Scoopthis Exclusive: Obama wins. America loses.
Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, November 6th, 2008 at 12:57 amThis is a letter from Staff Sergeant J.W.H., posted exclusively on Scoop This.
Dear President-Elect Obama,
This letter is to inform you that I, Staff Sergeant J.W.H., do hereby resign my military post. I find morally, that I cannot support you, nor serve under your administration.
I have served my country faithfully since March 22, 2000. I have been through many hardships, multiple deployments to combat zones and to other areas most people do not know exist.
I am an Air Force 1A871, and I am one of 12 people who can do my job. And in a few months I will be one of 7, because of retirements and separations. I have, so far, 176 days deployed this year, just so you know. When most people think of deployments, they think the Middle East, well let me tell you there are a lot more hot spots than that, and I am always on a “6-ring” notice. I leave my wife and two young boys to go and fight for my country against many targets. I am always in danger.
I cannot support you because you are a radical. You are friends with anti-Americans, you support talking with our enemies without preconditions, you will take away my Second Amendment Rights, and you support the death of children born after abortion attempts.
You are the absolute opposite of what our Founding Fathers wanted for our leaders, but with a few eloquent speeches you tricked the American people. You, sir, can have my stripes, you can have my career, I know this letter on the internet will destroy everything I worked for my whole life, but everyone in the world needs to know who you really are and what a standard GI thinks.
I signed a contract, I will serve until March 2010, because I gave my word and bond that I would. After that, I will leave, I will leave the Air Force that I love, the job that I love, the mission that I love. I will never again fly the jet I love. I will give all this and the monetary bonus…because I cannot support you. You just lost a million dollar asset. There are no more of me in the training pipeline. America lost tonight. You may have won, but America lost.
J.W.H., Staff Sergeant USAF
America lost last night.
Filed Under: News & Politics, ScoopThis.Org
as we get closer to the illegally elected Fuhrer Inauguration day, more military and law enforcement will resign their post knowing that they won’t follow that afro-centric hitler’s orders. The next Revolution has started, this time we make sure the tyrants are gone before we all suffer.
Cry more imo!
Mike is yet another liberal that does not appreciate the service of our military.
Mike…I wrote this letter…do you think i’m crying? I am turning down a 90K dollar bonus for another 5 years, because I can’t serve under this man. How is that crying? It’s following my moral compass. Learn the difference. Maybe if you ever served your country you would understand.
I want to take this time to thank you for your sacrifices, and your service to our great country. It is selfless people like you who make this country the great land of liberty. I have always been, am, and always be a supporter of our military men and women.
To those who diss our military I say shame on you. If you think you can do a better job, then I invite you to put your cowardice and indifferences aside and get out there and do something about it. Go on.. show the world what you are truly made of. I dare you!
Jim, if you want to know how you can reach me ask Carlos. He will tell you.
Thank you, Los, for this great opportunity to let me show my sincere thanks and gratitude for a job well done.
Thank You americas military. God Bless each and every one of you.
I really support people in the military and really do thank you for your service, but I have to ask something. To me it sounds like you no longer want to be part of the US because of the person who was elected president. Is it because of his policies or because of his very loose association with people who have done things in the past?
I’m sorry, but people who are die hard republicans were saying how people were unamerican because they didn’t support Bush and what was going on, now I see the exact same thing coming from other people.
I just think if you love the air force so much, you love what you do so much, and you love the country you wouldn’t be so quick to leave before the man ever gets into office.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to our American troops! BUT
we as conservatives/republicans need to unite. Fight the battle while this man is in The Office he does NOT deserve. I’m hoping, though, if we all unite maybe he’ll reach across the aisle. Really I’m praying that! We’ll see……
Actually Jim.
Yes it does sound like you’re crying….
If you’re so well trained as you say you are and you love this country as much as you say you do, then I say you’re just being selfish.
So you don’t agree with his policies….. that I can understand but news flash: AMERICA VOTED him into office…
therefore if you dislike him so much that you will no longer serve our country…. you’re really saying you dislike America.
I doubt Jim cries.
America DID lose. It is a devastating loss. I feel for the Staff Sergeant. I admire him for standing by his convictions and making this sacrifice.
I do not pledge allegiance to Obama. HE is not MY president!
not literally crying….the metaphoric cry!
and Katie: thats just dumb.
So if you get a new boss at work, and you dislike him…. he’s not YOUR boss? Good luck with that….
To say he’s not your president, even if you do not like him, is un-American and I’ll go ahead and say the same thing the republican’s told us 4 years ago….. “If you don’t like it….get out of our country!”
“HE is not MY president!”
Well, he will be your president in January, unless you move out of the country.
Also, I did a little looking into things.
From the letter - “I am an Air Force 1A871, and I am one of 12 people who can do my job”
From what I found 1A871 is a Linguist. A linguist doesn’t seem like something that is highly specialized and only 12 people can do. I mean, unless its a dead language.
Also, a Staff Sergent is an E-5 (enlisted man 5th rank for those who don’t know), which is not very high in the chain of command. When I was looking into joining the military (which I still might) I would have started as an E-3.
I still thank you for your service to the country. I’m not against anyone who is in the military for what they sacrifice, but it looks like you are exaggerating quite a bit.
This response is to Scott—
Scott I appreciate some of your words, you were very kind, however you do not know much of how the Air Force classifies its people. 1A871 is an AFSC, or what most people would call an MOS, a job identifier. It does not seperate by language, in actuality, there are (on the books) about 45 people who can do my job. However when it comes to flight duties, there are 12. The others have other jobs they have to do, therefore they no longer do the job i do, they used to, but no longer. And in a few months, we have 3 people retiring, 1 seperating and one getting out for medical reasons. that leaves 7. That means i’m always gone. I not only do my main job, i have several areas of expertise which means i go all over the world, so i go from arctic to desert regions within a week’s time.
You also mention the rank issue. A SSgt is a first line supervisor. Yes he is enlisted but if you know anything about the AF, you would know its the enlisted who are the backbone of the AF. It’s not the officers, not at all, the officers depend on enlisted for everything, to service and fix the jets, to provide intel, etc. If I am sick or hurt, the jet cannot fly. I am absolutely essential to the mission because I keep the jet safe. I answer directly to the SECDEF, and I love my job.
Another thing about rank in the AF is, its hard to make rank. It’s not the army where people make rank quick. We have something called WAPS (google it). Good for you, you might come in as an A1C (E-3) but that is a long stripe, you will be an A1C for a long time, then when you make SrA, you have to rack up points for promotion cycle. And if you know anything (you might want to look up promotion rates from SSgt to TSgt) you’d know that making E-6 (TSgt) is the hardest rank to make. The percentages are there. It takes an average of 12+ yrs to make E-6 in the air force, I made SSgt in 3.5 yrs, and I have 8 yrs in, and I was a ground guy for 6 yrs, flyers make all the medals, which are all the flights, i just started flying 2 yrs ago and making up for the medal points. This promotion cycle, if I make the same scores on my 2 tests, I’ll be a TSgt 3 yrs before Average….so what do you have to say now?
Ya know, learning a few things off a google post, doesn’t show you much, in fact you know very little. Ask questions from someone with experience before you post and show what little you actually know.
This response is to Mike—
Ok so I stand by my beliefs and I’m metaphorically crying? What did you do for the last 8 years? Apparently you just enjoy flipping the same story someone gave you for the last 8 yrs. That seems juvenile to me.
To be honest with you mike, I did write that letter out of frustration and anger, I might stay in the air force, there are very few of us(the people who can do my job) and honestly, i’d feel bad to leave. I’d feel like I had let my brothers down.
But you need to understand…its very hard to support a boss who is the exact opposite of what America needs, jeez the whole market is feeling that way…1000 pts in 2 days i mean come on.
I checked out obama’s record, he’s a radical, and in my opinion a coward. He’s never served his country, he wants to go to the table with anyone who threatens us, he’s just bad news. These are my opinions and history tells us appeasement is never the answer when it comes to dictators.
I’d love to have peace. I’d love for my kids to be able to not worry about war, but that’s fantasy man…there are people out there who don’t care if it’s bush or obama, they just want dead Americans, dead Christians, dead Westerners. That’s it. I’ve been there, done that, killed them, came home alive, going back again.
You think i whine about a new boss, I already know whats gonna happen…and i’ll give you the lowdown….we’re already going down to 14 brigades by the end of the month. Obama will take over with about 7K troops less in the country while the iraqis are growing…he might pull one or 2 more brigades in the next 8 months but thats it, he’ll take the recommendations of his generals and leave the rest…by that time it will be calm there, even more so then now.
I’ve spent alot of time in Afghanistan…he’ll redirect a brigade or 2 there, give them Vietnam like ROE’s where the can’t attack unless attacked first…we’ll have high casualties for awhile, then he’ll rescind that…but by then it will be won…
If he tries to pass anti-gun shit, i think he’ll lose, but that’s my hope, he’ll lose in everything he does.
But yea back to the main point. You think because i won’t support this radical i’m Anti-American? Ok lets contrast and compare:
I am a college graduate with several degrees.
I have 8 yrs active duty, 3 tours in the desert.
I am married with 2 kids, 2 dogs adopted from the pound and cat adopted the same way
I pay all my taxes
I own my own house and cars
I fish and hunt.
I donate to many charities including supporting a poor child in South America.
I have a credit score of 750.
I come from a blue collar family from new jersey
I’ve worked since i was 14.
So tell me, how am I anti-American, when I work all the time, do everything i’m supposed to and i’m succeeding.
Looks like you’ve got a lot accomplished so far….
thats great and I applaude you for that.
What my main point was, is that you’re willing to give up a lot just because you’re ideals disagree with Obama’s. When, the very country you love so much and are willing to die for voted this guy in power.
We’ll never convince each other either way so I wont be arguing further.
Good luck in whatever it is you choose to do….