Move America Forward targets Obama for meddling in Iraq.

Posted by Carlos C. on Wednesday, September 17th, 2008 at 8:11 am

Even though I agree with Move America Forward’s message, they should have pointed out that violence in Iraq has decreased, thanks to the surge. However, Obama really did try to play politics with the Iraqi war and our troops. Obama wanted Iraqi officials to stop negotiating with President Bush on the matter of U.S. troop removal until after the elections. Obama does not have the authority to speak for the executive branch of the U.S. government! Hopefully, Obama gets charged for violating the Logan Act, which specifically states no unauthorized U.S. citizen can negotiate on behalf of the executive branch of U.S. government. Obama must and should serve three years in prison.

Hat Tip: Hot Air

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Tags: , , Move America Forward
Filed Under: News & Politics

7 Responses to “Move America Forward targets Obama for meddling in Iraq.”

  1. Bonnie rabbit republican Says:

    He’s got to be insane. He thinks the american people are going to stand him jumping the gun like that? He hasn’t won yet so he needs to back the heck off and wait on our decision.

  2. Says:

    This is the event that the media cites years from now, as the reason Obama lost the election. I just hope that the media does a fair investigation into this.

  3. Martha Says:

    Why isn’t Congress investigating this? If it were John McCain they would have a committe formed and subpoenas delivered yesterday!!

  4. jeff Says:

    This man is destroying his campaign himself!!! Has he no common sense- what do they teach at Harvard Law these days?

  5. steve Says:

    He is a traitor!!!!

  6. edaw Says:

    get a rope…


  1. Obama & the Logan Act « Right Wing Chicks

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