Young Black Republicans for McCain / Palin 2008.

Posted by Carlos C. on Saturday, September 27th, 2008 at 5:16 pm

This is Alfonso, and he is a young Republican Conservative. Alfonso explains in the video why he is vote for McCain and Palin. Honestly, Alfonso says what many Blacks are too afraid to say or admit. Alfonso says that the Democratic party is still funding a plantation of Black voters who wait on welfare checks on the 1st and the 15th of every month. Also, Alfonso says that Black voters are “cattle” for the Democratic party.

I really like Alfonso stating how liberal Hollywood are hypocrites, especially when it comes to real wars and war movies. Alfonso also targets the liberal media, the liberal entertainment district, and Planned Parenthood. Alfonso states that young people submit to the liberal mass media and conform to whatever the elite liberals need or want. Alfonso is trying to let Black people know that Barack Obama is the face of the system that Black people actually hate!

Alfonso’s words ring true for all conservatives that have been carrying this same message since Reagan’s administration. Alfonso’s commitment to his values and beliefs represent a growing number of young, minority voters, such as myself, who have a voice in the conservative movement. Favoring lower taxes, the second amendment, and pro-life issues is not about race - it is about what is right and correct.

Please make sure to check out Alfonso’s page.

(4 Ratings)

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Filed Under: News & Politics

18 Responses to “Young Black Republicans for McCain / Palin 2008.”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Wow, so when someone attacks the conservative media and all the other elitist its bad right? C’mon this guy is over his head, and does not know what he is talking about. McCain is down and Obama will win. Biden will destroy Palin in the debates… She can see Russia from her front porch. She has great foreign policy experience! Palin is a joke and she should remove her name from the ticket.

    Republicans are just trying to play off as women being stupid and hoping they do not notice she is worse than G.W. Most people would prefer Obama as president, because they know if something happens to him Biden would be far more prepared for the highest position in the land. Look it up. Even the ultra conservative network Fox has been stating that on their website. So, it is over for the Bushism that have torn this country apart!

  2. Says:

    Hey duche bag, what have you been smoking? You should use your head for once. Hum, Socialist black nationalist Muslim and a the worlds freest republic.
    I do know what is the result of that equation, and trust me we don’t need it.

    Next time when you post an idiotic comment like yours don’t hide under “anonymous”. People like you who vilify us “right wingers” are really the ones who are fucking things up. So stop blaming bush, and look what you are doing. Sit down and read a unbiased history book.

  3. Mac Says:

    His analogy at 5:35 about crabs in a bucket was not only the best I’ve ever heard, but had me laughing my a** off.

  4. Yvonne Says:

    Don’t know if you’re the real deal or not. I will trust that you are and if so — GOD BLESS YOU ALFONSO! Brilliant Video!!…You will go far in life as god them who helps themselves..

  5. Yvonne Says:

    Pardon me… God helps them who helps themselves!!

  6. Kim Says:

    You are so right - I’m so glad you can see this!

  7. Rhonda Says:

    Thank you Alfonso for saying what every American needs to hear! Maybe you should start your own campaign to get every American to vote.

  8. H. Bregman Says:

    What a short memory, In the last 16 years, 12 Republican, 8 Democratic the country has had 12 years of war, 4 years of peace. Cost of government has risen beyond belief, Government employment has grown beyond belief. Civilian employment who deal in people products and services is barely existing. Without a government “ok” there is no business. Read your history books a think about other dynastys.

  9. Kelsey Golden Says:


    You have a point for sure… not sure how it’s related to this specific topic… but it is a good point nonetheless.

  10. chris Says:

    Michael Berry on 740AM KTRH in Houston was playing your video on the air. He wants to invite you on his show.

  11. TINA Says:


  12. Says:


    Was Mr. Berry talking about “” or was he talking about “Alfonso” himself? We just posted his video here. We actually aren’t affiliated with him in any way aside from shared political views.

  13. chris Says:

    oops… Michael Berry was talking about inviting Alfonso on the air in Houston. Michael’s website links directly to this page though.

  14. Joy Says:

    Alfonso, All I could do the entire time I watched you video was shake my head yes! You speak the truth and I appreciate it. Go McCain/Palin!

  15. Lori Says:

    This young man needs to take it to the STREETS, airwaves, BET tv, all media avenues. If he can get into the heads of thousands of young black as well as white males/females and help instill ’selfworth, morals, values and hope and self reliance’ instead of being brainwashed nto the ‘welfare mentality’ machine - we might be able to save Generation X after all. Everyone needs to read “The Communist Takeover of America - 45 Declared Goals’ written in 1963. Find it at It’s checking off like a grocery list and now they don’t even try to hide it with Obamanics.

  16. Says:

    Chris, thanks for letting us know that Michael Berry linked to Scoop This.

  17. Carson Lauffer Says:

    This fine young man gives me hope for the future. I pray that his message will be broadcast far and wide.

  18. laurie Says:

    I just got myself a new hero…..Alfonso!

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