‘South Park’ vs. Lucas and Spielberg: Too far?
Posted by Kelsey Golden on Friday, October 10th, 2008 at 11:02 amA recent LA Times article asks if South Park "went too far" in their satire of Steven Speilberg and George Lucas’s remake of "Indiana Jones."
Scoopthis has an answer for them: "NO, free speech never goes ‘too far’."
We’re tired of newspapers daring to ask if somebody went "too far" when they said something that might’ve offended someone. Some of the best things that have occurred in our society occurred when someone exercised their right to free speech and started offending people. Martin Luther King, Jr. dared to dream, Reagan dared to call evil by its name and brought down the Soviet Union, Roosevelt dared to stand up to fascism long before the country was behind him, Lincoln dared to issue the emancipation proclamation despite objections and "offended" people in the north and south.
While I don’t believe that Matt Stone and Trey Parker are anywhere near the caliber of the men that I list, I do assert that the principle of protecting their right to "offend" just the same. A newspaper like the LA Times who’s freedom of press is guaranteed by the first amendment should respect the rights of others to that same freedom.
Filed Under: Entertainment
October 10th, 2008 at 11:22 am
Lucas and Spielberg are totally killing our memories of their best movies. For the sake of their classic art, they need to stop updating their films and making sequels.
However, Paramount Pictures is close to green-lighting Indiana Jones 5, because it is all about the money for all involved.
Anyways, the kids crying at the end of the episode is the funniest part.
Also, Butters shooting Chinese men in their groin.
Watch the full episode:
October 10th, 2008 at 12:44 pm
I watched it when it first aired this week…not the best episode of SP I’ve ever seen, that’s for sure. Did they “go to far”? Don’t they always? It just wasn’t a memorable episode for sure. I hope it’s not indicative of the rest of the new season.
October 10th, 2008 at 12:50 pm
The groin part was funny but yeah I’m sorry they went too far. I don’t need to see male-on-male rape or gay sex on my television. Yeah, the show is rated Mature but too much is too much. They were right in saying that George and Steven “raped” or ruined “Indiana Jones 4″ by putting space aliens in it (which they DID NOT belong in ANY Indy movie!) but that was probably the grossest episode next to “The Goobacks.”
October 15th, 2008 at 8:09 pm
Cole…. just because your a homophobe doesn’t mean they went too far. It was hilarious as usual, and dead on 100%. Geniuses that have turned into lazy whores like Steven and George deserve every bit of that and more.
Butters and Cartman teamed up is always something really special!!! Love it.
October 15th, 2008 at 8:13 pm
Also…. Why no jabs at Harrison Ford?? Isn’t he just as guilty and then some? He is an old man and just not the Indiana Jones I wanted to “rape” 15+ years ago.
October 15th, 2008 at 10:50 pm
LOL Sarah… well, people do get old. We can’t help that.
October 16th, 2008 at 7:57 pm
They did go too far. As a heterosexual male who has watched the show for years, it’s pretty fucking gross to see Harrison Ford being raped by Spielberg and Lucas. It was gross when they did the lesbian episode and it was gross when they did the Goobacks episode.
You can call me homophobic all you want I don’t give a fucking shit. That’s a word you liberals like to toss around when someone doesn’t agree with gays or doesn’t take the same stance you do on gay marriage or gay rights all the time. Just like how just because someone supports the War in Iraq they’re suddenly fascists.
Fuck that shit!
October 16th, 2008 at 8:56 pm
If there’s one thing I’ve tried to express in many of my blogs it is that the liberals are the “fascists.” They may call us fascists on a regular basis but when I use the word, I actually apply the word based upon its definition. I hate to flaunt my degree, but I majored in history and concentrated on the 20th Century. I know all to well what a fascist really is and the left is really starting to look more and more like the fascists of old Europe.