Michele Obama: "Americans don’t care about what happened 40 years ago"

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Thursday, October 9th, 2008 at 11:18 am

The above comment, from Michele Obama on Larry King Live last night in response to Obama’s friendship with Terrorist Bill Ayers. Notice also, how she didn’t deny the association. Another contradiction in a long string of gaffs with their responses to connections with Ayers.

What she neglected to mention was that on 9/11/2001, her husband’s terrorist friend was quoted in this new york times article saying ‘I don’t regret setting bombs, I feel we didn’t do enough.” This was at a time when Obama was still associating with him despite the fact that he was a terrorist.

I think that Americans do care about whether or not a candidate for president associates with an unrepentant terrorist (and communist to boot) that should be in prison. Perhaps the Obamas are a bit "out of touch" with "mainstream America." I mean, they don’t exactly own "seven houses" (just a multi-million dollar one paid for by a convicted felon) but they do think that we don’t care whether someone is a murderer or not.

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Tags: Ayers, , ,
Filed Under: = BREAKING NEWS =, News & Politics

3 Responses to “Michele Obama: "Americans don’t care about what happened 40 years ago"”

  1. Says:

    No one cares about civil rights legislation 40 years ago.

    Lets bring back Jim Crow voting laws.


  2. Nick Oliver Says:

    Michelle is more dangerous than her husband.

  3. Garrett Says:

    lol jim crow laws thats funny

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