Bailout Fails to get results, Economy Sucks, Government still spending more than it has
Posted by Kelsey Golden on Monday, October 6th, 2008 at 6:04 pmDespite our "saviors" in Washington passing a bill costing taxpayers 850 Billion Dollars in order to "fix" the credit crisis, the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped another 300 points today partly out of fear that the credit crisis will spread throughout the world. Some "sigh of relief" eh?
I’ve heard various excuses coming from Washington including Bush’s line that "it’ll take a while to work." Oh really Mr. President? If it was going to "take a while," how come you and your Democrat Cronies in congress kept talking about the Urgency of this bill superceding the need to get the job done right? How come I kept hearing congressmen supporting the bill say "we can fix the details later." If it was going to "take a while" doesn’t that also mean that we could’ve taken a little while longer to develop a bill that actually was going to work in the short term and long term?
Furthermore, how is that 150 Billion Dollars in pork going to help us get through this crisis? WHY THE HELL did John McCain, who’s run on this idea that he is "against pork" not take a stand against the pork in that bill? If the economy is bad and Americans are having to "cut back" in order to make ends meet, why is our government still spending the money they stole from us like a 20 year old who won the lottery?
To my heros in Washington (Congress): I WANT MY WALLET BACK, I need it to buy the Gasoline that you people say we don’t need more of. I need it so I can keep going to work in order to send half my paycheck to a government that spends money like a 6 year old on the candy isle! Maybe I’d have enough to buy a couple of ears of corn but that’s before I remember that the Government jacked up that price as well.
To President Bush: I am finally ready to say that I am going to be glad to see you retire. I wish I could say the same for just about every other Politician in Washington DC. Thanks but no thanks to taking our government from 12% GDP absorption to 25% in eight years. At this rate of increased spending, the government will be taking 100% of the GDP in less than 20 years.
To John McCain: You lost my vote when you voted for the bailout, especially after all the pork. I now have no reason to believe that you will unconditionally stand against pork when you’re president. I will not be voting for your democrat opponent either nor will I accept you as an alternative only because you’re "not him." I’m tired of voting for the "lesser of two evils" and I’m going to seriously look into Bob Barr, foreign policy aside. At least Barr is a "conservative."
To Sarah Palin: If you and McCain are elected, I hope you strongly push for him to veto pork and cut spending no matter what the political consequences might be. I still have hope that you are voice of genuine fiscal conservatism and that your presence in office will be invaluable to the country and future generations who’ll have less debt as a result.
To Obama/Biden: Good luck overcoming the Republican Filibuster. In your maximum 4 years in office, I have confidence that your unproductive "blame the other side" politics is going to get you nowhere when you try to get a single idiotic socialist bill passed the congress. Then again, Bush got the same people to nationalize banks so anything’s possible. I also have no doubt that you two will make Bush’s enormous budgetary increases look like a trip to the dollar store as we taxpayers brace ourselves for at least one trillion dollars in new spending.
In the meantime, I’m going to seek out as many tax loopholes as possible so I can be spared of Biden’s definition of "patriotism" which for all intents and purposes, makes the participants of the Boston Tea Party some of the most "unpatriotic" in American History.
Filed Under: = BREAKING NEWS =, News & Politics
October 6th, 2008 at 7:18 pm
Kelsey don’t vote Barr, Alan Keyes is the real conservative and unlike most of the so called conservatives he is a true Reaganite!
October 6th, 2008 at 10:47 pm
While I could write in Keyes, Barr is already on my ballot and my vote for him , along with everyone else voting for him, will show the Republican Party with a good amount of accuracy, the number of votes that they lost due to their abandonment of conservatism.
If McCain loses, I would like it to be crystal clear to future Republican presidential candidates, that the percent of the vote that Barr took from McCain would’ve been enough to give McCain a landslide had those votes gone to him.
Just look at how Democrats moved to the left after Nader costed Gore the election. The same can and will be said for Republicans after they lose this election. We will take these lemons and make lemonade, hoping for a more conservative tomorrow.
October 7th, 2008 at 2:45 pm
McCain should have been a maverick and voted against this bill.