America will attack Iran within “several weeks”.
Posted by Carlos C. on Sunday, August 31st, 2008 at 5:29 amA Dutch AIVD Secret Service ultra-secret operation underway in Iran in recent years has been halted and an agent recalled in view of “impending US plans to attack Iran,” within weeks, writes Joost de Haas, known for his good intelligence contacts, in the Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf.
The AIVD operation aimed to infiltrate and sabotage the weapons [and nuclear] industry in the Islamic Republic.
According to intelligence sources in the Netherlands, the US [or Israel] was expected to make a decision within weeks to attack nuclear plants with unmanned aircraft, used to avoid risking the lives of air crews and warplanes.
DEBKAfile’s military sources report this would be the first time drones operated by remote control were used against major strategic targets, necessary in Israel’s case to hold its air fleet and flight crews ready to defend the country against reprisal from Iran’s allies. Syria and the Lebanese Hizballah have stockpiled thousands of rockets for this purpose.
The Iranian targets to be bombed would include also military installations brought to light partly by the Dutch espionage operation, described by De Telegraaf as extremely successful. “One of the agents was able to infiltrate the Iranian industry” and for years shared information with the American CIA. “Various supplies could also be sabotaged and stopped. These were parts for missiles and launching equipment.”
According to DEBKAfile’s sources, the expectation disclosed by the Dutch newspaper would explain the fresh spate of threats from Iran.
Thursday, Aug. 28, Iranian sources told the London-based Arabic al Quds that Tehran had recently transferred to Hizballah new long-range rockets capable of hitting every inch of Israeli soil with great accuracy.
They were to be fired if Israel or the United States attacked Iran.
Dep. Chief of General Staff Masus Jazairi said Saturday, Aug. 30, that any attack on Iran would mean the beginning of a new world war. He said the “greed of the US and Zionists” is gradually leading the world to collapse as demonstrated in Sudan, Iraq, Afghanistan and the Caucasus.
DEBKAfile’s Iran sources report a shakeup is in progress in the Islamic Republic’s top military command.
Amir (Maj. Gen.) Seyed Abdollrahim Mousavi was named acting chief of staff of the armed forces – a new post created as backup in case the army chief comes to harm in combat.
Amir Mohamad Hosseyn Dadras becomes deputy chief of staff for coordination.
Amir Reza Pourdastan is the new commander of the army’s ground corps.
Scoop This editors have consistently blogged about America’s impending attack against Iran. There is a great possibility of this happening, especially since President Bush does not want to leave Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in power for the next President to deal (or not deal) with. Also, an attack on Iran in order to destroy their nuclear facilities will take more than unmanned drones. It’s going to take the entire U.S. Air Force, as well as assistance from the Israeli Air Force. Even the British Royal Air Force will probably have to get into the action.
Israel recently made a decision to attack Iran before they reach any significant nuclear capability. Iran has 4,000 centrifuges that are currently online. Also, Iran is threatening “world war” if it is attacked. As the article states above, Hizb’Allah has received Iranian orders to launch thousands of rockets if Iran is attacked by America or Israel. So, if the IAF attacks Iran, Israeli ground forces will have to attack Hizb’Allah in Lebanon.
Filed Under: News & Politics
August 31st, 2008 at 7:09 am
Dear Sirs,
America is better rethink of its actions in the past decades, the attackers should remind demselves of defeats in Viatnam and Iraq and Palestian, Israel is a weak state that always put Americans politician in trouble and expend lavishly from American TAX payrs pockets , Why should they attack Iran? nuclear energy is a must for developing countries enrgy needs , this summer many Iraninans suffered from constant power cuts and for the next year also whether forcasts show little rain for Iran means more black out due to dams low water level, Iran needs nuclear energy for a clean enviorment , Isreal first should stop catasrophic wars with Arabs and Palestinians and should solve its crazy war machine problems with its Arab nighbours and then make less headacke for Americans and no need to talk about another disaterous war that will lead to its wipe out from Mideast, every body in the world know that Israel is an iligimate regime including of bunch of murders and terrorist natziest who always looking for catasrophic wars in Mid East and almost all its nighbors tested the bitternes of existing of an illigal regim that find its existance by killing and masacring lots of inocent people , nothing is better than peace and harmony that American now need to servive the reputation that had been lots by obying Israelies Lobbies in US that lead the America as a great nation to a humilated poor country that shoud offer lots of sacrifies i.e. more than 4000 service men in Iran and Afganestan to get nothing but on verge of a disastrous colaps before Russians, that proved in Gorgia that Amercans are a bunch of nuts that engulfing a war that thousands of inocent lifes are lost their lives and properties without a result, why Amercans should replaced themselves with Russians in Afganestan and are deeping in a end less blood bathing war, the people in the world are getting mad of American stupid policy makers that always support a murderous regim in Israel regrdless of its anti democratic measures such as diastrous situation in Gaza and keep talking of unconditional support of a regim which has no illigibility among the people in Mideast and many other part of the world, US poltician should learn from the history and not putting themselves and other people of the world in a psyclogical war zone, the best is to hear all the voices and respect the needs of the nation to peace not war, Iran surely is advancing in all sort of new technologies which modern aged mankind needs why France should use 80% of its energy need by nuclear fusions and Iran as a great nation with more clear history than US and Euro (considering WW1 & WW2) while Iran never had bloody encounter with its nighbours excluding US backed Sadam attack to Iran .
Please do not think that the world people do not know any history and they not see on TV every night the CCN report of catasrophic bombing of Palestinan and Afgan and Iraqis and recently Gorgian stupid game that lead to genocide of Gorgians , we see isrealies hiden hands in all the crimes against the humanity people of the world exactly know that who are making the fuel of stuiped wars among the nations , Gorgian were sacrified for nothing , Nato to reach Russian borders and isrelies get a foot on this soil to continue their consparecy agains humnanity and this story will continue till WW3 begian by Isreal as they caused Holcast in WW2 and anyhow they were one side of Hitler stupied genocide of poor jews.
God bless wise people and Jises save us from another war by Jews
Sina from Iran
August 31st, 2008 at 1:21 pm
“we see isrealies hiden hands in all the crimes against the humanity people of the world”
I see that you have been brainwashed by the Iranian regime…
Sina, we are coming, and “shock and awe” will seem like fireworks when we get done with Iran.
August 31st, 2008 at 10:33 pm
Sina, you are retarded. Failures in Iraq and Palestine? I’ll forgive your terrible spelling and grammar, but please get the facts strait. Hezbollah lost big time in the last war, and in Iraq, hell we won, we won a long time ago, its just the media that portrays it as a loss. I’ve been there, twice. Afghanistan, more than that. We are decimating those cretins, all day everyday. The US media is just too in love with socialism to report on it.
I’m not a huge supporter of bombing Iran, I think it can be dealt with diplomatically, however, if they show they are not willing to deal, then a hostile nation with nuclear capability in that area is not long for this world.
Get your facts strait, send me your address and i’ll send you a dictionary and thesaurus.