John McCain goes after terrorist Bill Ayers!
Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, October 9th, 2008 at 4:22 pmYou are judged by the company you keep, and it is time to cast stones against the most unholy one, Barack Hussein Obama. The following are family members, close friends, and personal mentors.
Barack Hussein Obama Sr. - Obama’s father was an African socialist who mentored Obama through his mail correspondence.
Stanley Ann Dunham - Obama’s mother was a 1960’s liberal feminist, rebellious radical.
Frank Marshall Davis - Obama’s childhood mentor and member of the Communist Party. Davis was a former “community organizer” in Chicago and exposed Obama to his rants about white supremacy and white Christianity, as well as exposed Obama to his pro-Soviet writings.
Saul Alinsky - Socialist community organizer. The “king” of social activism. Author of the book, “Rules for Radicals.”
John L. McKnight - Former ACLU director. A board member of the National People’s Action (NPA), a leftist community organizing group. Professor at Northwestern University. Wrote a letter of recommendation to Harvard for Obama.
Reverend Jeremiah Wright - Mentored Obama for 20 years at Trinity United Church of Christ with black liberation theology, which is a mix black religion and Marxist philosophy.
Reverend Jim Wallis - Founder of Sojourners magazine, which is critical of capitalism, American foreign policy, and expresses support for socialism and socialist governments. Joined the group “Witness for Peace”, which supported a Marxist revolutionary guerilla group, FMLN, and the Sandinista regime in Nicaragua. Created Call to Renewal in 1995, a Socialist religious group.
Father Michael Pfleger - He has received hundreds of thousands of dollars in earmarks and foundation grants from Obama and has contributed to Obama’s multiple political campaigns. As a Catholic Christian myself, Father Pfleger has no business taking earmarks.
William Ayers - As part of the Weathermen Underground leftist terrorist group, he bombed police stations, the Capitol Building, and the Pentagon. Served for six years on the Chicago Annenberg Challenge board with Obama.
Bernardine Dohrn - Another unrepentant Weatherman Underground terrorist. She has a criminal record for her actions in 1960’s and 1970’s, including declaring war on America. She is now an adjunct professor at Northwestern University. (What the hell? How do you go from a terrorist to a professor? The same goes for Bill Ayers.)
ACORN - Barack Obama’s Developing Communities Project and his “Project VOTE” campaign worked closely with ACORN. ACORN officials have been accused and convicted of voter fraud. ACORN has an agenda to register voters who vote for liberals.
There are about another 15 names on the list, including Tony Rezko, convicted slum lord in Chicago.
Socialist, communist, and fascist leaders and terrorist groups that support Barack Obama include:
Hugo Chavez, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Fidel Castro, HAMAS, Party of European Socialists, Marxist FARC terrorist organization, Louis Farrakhan, Democratic Socialists of America, and Communist Party USA, among many others.
This is not “guilty by association”. These radicals, racists, criminals, terrorists, and murderers have all had a substantial influence on Barack Obama’s early childhood education, college education, employment opportunities, and political career. At one time or another, they have all had Obama’s ear.
I know many people will laugh off this blog. Many people will call me a racist. Many people will ignore this blog altogether, but all I offer is the truth. This is the truth the media will not report on. This is the reason why conservative blogs exist - to expose the truth.
Filed Under: News & Politics
October 9th, 2008 at 4:44 pm
Why is a known terrorist and radical like Bill Ayers any where near our educatoinal system?
Inquiring minds want to know….
Oh that’s right our educational system is radical and leftist….anti capitalism….
October 9th, 2008 at 8:35 pm
Tess you said it!

That last sentence, You Go Girl! I totally agree!
I was talking to my Doctor today about who he was voting for and luckily he said for McCain. I talked of all I read on line and he had no idea of a ton of things I’ve read in blogs! He didn’t even know about McCain and Busch warning the congress this was going to happen to Fanny an Mae if not regulated! Not very many know of ALL of nobama’s evil doings or they just put a blindfold over there eyes and follow nobama.
I just keep trying to figure out those Damn left media. I mean they have GOT to know about this shit! Don’t ya think?:(
What are they helping alqueda? HeeHee (I’m starting to get a little paranoid)
When (I’m praying to The Lord Almighty) McCain is elected what
about the riots that may happen?
IF nobama is elected I’ll pray PLEASE, Jesus please Lord come get those of us who have accepted you savior.
I apologize for writing a book.
October 9th, 2008 at 11:25 pm
And in addition, this might further help explain Stanley Ann Dunham’s decision to send Barack to Indonesia to attend that school whilst she hid her radical activities from him and us.
October 10th, 2008 at 9:33 pm
HUH? Brian Mora Maybe I just don’t remember reading her name.
hhhmmm Who is Ann Dunham, I don’t remember?
October 11th, 2008 at 1:38 am
Ann is Barack’s mom.