Posts Tagged ‘Liberal Fascism’

GOP election board members tossed out in Philadelphia!

Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, November 4th, 2008 at 9:16 am

GOP Election Board members have been have been tossed out of polling stations in more than half a dozen polling stations in Philadelphia because of their party status.

A liberal judge previously ruled that court-appointed Republican poll watchers could be removed from their boards by an on-site election judge, citing their “minority” status as cause.

It is the duty of election board workers to monitor and guard the integrity of the voting process.

Those on site as describing it as “pandemonium” and there may be video coming of the chaos.

Some of the precincts where Republicans have been removed are: the 44th Ward, 12th and 13th divisions; 6th Ward, 12th division; 32nd Ward, Division 28.

“Election board officials guard the legitimacy of the election process and the idea that Republicans are being intimidated and banned for partisan purposes does not allow for an honest and open election process,” said McCain-Palin spokesman Ben Porritt in a statement to Townhall.

The City of Brotherly Love was roiled in controversy during the 2004 election because of rigged voting machines that showed nearly 2,000 votes for Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry before the polls had opened. A man also used a gun to intimidate poll workers at Ward 30, division 11 in 2004.

Another revolution in Philadelphia?

I bet this will cause a few fistfights. Perhaps even a murder, because, of course, this is Philadelphia.

UPDATE 1: JammieWearingFool has the video.

There are tons of problems in Philadelphia, especially voter intimidation:

Fox News is now reporting Black Panthers, once carrying a nightstick, is blocking media and poll worker access. Lovely.

Maybe those Black Panthers are auditioning for Obama’s Civilian Defense Force.

The police wre forced to come and remove the thug.

Is this Iraq or Philadelphia?

UPDATE 2: Michelle Malkin confirms this story.

Looks like the New Black Panther Party sent out party members to make sure their “interests” are met.

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Obama supporters inside Ohio government illegally search private records!

Posted by Carlos C. on Saturday, October 25th, 2008 at 12:45 am

Ace writes:

Tip: Obama Partisans in Ohio Goverment Agencies Illegally Pawed Through Joe the Plumber’s Private Records?

Joe Wurzelbacher’s personal information was rummaged through by partisans in three agencies.

For no legitimate purpose, with no legitimate reason for a state investigation, records were illegally accessed in the Toledo Police Department, the office of the (state) Attorney General, and, for reasons unknown, the Cuyahoga County Child Enforcement Agency (just to let you know how vicious a fishing expedition they were willing to conduct).

There can be little doubt that Obama partisans were illegally accessing private information about a citizen.

Should be something about this popping up in the next 2-3 days.

Joe Wurzelbacher is “Joe the Plumber”, if you do not know his real last name.

So, a private citizen asks Barack Obama a question, the answer that Obama gives makes Obama himself look like a fool, an idiot, and a Socialist, and then Obama’s supporters illegally search your private records?

These are the beginning stages of Nazism. If you are not in support of the government, you will be investigated, and your reputation will be crucified.

Kelsey has been right all along.

Welcome to Liberal Fascist Socialist Nazism Totalitarian Rule.

However, it is not too late to legally purchase guns and ammo.

They will be needed.


UPDATE 1: And just like clockwork…

The Columbus Dispatch

“State and local officials are investigating if state and law-enforcement computer systems were illegally accessed when they were tapped for personal information about “Joe the Plumber.”

Public records requested by The Dispatch disclose that information on Wurzelbacher’s driver’s license or his sport-utility vehicle was pulled from the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles database three times shortly after the debate.

Information on Wurzelbacher was accessed by accounts assigned to the office of Ohio Attorney General Nancy H. Rogers, the Cuyahoga County Child Support Enforcement Agency and the Toledo Police Department.

It has not been determined who checked on Wurzelbacher, or why. Direct access to driver’s license and vehicle registration information from BMV computers is restricted to legitimate law enforcement and government business.

Paul Lindsay, Ohio spokesman for the McCain campaign, attempted to portray the inquiries as politically motivated. “It’s outrageous to see how quickly Barack Obama’s allies would abuse government power in an attempt to smear a private citizen who dared to ask a legitimate question,” he said.

The attorney general’s office is investigating if the access of Wuzelbacher’s BMV information through the office’s Ohio Law Enforcement Gateway computer system was unauthorized, said spokeswoman Jennifer Brindisi.

“We’re trying to pinpoint where it came from,” she said. The investigation could become “criminal in nature,” she said. Brindisi would not identify the account that pulled the information on Oct. 16.

On Oct. 17, BMV information on Wurzelbacher was obtained through an account used by the Cuyahoga County Child Support Enforcement Agency in Cleveland, records show.

The State Highway Patrol, which administers the Law Enforcement Automated Data System in Ohio, asked Toledo police to explain why it pulled BMV information on Wurzelbacher within 48 hours of the debate, Hunter said.

If you speak out against Barack Obama, you will be illegally investigated.


Hot Air is all over this story.

Joe the Plumber’s voter registration records were also looked at.

UPDATE 3: Michelle Malkin asks if privacy champions will come to Joe the Plumber’s defense.

This illegal search was absolutely politically motivated. Michelle asks who performed the search.

We have 10 days to find out.

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McCain Press Release On Obama’s Poor Response to Voter Fraud

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Saturday, October 18th, 2008 at 8:30 am

Statement On Obama Campaign’s Letter To Justice Department On Voter Fraud

ARLINGTON, VA — Today, McCain-Palin 2008 Spokesman Ben Porritt issued the following statement in response to the Obama campaign’s letter to Attorney General Michael Mukasey:

"After a week of shifting stories and clumsy corrections regarding Barack Obama’s connections to ACORN, the Obama campaign resorted to their now-customary heavy handed tactic of attempting to criminalize political discourse. Today’s outrageous letter to Attorney General Mukasey and Special Prosecutor Dannehy at the Justice Department asking for a special prosecutor to investigate Senator McCain and Governor Palin’s public statements about ACORN’s record of fraudulent voter registrations (including in this week’s Presidential debate) is absurd. It is a typical time-worn Washington attempt to criminalize political differences. For someone who promises ‘change,’ it is certainly only more of the same.

"The letter’s request that the Department of Justice investigate ‘recent partisan Republican activities throughout the country’ is almost a parody of the Obama campaign’s attempt to intimidate their political opponents. In case Sen. Obama’s lawyer did not notice, we are in the midst of a political campaign, not a coronation, and the alleged criminal activity he calls ‘recent partisan Republican activities’ are what the rest of us call campaign speeches and debates. All of this is unfortunately reminiscent of the Obama campaign’s recent creation of a ‘truth squad’ of Missouri prosecutors and sheriffs to ‘target’ people who criticize Sen. Obama. Rest assured that, despite these threats, the McCain-Palin campaign will continue to address the serious issue of voter registration fraud by ACORN and other partisan groups, and compliance by states with the Help America Vote Act’s requirement of matching new voter registrations with state data bases to prevent voter fraud." LINK

It seems I’m not the only one that sees Obama as the undemocratic fascist that he really is. I looked at the letter for myself and what McCain is saying is all too accurate. In it, the Obama campaign calls investigating voter fraud "an abuse of law enforcement." The letter also goes into the so-called controversial attorney firings a while back where Att. Gen Gonzales fired corrupt federal prosecutors who would not investigate voter fraud. The Democrats didn’t like that one bit.

With these recent Acorn scams coming to light across the country in the form of hundreds of thousands of false registrations in just Ohio alone, we really start to see why the Democrats were so upset about Bush’s firings of attorneys who refused to help prosecute voter fraud. We also see why they oppose things like having to show a photo ID when you vote since it makes it much harder to vote under a fake registration. These are indeed scary times we live in.

Additional Reading: Obama Demands Department of Justice Block Free Speech: demanding "criminal charges" against those who say things he does not like.

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Liberal Fascist Chronicles: Arrest Edition (Update, Corsi Deported from Kenya)

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Wednesday, October 8th, 2008 at 3:10 am

———————————-Update at Bottom of blog—————————

Breaking News…

It has just come to the attention of Scoopthis that the Author of "Obama Nation" and World Net Daily contributor Jerome Corsi,  has been arrested in Kenya while investigating Obama’s ties to the country. Kenyan officials arrested Corsi just prior to a press conference he was about to hold where he was to deliver a report on his findings in the country. Corsi has not been seen or heard from for several hours and Kenyan Officials say they plan to keep it that way until he is deported from the country.

"Just as we were about to start the 10 a.m. press conference at the Grand Regency Hotel in Nairobi, Kenyan immigration approached us and detained us," Corsi told WND by telephone this morning. "Tim Bueler, my publicist, and I are now in the immigration offices, with our passports taken. The immigration officer told the press, ‘There is no problem, and Dr. Corsi is a friend of Kenya.’"

Corsi and Bueler are booked on a British Airways flight to London tonight, an airline agent confirmed to WND. But Joseph Farah, WND editor and CEO, said he was in touch with Corsi until about 9:30 a.m. Eastern today and has not been able to reach him for several hours.

"We also hear unconfirmed reports from the government claiming it has ‘deported’ Corsi," Farah said. "Since Corsi was scheduled to leave the country today, this would seem to be a strange action from a government that was well aware of Corsi’s presence, his travels and his activities in the country for the last week."

Peter Mbae, a Kenyan publicist who arranged the news conference, told WND he spoke with an immigration officer who confirmed that Ministry of Immigration authorities are holding Corsi and Bueler at the airport until their flight tonight.

Their movements are restricted, and they have no access to telephones, Mbae said, citing the officer." Cited from World Net Daily

When and if Corsi does re-emerge, this story is bound to deserve headlines but likely won’t get them from the liberal media. If Corsi does not re-emerge, it will be even more shocking. Is this a preview of what an Obama regime will look like? Criticize him and his cronies "disappear" you? Time will tell as his victory in the election is almost certain.


Corsi has been released and boy does he have a story to tell:

"Don’t ever come back. See you in hell," Corsi reported an unidentified official told him as the author of the No. 1 best-selling book "The Obama Nation" was delivered to a flight departing from Nairobi for London.

"We got brought to immigration headquarters by what turned out to be about a dozen immigration officers plus military armed with automatic rifles," he reported. "Tim got placed in the back of the vehicle and was surrounded by the armed military. I was in the front between the driver and the top immigration officer who first identified himself at the hotel."

Here is a preview of what Corsi was investigating during his trip to Kenya.

Corsi was in Kenya because Obama has a history of connections there, and the African nation is where his father worked as a well-known government economist. Corsi documented this history in his book but scheduled the trip to find answers to lingering questions – particularly about the links between the presidential candidate and Kenya Prime Minister Raila Odinga.

Corsi had promised a news conference that would "expose details of deep secret ties between U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and a section of Kenya government leaders, their connection to certain sectoral groups in Kenya and subsequent plot to be executed in Kenya should Senator Obama win the American presidency."

Corsi was set to show Obama and Odinga have been in direct contact since the senator’s visit to Kenya in 2006. He was to claim Obama advised Odinga on campaign strategy and helped him raise money in the U.S. for the Kenya presidential campaign.

Corsi was to report Odinga’s 2007 presidential campaign strategy called for exploiting anti-Kikuyu tribal sentiments, claiming victory and charging voter fraud even if the campaign knew the election had been legitimately lost. Odinga, Corsi said, also was willing to fan the flames of ethnic tribal tensions and use violence as a last resort by calling for mass action that led to the destruction of properties, injuries, loss of life and the displacement of over 500,000 Kenyans. The purpose was to compel the Electoral Commission of Kenya to declare him the winner or enable him to declare himself the winner by force.

Even though Odinga has not fulfilled his campaign promises to the Muslims who voted for him, he continues to cause concern among Kenyans because he has not declared his position on Shariah law, Corsi said.

Corsi said Obama remained in active phone contact with Odinga through the New Hampshire Democratic Party primary in January. The Illinois senator continued to support Odinga, he said, turning a blind eye to an agreement signed with Muslims and the post-election violence instigated as part of the campaign strategy."

Read the entire World Net Daily Article Here

I look forward to reading the full report as soon as it’s available.

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The Liberal Fascism Chronicles: Race Edition

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Tuesday, October 7th, 2008 at 2:34 pm

Today, we examine the liberal fascist’s attempt to avoid responsibility for their own actions by playing "the race card."


In a most recent example, we have comments from the "Honorable" Barney Frank from Massachusetts:

barney-frank "The Massachusetts Democrat, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, said the GOP is appealing to its base by blaming the country’s mortgage foreclosure problem on efforts to expand affordable housing through the Community Reinvestment Act.

He said that blame is misplaced, because those loans are issued by regulated institutions, while far more foreclosures were triggered by high-cost loans made by unregulated entities.

"They get to take things out on poor people," Frank said at a mortgage foreclosure symposium in Boston. "Let’s be honest: The fact that some of the poor people are black doesn’t hurt them either, from their standpoint. This is an effort, I believe, to appeal to a kind of anger in people." SOURCE 

In this particular case, Mr. Frank is using the Race Card for two purposes. First, his playing "the race card" will no doubt have the effect of riling up those who blindly support him against the Republicans who he’s calling "racist" based upon a very flawed twist of logic. Second, he’s demonizing anyone who criticizes him via intimidation and the political stigma that goes along with being labeled a racist. In either case, his playing of the race card helps him avoid having to address the issue at hand… which is that Democrats like him are responsible for the influx in subprime loans that is now destroying the global economy.

In another recent example, they’re calling Sarah Palin a "racist" for bringing up Obama’s Connections to Domestic Terrorist and Homicide Advocate, William Ayers:

"By claiming that Democrat Barack Obama is "palling around with terrorists" and doesn’t see the U.S. like other Americans, vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin targeted key goals for a faltering campaign.

And though she may have scored a political hit each time, her attack was unsubstantiated and carried a racially tinged subtext that John McCain himself may come to regret…."

In this case, not only are Obama Supporters completely bypassing the need to address Obama’s connections to Terrorists, they are also asserting that mere criticism of Obama is "racism" simply because Obama happens to be black! So does that mean that when Obama is president, people will be afraid to hold him accountable because the organ of Liberal Fascism, the Associated Press, will label his critics "racists?"

In the polls, which are still interviewing 50% more Democrats than Republicans in order to give Obama a lead, it’s no surprise that Obama is still leading. If we are to believe those polls regardless of their proven deliberate bias towards Obama, it would seem that Obama is going to win the election. The liberal fascist poll manipulation in and of itself would be meaningless were it not for the fact that its purpose is to sway the vote in one direction or another. This was precisely the point behind polls in swing states which asserted that Democrats in voting in the primary for Clinton and who intend to vote for John McCain were doing so because they were racists.

GuiltTrip In bringing up this point, the purpose of the poll is to in effect, "guilt trip" Democrats who’re turning away from their ever leftward leaning party and moving more towards the middle of the road moderate that is John McCain. Nobody wants to be called a racist even if it isn’t true because the mere accusation carries such a stigma that the lack of guilt is irrelevant. It isn’t that democrats want the party to move back to the center, assert liberals, it’s that they’re racists for not voting for a black man who wants the party to move ever leftward.

Fascism has many avenues and manifestations. But the single thing that ties all fascist tactics together is the shutting down of real debate, the suppression of free speech, and the intimidation of the Opposition. All of these things are present in the Democratic Party of today.  

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More on Obama Youth

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Sunday, October 5th, 2008 at 11:36 pm

Honestly, my heart is broken that these poor, unknowing children were put in a position where videos of them are circulating all over the Internet. I have no qualms with these children but what I do have qualms with is what their teacher and parents allowed them to do. I have even more concern that the words spoken in their song are about as specific as what we are able to know about Obama from his vague promises, refusal to take a stand on issues in the form of past federal and state senate votes, and his consistent vague promises of "hope" and "change."

Many politicians have risen promising such vague things and most, brought far more "change" than hope. Scoopthis will continue bringing videos like these and drawing historical parallels between Obama and past/present tyrants until Obama himself starts to deliver the specific answers to his past, his present and his future that we voters deserve. Based upon what we have no way to prove otherwise… this election could shake the very foundations of freedom and security in this country. We must demand more from our media and we must expect more from Barack Obama.

If Obama is elected, change will come and I hope you’re all bracing yourself.

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Liberal Fascism is Nothing New

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Friday, October 3rd, 2008 at 9:21 am

Lately, Scoopthis has been pointing out Obama’s suppressions of free speech, his cult following, the media’s refusal to challenge him, and his follower’s willingness to intimidate political dissidents through thug tactics. We are finding these things left and right despite Obama not even being President yet.

These tactics are nothing new with modern Liberals but certainly, are the most prominent in recent memory, in the Obama Campaign. As evidence of past Liberal Fascism, we need only step back to the Clinton White House where (as an example) Clinton used the IRS to audit his enemies:

Tuesday, April 23, 2002
An official with the Internal Revenue Service has admitted that legal opponents of former President Bill Clinton were singled out for tax audits, according to court documents made public this week.

From the News Max Article Archives

So we see another example of a liberal’s willingness to abuse Government Power and violate rule of law in order to protect their own political prospects. This illustrates the importance of why we need to demand more of our media to bring these issues to the front page. If the population is kept ignorant, if his followers are only told what they want to hear, we get closer to the day when this is no longer a "free" country.

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Obama Surrounds himself with Anti-American, Anti-Semitic, and pro islamofascist advisers

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Monday, September 29th, 2008 at 1:13 pm

From an ad series sponsored by the Republican Jewish Coalition:

"Sen. Barack Obama surrounds himself with a number of individuals and advisors(1) who are hostile to Israel and American Jews. They include Zbigniew Brzezinski, General Tony McPeak, Robert Malley and former Congressman David Bonior.(2) All are known either for their anti-Israel views or their pro-Arab views - or both.

Brzezinski is well known for his aggressive dislike of Israel, and has been an ardent foe of Israel for more than three decades. As recently as 2006, he placed exclusive blame on Israel for the war in Lebanon, even making the outrageous claim that "I think what the Israelis are doing in Lebanon is, in effect, the killing of hostages."(3)

Obama’s top military advisor McPeak told a newspaper that he believes Jews in Miami and New York are the obstacles to peace in the Middle East.(4)

Malley, a Palestinian apologist, invented and propagated the false claim that the 2000 Camp David summit failed because Israel wasn’t serious about giving the Palestinians a state.(5)

And former U.S. Rep. Bonior refused to stand by Israel while in Congress, after repeated terrorist attacks, and was known as a stalwart opponent to Israel.(6)

For 20 years, Obama was part of the anti-American, anti-Semitic Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s church. In fact, Obama called him his "sounding board."(7) Only after intense criticism of their relationship, Obama distanced himself from Wright.

Sen. Barack Obama has surrounded himself with individuals whose anti-Israel views are so dangerous, naïve and reckless that it raises serious questions about his judgement.

(1) Obama press release, 12/12/07, Obama website, Ben Smith, Politico, 1/17/08; (2) Washington Post, 8/25/07;, 1/11/08; Jewish Daily Forward, 2/20/08;, 5/30/08; (3) Speech, The New America Foundation, Washington, D.C., 7/20/06; (4) The Oregonian, 3/27/03; (5) The American Thinker, 1/16/08; (6), 5/30/08; New York Sun, 12/6/06; (7) Chicago Tribune, 1/15/08."

For those numerous Anti-Semite racists out there… the democratic ticket is the one for you!

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