Liberal Fascism is Nothing New

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Friday, October 3rd, 2008 at 9:21 am

Lately, Scoopthis has been pointing out Obama’s suppressions of free speech, his cult following, the media’s refusal to challenge him, and his follower’s willingness to intimidate political dissidents through thug tactics. We are finding these things left and right despite Obama not even being President yet.

These tactics are nothing new with modern Liberals but certainly, are the most prominent in recent memory, in the Obama Campaign. As evidence of past Liberal Fascism, we need only step back to the Clinton White House where (as an example) Clinton used the IRS to audit his enemies:

Tuesday, April 23, 2002
An official with the Internal Revenue Service has admitted that legal opponents of former President Bill Clinton were singled out for tax audits, according to court documents made public this week.

From the News Max Article Archives

So we see another example of a liberal’s willingness to abuse Government Power and violate rule of law in order to protect their own political prospects. This illustrates the importance of why we need to demand more of our media to bring these issues to the front page. If the population is kept ignorant, if his followers are only told what they want to hear, we get closer to the day when this is no longer a "free" country.

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Tags: Clinton, ,
Filed Under: = BREAKING NEWS =, News & Politics

10 Responses to “Liberal Fascism is Nothing New”

  1. Carlos G. Says:

    i would agree that we should demand more of our media to bring issues to the forefront but to single out ‘liberals’ abuse of govt power and to suggest that they are the only ones responsible for this type of politics is ridiculous and moreover completely false.
    the population is not ‘kept ignorant’, they are ignorant. and by definition they are ignorant either by choice or an unwillingness to know the facts. both sides are guilty of telling their base what they want to hear, it’s what politicians do, but it’s up to us to discern fact from fiction which is only done through an unbiased lens.

  2. Says:

    Is your name really “Carlos G.”?

  3. Kelsey Golden Says:

    Carlos G.,

    I agree with you completely. But I ask you, where is this “unbiased lense?” It’s a given that politicians usually only say what people “want to hear.” What I was referring to when I said that though was the “media.” The media is telling Obama’s followers only what THEY want to hear and ignoring anything that might bring down the messiah.

    It’s the media’s job to be the “unbiased lense” that you speak of and they’re simply not doing it. The population may be ignorant but I believe that those who are “ignorant” are merely empty vessels that get filled with whatever information that is readily available. When the only readily available information is ignorance, it’s not suprising that the population is full of ignorance.

  4. Carlos G. Says:


    we could hash out real or perceived bias in the mass media for an eternity. the fact is that until corporate control over the mass media(ruppert murdoch) is relinquished, we as citizens should take matters into our own hands through reading various sources and maintaining a critical perspective on the media. this is akin to using what i like to call your ‘bullshit detector’. Some people have one, most people dont, which is unfortunate.

    Speaking of that bias, i assume you didnt come up with the term ‘messiah’ yourself. You denounce the media for its bias yet embrace its terminology. you cant have it both ways my friend…….in my opinion : )

  5. phillip p. Says:

    i think it was tricky dick nixon who got the whole irs audit thing going back in the 70’s with his “enemies list”. one of those prominent members, paul newman, just kicked it. oddly, when i click on the hyperlink in the opening entry of this thread about bill clinton and the irs, i find nothing tangible to support the accusations that surround it. the only thing that appears on my screen are links to websites that say they will help me pay my bills. but thanks for that helpful information. based on that, i’m, going to bookmark this amazingly insightful blog.

  6. jg Says:

    dude, man, that is crazy! i thought librals were the opposite of faxist! now i know. especially that example of auditing peoples taxes. that’s crazy ass fasist crazy man!
    makes torturing people, preemptive war, data mining, phone tapping, vote stealing, and all that other Bush republican stuff totally pale!
    thanks for the lernin! word!

  7. Kelsey Golden Says:

    JG: Ah moral equivalence and sarcasm… the Liberal’s medicine for ignoring wrong doing in their own party. But if it makes you feel smart… keep doing it.

    Phillip: I quoted the important part of that Article. There are numerous stories about it. What you choose to do with that information is up to you. Ignoring the truth doesn’t make it go away. Also, it appears that my sarcasm comment to JG applies to you was well. Way to think outside the liberal filter guys!

    Carlos G: Obama’s being called “Messiah” comes from people in the media who have never so much as pretended that they’re objective. I’m one of them if you want to call me a member of the “media.” When I speak of media bias, I’m talking about bias in the journalists who claim that they are objective… the AP writers, News Anchors, and the like. It’s the “objective” journalists that’re dangerous because those are the ones who sneek up on the ignorant with propaganda in a seemingly “unbiased” package.

  8. phillip p. Says:

    dude, you know it. those i.r.s. thugs even came after me–and i’m a liberal! okay, enough about that. i’m still dizzy trying to decipher the media bias definition. could you try that one more time?

  9. Says:

    If Rupert Murdoch is going to be cited as a person controlling the mass media, so should Ted Turner.

  10. Kelsey Golden Says:


    Maybe you’re a liberal because you don’t understand that there should be a difference between an op-ed and simply reporting news? We expect bias in Op-eds which are on the op-ed page, we do not expect bias on the front page. At present, things presented as “simply reporting news” more closely resemble the “op-eds.” I’m not picking on you, but I’m also not going to waste my time defining something that should be very obvious.

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