Joe Biden is not front-page news.
Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, October 21st, 2008 at 12:53 pm
The New York Post reports:
Joe Biden warned that America’s enemies would test Barack Obama with an international crisis within six months if he’s elected president - a shocking comment John McCain eagerly pounced on yesterday to claim Obama isn’t ready to be commander-in-chief.
Yes, if Sarah Palin said something similar, such as, “John McCain’s age will cause an international crisis.”, this would be front-page news. However, the liberal media elite are shielding Barack Obama and his campaign from any more scrutiny for the next two weeks, so stories such as this will not be front-page news. These stories will not even have a blurb on the back page of any newspaper.
Unfortunately for Barack Obama, the liberal cable news networks and newspapers now have no choice but to cover this story and spin some damage control. I can almost guarantee that Joe Biden will not appear in many public events in the waning days of the election. Also, just to make this more interesting, Joe Biden’s medical records, such as his brain scan records, will not be released. Joe Biden has had two brain aneurysms.
Hat Tip: Hot Air
Filed Under: News & Politics
October 21st, 2008 at 1:38 pm
If Biden’s health is in question, I greatly fear the possibility that Obama would have the opportunity to appoint a replacement VP without having to put his choice through the scrutiny of the Electorate. Who would he pick under such circumstances?
October 21st, 2008 at 9:49 pm
In response to Kelsey Golden; I’m pretty sure Biden’s health is definitely in question. At least his mental health appears to be. Maybe Obama could hire Tom Eagleton to replace Biden? Since he’s not available (died in 2007), maybe George McGovern is available?
October 21st, 2008 at 9:56 pm
I have to hand it to McGovern,
He’s running Ads denouncing his own party right now for supporting a bill which takes away the secret ballot in union elections. I’m suprised it isn’t getting more attention but I got it, I’ll blog about it! Stay Tuned!
October 22nd, 2008 at 2:43 pm
Well this pisses me off! This is the FIRST time I’ve heard of Biden’s 2 aneurysms! This does NOT surprise me with our biased
liberal media! I USED TO THINK the media was supposed to show both sides! I watch the news NO MORE. If i do I take with a grain of salt!
They question McCain’s age? He has a perfectly healthy, what is it, 93 year old mother! He has BEATEN skin cancer!
Biden could have a stroke or worse die then who will obama pick? Bill Ayers? HAH! I don’t think so!!!!!!!!!!! Even after a stroke Biden would never be in his RIGHT mind to be VP!