Michael Yon sues Michael Moore.
Posted by Carlos C. on Friday, January 16th, 2009 at 7:25 amMichael Yon has decided to sue Michael Moore because Moore has illegally used this photo on his website.
Michael Yon writes:
I usually freely grant use of my work to truthful, peaceful, non-commercial, non-political outlets. For instance, a church group wanted to use one of my photos for their congregation. I was honored and gave it to them freely. On another occasion, a peaceful, non-profit Islamic organization wanted to use the same photo that Michael Moore has infringed upon (Major Mark Bieger cradling a little girl named Farah), and I was honored to contribute to their peaceful cause. I’ve seen grandmothers use my work in technically illegal ways, but since they’re not a big company, they probably have no idea about copyright, and usually use the work in tasteful, appropriate ways, I just smile and say “Go ahead, Ma’am.”
When someone’s grandmother disseminates the photo of Major Beiger cradling a dying girl in his arms, I allow the usage because I feel she is trying to share the human tragedy. When Michael Moore puts that same photo on his web site, alongside images of George Bush, John McCain and Hillary Clinton, the clear implication is that Farah’s death is their fault. That is a misrepresentation of the facts on the ground, as well as the story of the photo. Farah was killed by a suicide car bomb in Mosul on May 2, 2005. Major Bieger and other soldiers literally risked their own lives to save many children and adults that day, but Farah didn’t make it. Michael Moore apparently does not understand – or refuses to acknowledge – the moral distinction between a man who would murder innocent people, and a man who would sacrifice himself to save them. The photo, as I took it, is the truth, but Moore uses it – illegally – to convey falsehoods. His mind is that of a political propagandist who sees Farah’s death not as a human tragedy, but a tool.
Michael Yon’s lawyer has asked Michael Moore and Moore’s lawyers to take down the picture, but Moore has not taken down the photo and continuously ignores Yon’s attempts to protect his work. Michael Yon has decided to file a lawsuit against Moore.
Guess which Michael I support?
Hat Tip: InstaPundit
UPDATE 1: Michael Yon and Hot Air are reporting that the lawyers are finally talking.
We have not yet filed in court, but will very soon if Mr. Moore does not settle the matter immediately. The court paperwork takes time, though my attorney informed me that Mr. Moore’s attorney, after seven months of delay, called us late yesterday. Michael Moore’s attorney and mine, Mr. John Mason, are playing phone tag today.
I knew this was going to be a big story.
I am glad I was out in front of it.
Filed Under: Crime, News & Politics
Are we allowed to use his photo? We’re a political website too… maybe we should ask him.
leave it to that dirtbag to mis-use a photo that is a direct attack on our troops by a VBIED against a stryker that was surounded with children …
Well I’ve seen this photograph it deeply saddens me so I pray nightly for our soldiers.
He just put the piture up. Did he make money of it or something?
We are not misrepresenting the photo, so I think we are all good to use it.
Good for M. Yon! Although everyone stateside sees war differently, there is nobody who sees it through the eyes of the soldier. It is fully understood by me how this photo is to be taken. Just like Bush said yesterday, there is good and there is evil in the world. We have to fight evil. Sadly, children are often the victims caught in the fight. But if we don’t fight, there will be no more children.