New RNC ad: “Chicago Way”
Posted by Carlos C. on Friday, October 10th, 2008 at 5:07 amEvery one knows about convicted criminal Tony Rezko and terrorist William “Bill” Ayers.
William Daley and the Daley family are pretty much the “Chicago Machine”. The late Richard J. Daley, father to 7 children including William Daley, was “the last big city boss”. He used his positions as Chairman of Cook County and Mayor of Chicago to partake in corruption. It is safe to assume that William Daley will, and most likely has, taken after his father. William Daley sits on numerous boards, including: Boeing, Merck, & Co., Boston Properties, Loyola University Chicago, and the Council on Foreign Relations.
If you watched the debate last Tuesday, you may remember Tom Brokaw asking both Barack Obama and John McCain about who they will nominate as Secretary of Treasury. Both candidates said Warren Buffet, but that is just a smoke screen. William Daley is on Barack Obama’s short list for the Secretary of Treasury position, especially since William Daley used to work for the Amalgamated Bank of Chicago.
Hat Tip: Hot Air (video)
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