I think I can say “thug thizzle”.

Posted by Carlos C. on Wednesday, October 8th, 2008 at 11:19 pm

I was checking out Michelle Malkin’s blog and read that she is being accused by some idiot at the Huffington Post of being a racist. Wow. A liberal calling a conservative “racist”? Original. Anyways, while covering the ACORN voting fraud scandal, Michelle Malkin quoted a homeless black guy saying, “I want him to do his thang. You know, do his thug thizzle.” Quoting a black man is racist? Apparently, the guy wants Barack Obama to win the presidency, and then “thizzle”.

The Obama campaign and liberals everywhere know that this scandal has the potential to destroy Barack Obama at the polls on November 4th. The only tactic the Obama campaign and liberals have left is to pull out the old race card. Why is it racist to want a scandal-free election?

Gateway Pundit has the latest on the scandal, including ACORN voter fraud in Missouri.

Hat Tip:
Michelle Malkin

Oh yeah, I can say “thug thizzle” because I am Puerto Rican. Silly liberal racist tactics do not apply to me because I am not “white”.

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2 Responses to “I think I can say “thug thizzle”.”

  1. Kelsey Golden Says:

    We can hope that voter fraud would turn the election but that’s only if the media actually gets their act together and blows the story up as big as it deserves to be.

    Voter Fraud is a SERIOUS issue especially in swing states where a handful of votes can decide the entire election. How long have we known about ACORN anyway? I think I’ve heard various forms of their fraud for several elections now.

    The media says very little about it and it is likely that this story will die just the same. Fascism is on the rise in this country so much so, that legitimate votes in democratic elections no longer matter.

    These are horrible turns of events and I hope things turn around quickly.


  1. I wish these people knew what racism is, but alas, I am forced to report on their ignorance | Right Voices

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