Vatican official calls Democrats “the party of death”!

Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, October 2nd, 2008 at 4:03 pm

Vatican officials seldom single out political leaders who differ with the Church on issues like abortion rights or embryonic stem cell research. But now that the Vatican’s highest court is led by an American, the former St. Louis Archbishop Raymond Burke, we can expect things to get more explicit in Vatican City — at least when when it comes to U.S. politics.

Burke, who was named prefect of the Vatican’s Supreme Court of the Apostolic Signature in June, told the Italian Catholic newspaper Avvenire that the U.S. Democratic Party risked “transforming itself definitively into a party of death for its decisions on bioethical issues.” He then attacked two of the party’s most high profile Catholics — vice presidential candidate Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi — for misrepresenting Church teaching on abortion.

He said Biden and Pelosi, “while presenting themselves as good Catholics, have presented Church doctrine on abortion in a false and tendentious way.”

I believe Archbishop Raymond Burke is almost spot on, however, not all Democrats are pro-abortion / pro-death. There are Democrats, both in the political arena and American voters, that are pro-life. Also, not all Republicans are wholly pro-life because they support abortion in cases of rape and incest, such as Vice President Dick Cheney. Some Republicans, unfortunately, are pro-abortion / pro-death, such as former Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

Personally, I find it disgusting that any Catholic Christian politician, regardless of political party, has the gall to receive the Eucharist, and then support pro-abortion / pro-death legislation. This same personal sentiment applies to Catholic Christians that are pro-abortion / pro-death advocates. Abortion is murder, and murder is a sin. Any Catholic Christian that does not understand that needs to read the Book of Exodus, chapter 21, versus 22 and 23.

Hat Tip: Hot Air

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5 Responses to “Vatican official calls Democrats “the party of death”!”

  1. Asebes Says:

    This is coming from a sect of Christianity that in fact idolizes people, and breaks one of the ten commandments. I am not going to take anything serious that comes out of their mouth. They are full of contradictions. Lets allow our priests to rape young children, and not be pursecuted. Lets just relocate them. C’mon! This is one of the MOST immoral sects of religion out there! It thrived on peoples stupidity saying the relics they had were true. Yet they try to shut everyone up that tries to see what is really true. There are more thing I would like to say, but I would offend many weak minded Christians in the process.

  2. Says:

    Catholic Christians only worship God. No one else. We do not idolize anyone else.

    Pedophile priests are brought to justice. Plus, I can assure everyone that anyone that hurts a child will almost never see the gates of Heaven.

    You can say whatever you want. So please, prove your idiocy. (O:

  3. LoneStar Says:


    You say they’re wrong for relocating child-molestors instead of prosecuting them. Agreed. Nevermind that the Catholic religion doesn’t endorse that anywhere, at any time.

    But you’re worse than a hypocrite when you turn around and say abortion is fine and the Catholic church has no business talking about it, when abortion is clearly the worst form of child abuse imaginable, and is also, like child molestation, NOT endorsed anywhere, at any time by the Catholic church.

    Do you care to think before you eject such nonsense?

  4. Chris Says:

    Nancy Pelosi? A catholic? That explains alot if you ask me. The religion that says you can commit whatever sin through the week and then be absolved of it at mass. These people are not devout anything except for devout liars! I have always thought of the catholic religion as an abomination, and it seems that if such people as Pelosi and Biden are members of Catholic church then it backs up my preconcieved thoughts on the church itself.

  5. PROLIFE Says:

    Anyone making these anti-catholic smears are ignorant in their own misdeeds.

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