This speech was not given by Obama *CAN’T MISS UPDATE*
Posted by Kelsey Golden on Wednesday, September 24th, 2008 at 10:30 pm(Update at bottom, scroll down)
I was researching the Obama Campaign and the current economic crisis when I came across the following speech which made a lot of vague promises and as has become the norm, lacked little in specifics:
“The misery of our people is horrible to behold! Millions of the middle class have been impoverished. When this collapse finally reaches the whole of the American people, we will be faced with an immeasurable disaster.
All about us the warning signs of this collapse are apparent. Deregulation with its method of madness is making a powerful and insidious attack upon our dismayed and shattered nation. It seeks to poison and disrupt in order to hurl us into an epoch of chaos…. This negative, destroying spirit spared nothing of all that is highest and most valuable. Beginning with the family, it has undermined the very foundations of morality and faith and scoffs at culture and business, nation and Country, justice and honor.
My campaign feels responsible for the restoration of orderly life in the nation and for the final elimination of class madness and class struggle. We recognize no classes, we see only the American people, millions of hard working, middle class workers who will either overcome together the difficulties of these times or be overcome by them. We are firmly resolved and we have taken our oath. Since the present Washington DC establishment is incapable of lending support to this work, we have abandoned the American people whom we represent to perform the task themselves.
The American People have called upon us to bring about the revival our Nation with change as our tool. Therefore we now appeal to the American people to support this reconciliation. We wish to make the government work and it will work. We did not ruin the American nation for the past eight years, but now we will lead the nation back to health. We are determined to make well in four years the ills of the past eight years. But the National Government cannot make the work of rebuilding jobs and our economy dependent upon the approval of those who wrought destruction. The Republican party and their lackeys have had eight years to show what they can do, even more if you count how long they’ve been in congress. The result is a heap of ruins.
Now, people of America, give us four years and then pass judgment upon us. May God Almighty give our work His blessing, strengthen our purpose, and endow us with wisdom and the trust of our people, for we are fighting not for ourselves but for America.”
I am still looking into Obama’s stances on the current economy in light of the recent bailout proposals, so I don’t have much to blog about as of now. I’ll have more important details to add regarding the above speech as time allows.
However, I challenge the reader to explain why I should put my faith in a person who gives speeches like the one pasted above which is all about what problems there are but provides only vague and non-detailed if not, non-existent ideas for fixing those problems? How can we possibly vote for a man who rants about doom and gloom yet proposes no specific solutions?
********* UPDATE **********
He gives a good speech, doesn’t he? I mean… it lacks substance or specifics, but what do those matter when his words generate thunderous applauds? Well, I kind of lied about something. That wasn’t given by Obama. That was a speech given by Adolf Hitler in 1933 with a few words altered like replacing “Germany” with “America” or Bolsheviks with “Republicans.” Obama may not be anything like Adolf Hitler (aside from speaking ability), but do we know any more about him than the people of Germany knew of Hitler in the early 1930s?
Regarding lack of substance, it didn’t matter to the very charismatic Hitler just as it does not matter to Obama. It also suprises me very little that many of Hitler’s speeches, especially before he became dictator, can be passed undetected for Obama speeches by just altering a few words.
Throughout this campaign, we’ve seen race baiting, sexism, outright lies, rewritten history, deliberate efforts to mislead the public about current events and an effort to gain politically by dividing a nation. These things might be reminiscent of that other time, in 1930s Germany, when a liberal party known as the “National Socialists” ran similar campaigns which focused on racial divisions, misled economic visions, socialized healthcare and overall, more government oversight and control over every day life.
Ah the road to facism. Smears, Deciet, Lies, and one side always getting away from the crimes that they commit, no thanks to a media that refuses to be objective or keep from being manipulated and the cheering masses always willing to suspend disbelief. From violations of the separation of Powers in the constitution, promises to redistribute wealth in exchange for votes, further nationalization of American Industry, and cultural prohibitions on free speech in the “politically correct” movement, the further down the road to fascism we go.
Fascism is believed by many to be an idea of the far right, but it is no surprise that the very people in control of education are the same as those in control our nation’s media and the Democratic Party who’s policies appear every day, more and more like those of the fascists of old Europe. Like the democrats of today, merely to gain power was always the goal of the fascists and they were willing to say or try anything that furthered it regardless of principle, morals, or the law.
Filed Under: News & Politics
September 24th, 2008 at 12:39 pm
His party recognizes no class, and yet in the same sentences speaks of middle class people… WTF?! good one, mr. bojangles…
September 24th, 2008 at 1:17 pm
Good find, Heather.
September 25th, 2008 at 12:27 am
You took *Hitler’s* words, replace nouns for context, and then made a point about what Obama is and says using that as a basis?
I really don’t care what you think of the man; you’re entitled to your opinion. But when you pull stuff like this to make a point against ANYONE, you cross a line. I wonder how many other blogs linked to you, or blindly copied your quote, and now spread the vitriol that you crafted just to make a point.
You preach about people smearing Palin all the time with just a single phrase, and you go and pull a stunt like this. Beyond that, Hitler KILLED MILLIONS OF PEOPLE.
Your shock tactic has worked on me this time, because I am absolutely disgusted that you would stoop so low to build a soapbox for yourself. Disgusted.
September 25th, 2008 at 1:20 am
Kenneth do you spend all day attacking conservative blogs?
September 25th, 2008 at 7:43 am
Hitler, much like Obama, ran a campaign on “Hope and Change”. Hitler quickly became the leader of the National Socialists with that promise. Germany was bankrupted at the time Hitler became the leader of the National Socialists because all the nations in the industrialized world forced Germany to pay for monetary costs of World War 1.
Hitler capitalized on the economical suffering of the German people. Hitler took control of the media and blamed German Jews, and all Jews, for the suffering of the Aryan race.
Obama is doing the same thing. Obama has control of most of the media as they do not question Obama’s gaffes, education, history, background, or childhood and early adulthood. Obama blames conservatives for all of the “suffering” the “middle class” is experiencing. These tactics are taken directly from Hitler’s playbook.
Also, Kelsey asked me to post this blog and I approved it. We wanted to show Obama’s empty rhetoric is the same empty rhetoric Hitler spewed nearly 80 years ago.
September 25th, 2008 at 9:03 am
I agree with Kenneth above. It’s not an attack, dart, it’s an opinion.
September 25th, 2008 at 9:20 am
I don’t know, he keeping on hitting obama topics trying to prove his flawed logic. That seems like an attack to me, now THATS my opinion.
September 25th, 2008 at 9:41 am
“You took *Hitler’s* words, replace nouns for context, and then made a point about what Obama is and says using that as a basis?
I really don’t care what you think of the man; you’re entitled to your opinion. But when you pull stuff like this to make a point against ANYONE, you cross a line. I wonder how many other blogs linked to you, or blindly copied your quote, and now spread the vitriol that you crafted just to make a point.
You preach about people smearing Palin all the time with just a single phrase, and you go and pull a stunt like this. Beyond that, Hitler KILLED MILLIONS OF PEOPLE.
Your shock tactic has worked on me this time, because I am absolutely disgusted that you would stoop so low to build a soapbox for yourself. Disgusted.”
My point was nobody could tell the difference and it passed perfectly well as an Obama Speech. You can do the same with translated Ahmedinijad speeches I hear.
I knew it was controversial when I did it. This is precisely why I did it. PC is for sissies.
September 25th, 2008 at 9:44 am
and I don’t think Obama is like Hitler, I want to reiterate that. In the blog, I said: “Obama may not be anything like Adolf Hitler (aside from speaking ability), but do we know any more about him than the people of Germany knew of Hitler in the early 1930s?”
The real point was that we need to hear more on specifics out of Obama and we need more media scrutiny. We need to know the specific and real intentions of the man we’re possibly electing. Adolf Hitler also promised “hope” and “change” without specifics and I can say with clarity that he delivered heavily on the latter, not so much the former. We need more from Obama than vague terms.
September 25th, 2008 at 1:15 pm
Tony Blankley wrote an excellent OP-ED and the issues Blankley writes about mirror exactly Kelsey’s blog.
September 25th, 2008 at 3:58 pm
“Tony Blankley wrote an excellent OP-ED and the issues Blankley writes about mirror exactly Kelsey’s blog.”
That was a great read. I suppose he presented the same arguments in a much less offensive way. My method was shock value while his was calm examination. Which one pissed more people off? Mine, hands down.
September 25th, 2008 at 10:12 pm
You know, Kelsey, I can understand what you are saying about Barack Obama sounding like Adolf Hitler. Crazy thing is, I have been saying the same thing about the lies that Fred Goldman has been spinning about OJ Simpson, and also that which Darryl Cabey’s lawyers and sycophants have been spinning about Bernhard Goetz, for a number of years.
The common thread is THE BIG LIE — a classic method of totalitarian and authoritarian ideologies including socialism, fascism, communism, and socialism. It is predicated upon the belief that if a lie is told enough, it will become the truth.
September 26th, 2008 at 1:15 am
“socialism, fascism, communism, and socialism”
There is little to no difference in the above four things and contrary to popular ignorance, all four are leftist in nature.
September 26th, 2008 at 2:10 am
I think the 4th one is Totalitarianism, Kelsey.
September 26th, 2008 at 4:01 am
October 12th, 2008 at 1:14 am
They are all totalitarianism… at the end point. Its the platform on which they rise to power that is whats being pointed out.
How many times have we seen socialism rise up and turn out to be nothing more than a dictator rising to power? They have all failed and continue to fail. Venezuela is next, right after Cuba.