Barack Obama is a terrorist!
Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, October 9th, 2008 at 8:04 pmI mean, President Bush is a terrorist.
Liberals were free to mock President Bush as a terrorist and the liberal media said nothing.
But as soon as Conservatives say Barack Obama is a terrorist…
…the liberal media turn into ravenous jackasses in defense of their Messiah!
As Kelsey and I have highlighted today on our previous blogs, Barack Obama has ties to Socialists, terrorists, and murderers. Neither Barack nor Michelle Obama believe that these connections are important.
Scoop This disagrees.
Hat Tips: Gateway Pundit and JammieWearingFool
Filed Under: News & Politics
October 9th, 2008 at 8:22 pm
I’m starting to think some bush derrangement sydrome sufferers just see Republicans as some kind of motiveless villan like Skeletor from He-Man. According to what I’ve seen coming from their mouths, it seems like their impression of our motives are to cause pure evil with the only benefit being, evil itself.
Had they the independent ability to actually examine our way of seeing things and our real motives with an open mind, perhaps they’d actually have a better understanding of who we are and how we only want the best for ourselves, our children, and our Country. Instead they reduce us to insults, jeers, and bumper sticker slogans.
October 9th, 2008 at 8:35 pm
To answer this stupid videographer/documentarian’s answers:
1. Sarah Palin was a governor and mayor of Wasilla, Alaska.
2. Sarah Palin has experience with dealing with the economy, energy independence, war, foreign relations, etc. just by being a governor and mayor.
3. Sarah Palin I’ve heard about long before she was announced. Barack Obama didn’t become a household name till 2004 when he spoke at the DNC and Howard Dean and other Democrats thought someone as power-hungry and ambitious as him would be a spokesman for the Left and a potential-presidential pick. They had a female presidential nominee but drove over her with the bus and decided a inexperienced black man was a better pick; a man tied to a corrupt Chicago fog machine, a man tied to a unrepentent terrorist, a man tied to a voter-fraud-organization called Acorn, a man who is the more liberal than Ted Kennedy.
4. Obama himself might not be a terrorist but when you are friends with a former terrorist and you have murderous dictators and Hezbollah and Hamas and even Al Qaeda all hoping Obama will become president it becomes clearer and clearer that terrorists and violent regimes love pussyish-Democrats
October 10th, 2008 at 1:31 am
It’s always very telling when blog entries like these lack any semblance of the flood of comments the usual deniers. Could it be that you made a damned good point Los? Bravo Sir.
October 10th, 2008 at 12:14 pm
god i want to punch that camera man in the mouth
October 10th, 2008 at 12:20 pm
The media seems to be running with these stories but the Camera man was talking to people in the parking lot, not at the actual rally. I’m sure he showed up at the rally and started looking for those types of people actively without showing that they were the minority.
The media is being very irresponsible in their handling of this issue.
October 10th, 2008 at 10:08 pm
I don’t know about the media Kelsey. They seem to be so blindly

following assombamo. As Los put it they are blind and deaf. HeeHee
As for the cameramen. I just don’t understand how someone can be so unAmerican.
Remember not EVERYONE has a laptop or computer. I didn’t realize that until yesterday when I had an appt with my doctor and I asked him who he was voting for and he said McCain. I was “Thank you” and he said no “No, Thank you”! I’ve known him for a while. I told him of everything I read on the internet and he was like “tell me more”. The only GOOD media was when he listened to Sean Hannity! HAHA But he still had never heard a couple things I told him.
Cole, let me tell ya, you KNOW Sarah don’t you! HeeHee
Oh yea Los, was that pic of Bush with the Hitler mustache real?I mean someone did this? Well there was this fat ugly beeyatch
wearing that stupid ass T-shirt. LOL