Vera Baker - Barack Obama’s mistress?
Posted by Carlos C. on Saturday, October 25th, 2008 at 6:35 amMaybe.
Uncle Jimbo at Blackfive writes:
I speak with Blackfive’s own Wolf, who earns his Pulp Fiction moniker with more on Vera Baker, the mistress Michelle Obama exiled to Martinique. We will have pictures and more info on Monday, also it looks like one of the major news outlets is going to move on the story. I altered his voice in post-production.
Perhaps I should make a call to the National Enquirer.
Hat Tips: ACE OF SPADES HQ and Confederate Yankee
The Post Chronicle
Could it be that the lovable charismatic Barack Obama might be hiding the fact that he has a mistress?
Rumors are swarming that Obama may have committed adultery on Michelle Obama with a woman by the name Vera Baker.
Vera Baker is a staffer who worked for Barack Obama during his run for the United States Senate in 2004. Rumor has it that Michelle Obama was complaining about the supposed close friendship between Barack Obama and Vera Baker and before the public knew it, she was transferred to work at the Caribbean on the island of Martinique.
Let’s see if I can find a better picture.
Or maybe the National Enquirer should just break the story.
Hat Tips: JammieWearingFool and Stop The ACLU
Filed Under: = BREAKING NEWS =, News & Politics
Oh, good grief.
Assuming for one second that she was, or is, didn’t you people learn anything from Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. We don’t crucify our own for being imperfect or for making mistakes, because they don’t tend to hold themselves out as saints and family men who care so much about family values, only to later get arrested in the stall of a public bathroom for soliciting sex from another occupant. It’s. none. of. our. business.
But have fun with all this anyway . . . watching this last week, as people bring out the “big guns” to try to discredit Barack Obama, will be entertaining. Too bad you have people like Ashley Todd, because of whom people are now inclined to disbelieve anything and everything all critics say as being nothing more than a ploy to undermine the election.
This would be sooooo great if this whole thing turns into another John Edwards or Bill Clinton scandal. Why is it that the most powerful Democrats are the ones who are the most adulterous, womanizing, think they can put their hands on anyone-cheaters and not the Republicans?
Not that I am saying we haven’t had some bad eggs in our party as well but we seem to be the most morally sound.
I doubt it’s true. But if it is, it does not matter. The Libs don’t have the principle or the moral standard to vote against a man that would cheat on his wife. I on the other hand, took the charges of McCain’s “affair” very seriously and would not have voted for him if I thought them true.
How can I trust a man to uphold the “oath of office” if he won’t even uphold the most sacred and far more important “Oath of Marriage?” A person that does not have respect for their sacred vows of marriage cannot be trusted with anything.
I think though with McCain though I am not defending his affair, it was different because he was a P.O.W. and his wife probably could not understand is internal and external wounds like Cindy could. I’m sure he considered his marriage a loveless one and Cindy came to him and understood him better than any other woman.
Clinton on the other hand it’s two benefactors: One he had an affair because like John Edwards and Spitzer because he could, because he was too powerful and knew no one would break the news to anyone. The second reason is because he grew up in a very trailer-trash life with a drunk, abusive father that pretty much moved his ideals and principles on life, love, etc.
I hope this is true but I know the media will not report about it or call it a “right-wing conspiracy” until it snowballs into something bigger. But if it is true and God forbid Obama wins, they can keep with this investigation till Obama is coronated and sworn in, and he could be impeached for this and the many other crimes he has committed as well.
I would cheat too, if my wife was that angry, bug eyed, bitter, Michelle Obama. If I was Obama I would be trying to catch some delight from Beyonce or someone easier on the eye than that battleaxe who was never proud of her country until her husband started winning primaries.
To Cole:
You aren’t defending McCain’s affair? Then what is this: “he was a P.O.W. and his wife probably could not understand is internal and external wounds like Cindy could.”
Have you looked up Carol McCain? She was in a horrific accident and sustained crippling injuries, which now force her to walk with a severe gait. What about HER injuries?
“The second reason is because he grew up in a very trailer-trash life with a drunk, abusive father that pretty much moved his ideals and principles on life, love, etc.”
Those who come from prestigious backgrounds and strong moral families cheat sometimes, too. And they sometimes condemn others’ infidelities at the same time.
I guess Haggard soliciting for gay sex, and the republican congress man wanting kiddie sex is not as bad as Barack Obama having a mistress. You guys are worse. Sorry.
This is just another thing republicans are using to try and turn the election around, but it is not going to work. You LOSE!
Uh Caroline, there WAS NO “McCain affair” — it DOES NOT EXIST, it NEVER EXISTED, and it NEVER WILL EXIST!
So stop lying and take that liberal horseshit back to DailyKock and Fartcop.cum and MoveOn.CUBA and MediaMatters.CUBA already!
Carol, I didn’t defend his affair you dumb cunt.
All I said was that she probably couldn’t understand what he went through over there in Vietnam and he himself could not understand her predicament either. People fall out of love sometimes; Democrats and Republicans. I never said people from prestigious backgrounds don’t cheat either; obviously I mention Edwards and Spitzer who are pretty well-off in $.
Clinton however came from a household that was taught to lie or to overlook wrongs. Of course he’d carry on that message once he took office.
Asebes, there’s still a few days left. Don’t be counting your chickens before they hatch.
There could be another strong Evangelical turn-out for McCain as there was for Bush. Palin has a strong following and attracts newcomers and old voters daily. Don’t rule our party out and get too cocky. In other words, don’t be an ass Asebes.
The man is married to Michelle. Can you blame him? Lol I hate to play devil’s advocate, but, come on!
We should not sit back and Judge BUT if assobama did not honor his maririage oath then HE CAN NOT be trusted to take THE oath for AMERICA! John DID NOT CHEAT! The Liberal media makes everyone THINK its true. The DUMBASS democRATS believe it! Because they are blind followers! Go look up socialism!
Thats what assobama WANTS! NUFF SAID!