama campaign, which is not accepting public funds, has raised more than $468 million. About half has come from small donors, a point of pride for the Obama campaign.

The Obama campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

This bears watching. Analysis to follow.

Breaking News…


UPDATE 1: JammieWearingFool has the entire story.

Instapundit reports:

I JUST GOT THIS EMAIL: “Republican National Committee (RNC) Chief Counsel Sean Cairncross will announce today a complaint that the RNC is filing with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) against the Obama campaign. The complaint will address foreign national and excessive contributions accepted by the Obama campaign that demonstrate it is operating outside of federal campaign finance law.”

That’s all the detail there is, and I can’t do the 1 pm conference call they’re announcing, but I assume it’s about this kind of thing. And this?

Do any of you know any gentlemen named Mr. Good Will and Mr. Doodad Pro? I am sure the people at Newsweek know.

What does this all mean? Barack Obama has been caught taking illegal campaign contributions. That is how you raise $200 million out of a record $468 million. I have known about this all week, but now I am glad the truth is busting out!

UPDATE 2: Barack Obama’s campaign might have participated in Internet fraud, according to Reuters.

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Tags: , GOP, illegal fundraising,
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New RNC ad: “Worse”

Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, September 30th, 2008 at 10:47 am

Honestly, can you afford new taxes? If you can, will you pay mine? Barack Obama wants to fund wasteful government programs and international funds with our money - $1 trillion of our money! But Obama says we will get a $1,000 tax refund. Nice. If you are a single person, that is enough for one month’s worth of living expenses.

As I have continuously posted, Obama’s tax increase plan is targeting entrepreneurs and small business owners. These business owners cannot afford to fund Obama’s proposed government programs. Doing so would mean that these business owners will have to fire employees, and perhaps curtail their business expenses, such as maintenance and company outings, in order to pay their taxes.

Hat Tip: Hot Air

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Rock Band "Heart" asks McCain campaign to stop using their song "Barracuda"

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Friday, September 5th, 2008 at 10:39 am

Heart first started demanding that the campaign stop using their song after it was first used in and around Sarah Palin’s speech. After McCain’s speech the next night, the song was played again during the after party.

In response, Heart’s Nancy Wilson had this to say:

“”I think it’s completely unfair to be so misrepresented, I feel completely f—ed over.”

I think Heart is overestimating the implications of their silly song being used at the convention. For one, Americans don’t care what bands or anyone else from the Hollywood crowd think about politics nor do they speculate or care what Heart might think of the McCain campaign.

Does Mrs. Wilson really believe that she’s helping the Obama campaign by becoming yet another member of Hollywood to stick her no more qualified than the average American’s two cents into this election? A word of advice for those in Hollywood who want to get their communist candidate elected: Stick to what you know which is sex, drugs, and acting… stay away from the press.

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