Referee tackles South Carolina Gamecocks quarterback!

Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, October 21st, 2008 at 1:11 pm

I am raiding Hot Air today for blog material, but I have been searching for this video for the past few days! The name of the referee is Wilbur Hackett Jr., who tackled South Carolina quarterback, Stephen Garcia. Hackett used to play for Kentucky during the late 1960’s. Hackett’s tackle does look deliberate, though he could just have been protecting himself. But if Hackett was trying to protect himself, why not move back? Hackett moves to his right, then rushes up to make the hit.

The SEC says that this was not intentional, however, the tape does show clear intent.

Hat Tip: Hot Air

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Tags: LSU Tigers, South Carolina Gamecocks, Stephen Garcia, Wilbur Hackett Jr.
Filed Under: Sports

2 Responses to “Referee tackles South Carolina Gamecocks quarterback!”

  1. Mike Says:

    Nice hit, he should have suited up for the game if he was going to play though. SC appears to have a legitimate complaint about the officiating in this game!
    Typical of the SEC, protect their best bowl hope teams.

  2. P1 Conservative Kitty Says:

    Well it looked INTENTIONAL to me!

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