Obama Goon Squad targets Conservative blogs!
Posted by Carlos C. on Monday, September 29th, 2008 at 12:40 pmMacsmind blog is down!
It has been targeted by operatives of the Obama campaign.
MacRanger writes:
This is MacRanger of Macsmind. As you know I was hacked by operatives of the Obama Campaign last month. Well, it happened again. Basically they flooded the site with “sql bombs” according to the host that caused the shared server to stop running. Subsequently be had to disable the site. This had to do with running the “Obama wants to Disarm America” post which more than 2 million people viewed on the site. Just like the goons in Missouri, the Obama truthers can’t let the truth be known. I’ve now moved the blog back to blogspot at macsmind.blogspot.com at least temporally. Because of the hacking job I had to move to another host but unfortunately they haven’t got the server up yet to redirect the traffic to blogspot. I would appreciate a mention to your readers. I’m getting a couple of hundred emails about “what happened”, but as you can imagine it hard to get the word out by reply.
As MacRanger stated, the original Macsmind blog is on Word Press, however, the temporary Macsmind blog is on Blog Spot.
The Obama campaign operatives were targeting this video:
Also, ABC’s Political Punch blog seems to have joined the Goon Squad and they have been accused by Darke Blog of removing comments showing how Democrats are responsible for the economic crisis mess, and Darke Blog has overwhelming proof!
Here is a sample:
You can see that a link to Gateway Pundit’s blog was posted at 7:42pm on September 27th. The blog link posted is damning to Democrats.
Now, the blog comment is gone!
Missouri Governor Matt Blunt released a statement targeting Barack Obama’s Goon Squad, which includes state prosecutors and law enforcement officers that will arrest and prosecute anyone that spreads “lies” about Barack Obama.
Hope and change?
This is more like silence and totalitarianism.
Hat Tips: Gateway Pundit and Gateway Pundit
Filed Under: News & Politics
September 29th, 2008 at 12:53 pm
More liberal facism. Are we suprised?
September 29th, 2008 at 1:00 pm
There I go mispelling Fascism again… I can never spell that word right the first time.
September 29th, 2008 at 1:32 pm
Hey Gov Blunt, go for it…read my blogs and try to arrest me, I will kick your ass all the way back to St Louis!
September 29th, 2008 at 2:35 pm
go head Gov Blunt you your corrupt minions come on down and try arrest me. Barrack Obama is liberal piece of trash. His plans are flawed and he scum of the earth. If his squad of morons come after me, so be it.
To Liberal Freedom of speech is only freedom say what they agree with
September 29th, 2008 at 3:01 pm
Actually, Governor Blunt is against what Barack Obama is doing.
September 30th, 2008 at 2:10 am
This is Communism and KGB squad that Obama has working for him! The Obama America will be next because he already did it on his Podium before a Speech where they took off The United States Of America and changed it to OBAMA America!! This even got some of the left wing nuts upset. It’s a FACT and the Obama Campaign said they were just trying it out and it will never happen again. That’s a bunch of crap and we know it. Next will be us being forced to get Tattooed with that MUSLIM bastards name on our Foreheads or Hands and he can kiss my white ass!! Then you will be forced to learn the Koran and Burn your Bibles or be put in concentration camps. I hope the truth squad comes after me because they can’t touch me because Freedom of Speech is still aloud for the next few months and then if Obama gets in the it won’t be aloud!! By the way Obama your wife Michelle is one bucktoothed Ugly woman who hates our Country just like you!! Wake up people before it’s too late. He will also be banning guns and has been going after the NRA saying that there lying. Then why did his running mate Biden say he’ll never take my shotgun from me!! I will say I will give up my gun when you pry my cold dead fingers from it you Radical Muslim Racist piece of SHIT!!! Wake up before it’s too late People. He thinks he Muhammed and the king of the Muslims and World!! PETE
September 30th, 2008 at 10:31 am
Where they silence us in one place we must endure and find ways to keep the word passed. Let the information flow freely as our forefathers intended. Many have died to create this beautiful nation and the values it represents. Look about you all and pay heed. Once a foot is set upon the road towards apathy you will find someone will take what you never thought you could lose. Your voice. Endure fight and do not let even one you do not agree with be silenced. We must protect our freedoms against such attacks it is the duty we owe not our forefathers but our children and our neighbors children.
October 2nd, 2008 at 6:51 pm
Why is nobody holding this creep accountable for his crooked tactics? I guess he learned well in his time as a community organizer (rabble rouser) and senator. A conservative would be burned at the stake if he or she was even accused of such things!