Posts Tagged ‘Lisa Ann’

Check out the “Who’s Nailin’ Paylin?” script!

Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, October 9th, 2008 at 6:54 am

TMZ got its mits on the entire script for Hustler’s upcoming porn parody: “Who’s Nailin’ Paylin?”

Uber MILF Lisa Ann will be steaming it up with a certain snowmobile salesman and a Bi-Partisan pundit named “Hilly” who’s, well, just plain “Bi”.

The film shoots this weekend, just in time for the election. Does it promise to deliver the goods? You betcha!

The script is 15 pages long! Damn!

The dialogue consists of cliches, unfortunately. The script calls for AVN-award worthy lines such as, “So, do you come here often?”, and “Excuse me, but I think I dropped something. My jaw!” Hopefully, the uninhibited sex rescues the paltry parley of this porn.

There could be a “drill baby drill” chant!

And “Bill O’Rally” makes a cameo!

What this film lacks in linguistics will be made up in comedy. And sex.

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Lisa Ann will play “Sarah Palin” in porn movie.

Posted by Carlos C. on Saturday, October 4th, 2008 at 4:25 pm

Media Bistro

“Lisa Ann, a 36-year-old adult movie actress from Huntington Beach, will play Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin in a video from porn mogul Larry Flynt’s Hustler Video.

“Because Pedro wants to keep his job, we’ll just give you clues to the movie’s typically punny porn title: two words, the first a carpentry-based euphemism for sex, the second being “Paylin,” a mispelling perhaps to dodge any legal assaults.

“We’ll also skip around the plot, though expect cameos from actors playing “Condi Rice,” “Hillary Clinton” and in what [we] think and hope is a clothed role, “Bill O’Reilly.”

The movie will be called “Nailin’ Paylin”.

Other good movie titles would be: Pounding Paylin, Juneau You Want Me, and Sarah’s Snowjob.

Scoop This has been all over this story. Naturally.

Previous Blogs:

Ala-skin porn! Larry Flynt casts Sarah Palin look-a-like.

Porn Producers looking for a Sarah Palin look-a-like!

Hat Tip: JammieWearingFool

UPDATE 1: Here is the porn script in PDF form.

Hat Tip:

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