Inauguration 2009!

Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, January 20th, 2009 at 10:08 am


As an admirer of Martin Luther King Jr., as a Conservative, and as an American and Puerto Rican, I am proud of my nation as we celebrate President Barack Obama as America’s 44th President, and our nation’s first Black President.

It is a sea of humanity!

Obama Inauguration

President Bush and Mrs. Bush meet President Obama and Mrs. Obama.

Obama Inauguration

Hat Tip: Hot Air

UPDATE 1: Around the blogs…

is liveblogging the event!

Gateway Pundit asks, ” 8 Years Ago Who Would Have Guessed Iraq Would Be a Democracy Today?”

Ed Morrissey at Hot Air writes: Goodbye, Mr. Bush.

JammieWearingFool has an article stating that Americans hope Barack Obama is like Ronald Reagan.

Michelle Malkin has an “Obamedia Orgy Watch”!

UPDATE 2: Check out Denzel Washington!

Obama Inauguration

He was waiting early this morning for the festivities to start.

Also, check out the scene last night.

mall_at_night has extensive coverage of the inauguration.

UPDATE 3: Perez Hilton asks if you like Mrs. Obama’s dress.


A little liveblogging of my own:

“Hail to the Chief” is played for the last time in honor of President Bush.

UPDATE 4: Instapundit has a column stating that Dick Cheney has been the most pro-gay Vice President in U.S. history.

Instapundit also has a column about the hopes and fears for Obama’s presidency.

UPDATE 5: Barack Obama’s inauguration speech will be 18 to 20 minutes long. He worked on it for two days, though it will not be a long speech.

UPDATE 6: Rick Warren is given light applause before praying.

Pastor Warren speaks of Obama’s father and of Dr. King.

Pastor Warren says we are all united by freedom and justice for all.

Pastor Warren asks G-d for forgiveness for all Americans when we fail and sin.

Pastor Warren asks G-d for help in creating prosperity and fostering peace around the world.

Pastor Warren prays the Lord’s prayer.

UPDATE 7: Aretha Franklin sings, “My Country Tis of Thee.”

UPDATE 8: Vice President Joe Biden takes the Oath of Office.

UPDATE 9: President Barack Obama takes the Oath of Office.

President Obama thanks President Bush for his service. The crowd applauds.

Pajamas Media is drunkblogging the event.

Dred Scott was elected America’s 44th President.

UPDATE 10: Hope and Change!

Obama Inauguration

Obama flubs the Oath of Office. Must be nerves.


The Speech. I liked it.

UPDATE 11: Dear President Obama from The Tygrrrr Express.

UPDATE 12: Ed Morrissey writes: Good luck, Mr. President.

UPDATE 13: Thumbs up from Sasha!

APTOPIX Obama Inauguration

UPDATE 14: President Bush is headed back to Texas.

Obama Inauguration

Also, the Dow Jones is down 212 points, and oil is up $2.30 to $38.81 and climbing.


UPDATE 15: Michelle Malkin writes:

11:43am Eastern. Obama is announced: “The president of the United States, Barack H. Obama.”

No Hussein, except for the Oath of Office.

UPDATE 16: The Hand of History.

Obama Inauguration

(1 Ratings)

Filed Under: = BREAKING NEWS =, News & Politics

5 Responses to “Inauguration 2009!”

  1. Protest Warrior says:

    Everyone get their unicorn and lollipop trees? My unicorn arrived the other day. It farts rainbows!

  2. Kelsey Golden says:

    “JammieWearingFool has an article stating that Americans hope Barack Obama is like Ronald Reagan.”

    We all “hope” that but then reality hits us and we realize how unlikely it is.

  3. Amerika says:

    This is what Roberts was supposed to ask Mr, Obama to repeat:

    “That I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States.”

    Instead, Justice Roberts said, “That I will execute the office to President to the United States, faithfully.”

    Justice Roberts misplaced the “faithfully,” and added a weird “to” in there as well.…-justice- r.html

  4. Bandraoi An Cogadh says:

    I’m sorry, but Michelle Obama does not have NEAR the style or grace as Laura Bush, or Jackie Kennedy.

    Let’s hope she does Obama proud and keeps her angry Black woman mouth shut.

  5. coffee says:

    i don’t doubt that Obama will be a vast improvement for the U.S. and the rest of the world
