Sneak Peek! Nailin Paylin porn DVD!
Posted by Carlos C. on Sunday, October 5th, 2008 at 10:36 amJust kidding.
Check out Tina Fey, Queen Latifah, and some white guy spoof Thursday night’s debate on Saturday Night Live!
Honestly, there are many funny parts, and Queen Latifah owned all.
And Tina Fey? Well, she is getting a $6 million advancement for her upcoming book. Can you believe that? I bet Gwen Ifill is jealous.
Hat Tip: Hot Air
UPDATE 1: Well, the SNL video is not posting correctly. You can follow the Hot Air link and watch the video there. Let’s see if I can find the video online and post it correctly.
UPDATE 2: Let’s see if this video works…
Filed Under: Entertainment
October 6th, 2008 at 11:12 am
Tina Fey sucks as Palin. They give her giant Dumbo cauliflower ears, they give her a Canadian accent, and I don’t know Tina Fey was never/has never been a stage actor. She doesn’t really has a presence. She’s good in movies and is a great comedic writer but overall she’s just bleck.
The guy as Biden was good but I don’t know I found Queen Latifah to be the funniest of all of them.
“SNL” has lost it for me over the years. I like Sandberg, Hader, and Hammond but overall the show (like “Simpsons”) has lost it’s edge and steam years ago.