Run, Barack, run!
Posted by Carlos C. on Monday, October 20th, 2008 at 7:57 pmHalloween display aims for ’shock value’
Democratic backer sends message by showing McCain, in KKK robe, chasing Obama
CATHARINE — Ron Havens has a reputation for provocative Halloween displays that reflect his strong political views.
But even Havens was pretty sure his latest effort was over the top. That didn’t stop him from setting it up in plain sight anyway.
Havens, who lives on Schuyler County Route 15 (Ridge Road) just south of Odessa, this week set up a Halloween display featuring mannequins that look like Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and Republican rival John McCain.
But the Obama figure looks like he is running, and the McCain likeness is dressed in the hooded robe of the Ku Klux Klan and is carrying a baseball bat.
Havens is quick to point out he is a liberal and a big supporter of Obama, and that the scene is meant to provoke thought about the way he believes Obama has been unfairly treated by the McCain campaign.
“I figured it would be equally offensive to everyone. It’s just for shock value,” Havens said. “McCain has been rabble-rousing, calling Obama a terrorist and a Muslim. The McCain campaign has gotten so ugly. That’s what the message is. I can see how people could take this the wrong way. I’m not advocating anything. It’s sarcasm.”
The McCain campaign has not called Barack Obama a terrorist, nor a Muslim. However, Barack Obama’s connection to domestic terrorist Bill Ayers should be questioned. Bill Ayers is not just a terrorist, but an unapologetic Socialist, and has influenced Barack Obama for at least 15 years, if not, longer. If John McCain was Bill Ayers friend, McCain would not even be the nominee at the moment.
Ron Havens says that he is just advocating sarcasm. However, Havens is advocating stupidity. It is funny how stupidity and liberalism are synonymous with one another. Nevertheless, liberals, seeing as they have no intellect, nor a viable plan on how to win on any important issue, must resort to implementing the race card. Perhaps the election on November 4th is not a formality or a coronation after all.
Filed Under: News & Politics
October 20th, 2008 at 9:28 pm
The fact is Barry was never vetted. He is a weak choice and because of this….the media and the Obama camp resort to incessant personal attacks and play the race card at every turn.
It is quite tiresome.
October 20th, 2008 at 11:15 pm
I wonder if Obama will “denounce” him like he asked McCain to “denounce” his more rowdy supporters?
October 21st, 2008 at 1:17 am
“unapologetic Socialist” Is this another stunt by the McLame supporters to try and get ahead in the race? I am sorry, but please drive your policies, and do not show how bitter and childish you are. Please if you want to look intelligent I say to both parties shut up your VP’s. I would have loved to hear McLames policies, but he is stuck in attack mode. It is sad. Rush Limbaugh is also an idiot for saying Powell’s endorsement was strictly about race. He should not be respected, and should stfu, and not try to make his opinions into facts.
October 21st, 2008 at 1:44 am
:::Sarcasm::: OH NO! Another Liberal came here to insult us using curse words and this one even uses a play on word’s with McCain’s name! Allow me to forget everything I know about the world including my education and ability to think for myself and convert to the ignorant cause of liberalism. :::/Sarcasm:::
Regarding Limbaugh, you have no idea what you’re talking about. Limbaugh is your enemy just like we are your enemy. When you see people that way, you have absolutely no chance of understanding them in a rational way.
Also, Barrack Obama is a socialist. If you can’t understand that, you don’t know what socialism is.
October 21st, 2008 at 8:48 am
Even if he WAS a socialist, just as if he was a Muslim, he doesn’t HAVE to apologize for that. We have reached a point where people have such freedoms. Hell, I can be an anarchist, and if I am not breaking the law, I don’t have to apologize for shit. Remember, “it’s a free country?” Jesus.
October 21st, 2008 at 11:13 am
I think it would be more appropriate to have Obama in Black Liberation robes of African tribal colors chasing McCain with a “God Damn America, you gave me AIDS” sign.
But who wants the REAL shockers when making them up is so much more convenient for liberals?