Liberal Fascism Chronicles: Voter Fraud Edition

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Friday, October 10th, 2008 at 1:57 am

More fuel to the fire:

Federal Election Commission reports show ACORN-affiliated Citizens Services Inc. got $832,598 from the Obama campaign for get-out-the-vote work during the primaries. - Washington Times

207706_votefraud This comes amid several raids of ACORN offices across the country in swing states alleging voter fraud. If Obama wins by a few hundred to a few thousand votes in these swing states which is very possible, we could be seeing the first president in our country’s history that didn’t win the election through legal means. Not even Nixon could top this!

It’s no wonder that the political party which is advocating against something as common sense as having to show a valid photo ID at the polling place, is the Democratic Party. They are trying to fix elections folks. If they keep geting away with it, it’s the end of our self Government experiment.

Watergate-Nixon1974 In the 1970s, we recall another Presidential Candidate (and incumbent) in one Richard Millhouse Nixon who was eventually connected, by a capable and truly investigative press, to a robbery against Democrat offices in the Watergate Hotel. Today, we have a presidential candidate who’s worked for and has recently funded an organization actively engaged in making sure democrat votes count more than once. Obama and his cronies are actively trying to steal this election and unlike the 1970s, when such behavior would not be tolerated by a responsible press, today, we have a press corps that largely ignores these fundamental dangers to our constitutional right to choose our leaders.

Photo of the Constitution of the United States of America. A feather quill is included in the photo.The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the United States of America and is the oldest codified written national constitution still in force. It was completed on September 17, 1787.

The founding father’s vision was that we were to maintain a Government by the people and for the people. According to ACORN, who was about to get funding from the recently passed the bailout no thanks to congressional Democrats, their vision of our government is a Government by the few who vote more than once and for the few who voted more than once. The media shares ACORN’s vision as is apparent by their inaction on this issue despite numerous instances of voter fraud over several years in favor of Democrats.

This stuff is serious folks! Freedom itself is at stake when a mainstream political party is regularly getting away with illegally tampering with our elections. Remember to vote on November 4th. We need every vote we can in order to counter the thousands of Jane Does registered thousands of times by ACORN.

Additional Reading: ACORN Fraud during 2004 Ohio Election, ACORN FRAUD in 2006 Missouri Election, ACORN Workers Admit Fraud in April 2008, ACORN Fraud in Michigan, 2008, ,  ACORN Fraud in Ohio, 2008, ACORN Submits 7000 Fraudulent Voter Registrations in Indiana, 2008… the list keeps growing.

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4 Responses to “Liberal Fascism Chronicles: Voter Fraud Edition”

  1. Says:

    So, does this mean you are going to vote for the McCain-Palin ticket?

  2. Kelsey Golden Says:

    LOL, no. I’ve already made up my mind on that after the pork loaded bailout. This voter fraud thing just makes Obama even more the greater of the two evils but it does not make McCain any more of the conservative that we need in office right now.

    But rest assured, I will vote to re-elect my Republican Congressman and several other Republicans that will be on the ballot. I’m not “enthused” about voting for Barr but at this point, I don’t view it as a vote for the “lesser of two evils.” I’m calling this a vote of principle.

  3. Howard Says:

    I, like many Americans believe that character, honesty, and integrity really do go to the foundation of who the next president should be.Obama is ahead in the polls because Obama is dramatically outspending McCain with television advertising … he has a biased media in the tank, who provides him with more and better exposure, and editorial endorsement … Obama has 96% of the black vote … he enjoys the relentless support of a completely biased entertainment industry, plus the left wing educational community, plus massive illegal, or unethical fund raising, and voter registration drives, by groups like Acorn … not to mention the fact that thanks to democratic propaganda, McCain has to carry Bush’s weight. At this point in time, many Americans are also beginning to question the validity of the POLLS. Are they skewed, like the biased media? Do they truly reflect reality? Are the sample groups mostly black voters? If the Democrats are so sure they’ve already won, how come they keep trying so hard to make the rest of us believe it? Just like they did against Hillary! There is a good chance that if we can keep voter fraud out of this election, that on November 4th, the actual voters, in the privacy of their booths, will elect McCain/Palin, by a comfortable margin. If you vote for Obama, you are also voting for voter fraud and a crooked media.
    On November 4th cast your vote for McCain/Palin !!!

  4. Kelsey Golden Says:

    Howard, the polls are not to be believed but the reasons you cite aren’t why. The polls are being manipulated deliberately by purposefully interviewing far more Democrats than Republicans. The only time the polls were manipulated to favor McCain was after the convention when an (almost) equal number of Republicans to Democrats were interviewed.

    Here’s a blog I wrote a while back that cites several examples of this occurring.

    I may write another “Liberal Fascist Chronicles” blog soon analyzing the same manipulation of more recent polls. Stay Tuned.

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