Posts Tagged ‘Playboy’

Hugh Hefner wants Sarah Palin in Playboy!

Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, September 25th, 2008 at 4:52 pm

Schnitt Show

Hugh Hefner wants Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin to pose naked in Playboy magazine - if her White House campaign fails.

The 44-year-old Alaska Governor and former beauty queen has a huge male following - and Hefner is convinced the magazine would fly off the shelves if she agreed to strip for him.

Hefner tells America’s OK! magazine, “Palin would make a great centerfold. I don’t know what it is, but there’s something about a really sexy-looking woman wearing glasses. Imagine what she’s like when those glasses come off. It would be a new definition of the word vice in vice president.”


This should earn Scoop This another “Dude” from AllahPundit.

Honestly, I would buy a copy of Playboy with Sarah Palin as the centerfold. Sorry, ladies. I am a bit of a chauvinist. Hey, at least I admit it! That should earn me some brownie points. Right?

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