McCain camp making news in the morning?

Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, October 9th, 2008 at 2:47 am

Jonathan Martin on reports:

McCain camp making news in the morning

On what, they won’t say.

“We’ll have something to talk about,” is all a campaign aide would allow.

Check back again in this space or over on our front-page in the morning.

Ace at ACE OF SPADES HQ speculates the following:

1. John McCain could announce he has chosen Mitt Romney as his Secretary of Treasury and Rudy Giuliani as the Attorney General.

2. The McCain campaign could bring up Barack Obama’s ACORN association. Voter fraud would nearly demolish Obama’s campaign.

3. On, someone sold off a lot “Obama bets” around 8:30pm last night. I do not know what this means exactly, but maybe someone thinks that Barack Obama will not win the election.

4. An American Thinker article speculates that someone helped write Barack Obama’s book, Dreams From My Father. Bill Ayers?

Whatever it is, I hope it is interesting. I believe a combination of 1, 2, and 4 would really rock the election. However, the voter fraud news is the most plausible.

Stay tuned…

Hat Tip: Hot Air

UPDATE 1: The news could be about Barack Obama’s “New Party” association.

What is The New Party, you ask?

The New Party was designed as a loose confederation of unions, socialists, communists, and black activists who shared common values, but often had different goals.

The New Party is heavily rooted in Chicago politics.

JammieWearingFool reports:

In June sources released information that during his campaign for the State Senate in Illinois, Barack Obama was endorsed by an organization known as the Chicago “New Party”. The ‘New Party’ was a political party established by the Democratic Socialists of America (the DSA) to push forth the socialist principles of the DSA by focusing on winnable elections at a local level and spreading the Socialist movement upwards. The admittedly Socialist Organization experienced a moderate rise in numbers between 1995 and 1999. By 1999, however, the Socialist ‘New Party’ was essentially defunct after losing a supreme court challenge that ruled the organizations “fusion” reform platform as unconstitutional.

New Party members and supported candidates won 16 of 23 races, including an at-large race for the Little Rock, Ark., City Council, a seat on the county board for Little Rock and the school board for Prince George’s County, Md. Chicago is sending the first New Party member to Congress, as Danny Davis, who ran as a Democrat, won an overwhelming 85% victory. New Party member Barack Obama was uncontested for a State Senate seat from Chicago.

The McCain campaign has a full plate to choose from and destroy Obama’s campaign.

Will American voters listen or suddenly become mute and deaf?

UPDATE 2: asked yesterday if the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and MSNBC will question Barack Obama’s association and membership with The New Party.

(1 Ratings)

Filed Under: = BREAKING NEWS =, News & Politics

4 Responses to “McCain camp making news in the morning?”

  1. Says:

    sounds to me like they are smoking too much weed to pay attention!

  2. Kelsey Golden Says:


    Don’t get your hopes up. Whether it be voter fraud or communism, Democrats are immune to these kinds of attacks. Obama will respond with “it’s a lie” and the media will repeat his response as fact without investigating further and this tactic will work in Obama’s favor on election day. That’s what they’ve done with nearly every other legitimate criticism of Obama and it will work when they do it in response to McCain this time.

  3. Tess Says:

    I think a cabinet choice announcement would be great!
    Mitt and Rudy are pitbulls and need to be released in full glory.

    Rudy is another one who takes names and takes no prisoners.

    It would be a smart move because of subsequent interviews and opportunities to slam it nationwide ….

  4. A. Doddson Says:

    All this stuff needs to brought out in the open beforee the election. Obama is nothing but a lying muslim terrioest. and the American people need to know all this befor it is to late. Yes alot of Democrats would vote for who every is running on the Democrate ticket.because they are so stupid and don’t want to pay attion to the real issuse and vote for the party not the real man that needs to be in the office. We had enough lying goi9ng on when clinton was in office. We don’t need another lier in there.

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