Venezuelan dictator, Hugo Chavez, does not like Sarah Palin.
Posted by Carlos C. on Saturday, October 25th, 2008 at 2:10 pmDoes this mean Venezuelan dictator, Hugo Chavez, supports Barack Obama?
It sure does!
CARACAS (Reuters) – Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, renowned for colorful insults of world leaders, called U.S. vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin a confused “beauty queen” on Friday after she said he was a dictator.
Chavez, a leftist who often mocks U.S. President George W. Bush, invoked the advice of Jesus Christ on how to handle the slights by Palin, the Republican governor of Alaska and a former beauty pageant winner.
“I saw the vice presidential candidate, there she was talking about ‘the dictator Hugo Chavez.’ The poor thing, you just feel sorry for her,” he said during a televised broadcast.
“She’s a beauty queen that they’ve pulled out to be a figurehead. We need to say as Christ did: Forgive her, she knows not what she’s saying.”
Chavez, you are not a Christian.
Chavez, you are a dictator that usurps power from the Venezuelan people, violate their free speech rights, and silence all political dissent.
Chavez, you will never go to Heaven. But, tell your buddies Castro, Stalin, and Hitler I say hello.
Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit
Filed Under: News & Politics
October 25th, 2008 at 5:15 pm
“Chavez, you are not a Christian.”
Who are you to judge the sincerity of another man’s faith?
“Chavez, you will never go to Heaven. But, tell your buddies Castro, Stalin, and Hitler I say hello.”
Oh. Are you God???
October 25th, 2008 at 5:35 pm
Citgo Chavez is retarded!
October 25th, 2008 at 6:13 pm
I judge because I can.
October 27th, 2008 at 6:46 pm
Chavez will stand before The Lord God Almighty on Judgement Day!