Liberals are stupid! (And heartless.)

Posted by Carlos C. on Wednesday, August 13th, 2008 at 6:58 pm

That’s not a headline. That’s the truth!

As Scoop This earlier reported, Arkansas Democratic party chairman, Bill Gwatney, was shot and killed today inside his office (Mr. Gwatney later died at the hospital.) Liberals are already blaming Rush Limbaugh and Fox News, as well as Sean Hannity and Michelle Malkin, for the slaying of Mr. Gwatney!

Liberals on Democratic Underground and Daily Kos are claiming that Mr. Gwatney was assassinated by a “right-winger”. No one even knows the identity of the killer or the motive for the shooting!

Liberals have no shame, no sense of decency, and no honor. Worst of all, they do not even have any compassion for Mr. Gwatney’s family. All they want to do is hurl accusations at the RIGHT with baseless claims.

Hat Tips
: Gateway Pundit and Stop The ACLU

(2 Ratings)

Filed Under: News & Politics

2 Responses to “Liberals are stupid! (And heartless.)”

  1. Says:

    The Wall Street Journal reported today that it was a German man and not a right wing loon, which I suspected the left would try and say it would be. If other media reported it, then they buried it.


  2. Spurwing Plover Says:

    The misery and suffering in africa is being cuased by the enviromentalists who dont want them to have clean running water or electricity or safe food they dont want them to be free of malaria and have used to lie spread by RACHEAL CARSONS book SILENT SPRING to push foward a complete ban on DDT which was not harming the birds THE GREENS ARE MASS MURDERERS

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