Hugh Hefner wants Sarah Palin in Playboy!

Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, September 25th, 2008 at 4:52 pm

Schnitt Show

Hugh Hefner wants Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin to pose naked in Playboy magazine - if her White House campaign fails.

The 44-year-old Alaska Governor and former beauty queen has a huge male following - and Hefner is convinced the magazine would fly off the shelves if she agreed to strip for him.

Hefner tells America’s OK! magazine, “Palin would make a great centerfold. I don’t know what it is, but there’s something about a really sexy-looking woman wearing glasses. Imagine what she’s like when those glasses come off. It would be a new definition of the word vice in vice president.”


This should earn Scoop This another “Dude” from AllahPundit.

Honestly, I would buy a copy of Playboy with Sarah Palin as the centerfold. Sorry, ladies. I am a bit of a chauvinist. Hey, at least I admit it! That should earn me some brownie points. Right?

(3 Ratings)

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Filed Under: Entertainment, Humorous, News & Politics

11 Responses to “Hugh Hefner wants Sarah Palin in Playboy!”

  1. Heather Says:

    I agree the woman is absolutely stunning, however it’s also her modesty that attracts most people. She is an all-American girl, and while Hefner has the legal right to do what he does, is it moral? Palin promotes morality, not just brains with beauty. Being a woman, I would have a hard time with my husband lusting after other women, however like I said, she is a gorgeous beauty.

  2. Says:

    There’s no low that Hefner won’t sink to. I hope Palin gives him a good smack upside the head if she ever sees him.

  3. lonestar Says:

    Bet that would make Pam Anderson and Lindsay Lohan feel like someone had seriously pissed in their Cheerios…

    But don’t do it, Sarah! There are enough sluts running around, we don’t need to contribute anymore to the problem. Its better to have brains, beauty, AND character.

  4. Says:

    I agree with Carlos, I would find a way to get a copy of that. She should pose, a modest one. It will still be clean and advertise McCain

  5. Says:

    Palin is a Conservative Lady that represents VALUES.

    Anyone who promotes this on behalf of Playboy and puts their own “LUST” ahead of “VALUES” is a fucking idiot when it comes to Conservative Principles.

    You guys should be ashamed of yourself for wanting to see a Mother, Wife and Representative of Family Values naked.

    What differentiates you from Liberals in his case? How low will the standards get before the bottom falls out.

    Who in the scriptures said where are the men of good judgment and values who could discern between right and wrong?

    Are there any Men of Israel that have strength of character left?

    - DocManJay

  6. lonestar Says:

    I would have to second Doc’s comment. He put that very eloquently. She IS a lady who conducts herself with dignity and represents the character that sets conservatives apart from the godless liberals. That is the most admirable thing about her.

  7. Martha Says:

    Hugh Hefner must be senile if he thinks that Sarah Palin would abandon her morals and values by losing in an election. What a putz.

  8. Martha Says:

    I meant just because she may have lost an election.

  9. Says:

    Sarah Palin in Playboy?

    You gotta be SHITTING me!

  10. Bonnie rabbit republican Says:

    The word is LADY folks. She wouldn’t pose for any such smut. Cookie shame on you for letting your chauvinist show.

    I will forgive you this time. She really is a very attractive lady. that’s enough now boys doc is right and you are all intelligent enough to know it. Put it back in your pants.

  11. Lethe Says:

    Being on playboy doesn’t make her a slut.

    “You guys should be ashamed of yourself for wanting to see a Mother, Wife and Representative of Family Values naked.”
    my question is, how? it’s her choice. not saying that she would.

    in case you havn’t been exposed. being a model/pornstar is a respectful career. they aren’t treated differently by the film or acting industry. how they pursue their personal lives is a different subject.

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