Polls Narrowing, Obama 48%, McCain 47%
Posted by Kelsey Golden on Tuesday, October 21st, 2008 at 2:54 pmWith the Obama News Network (formerly Clinton News Network) already giving Obama more than the 270 electoral votes needed to win the WhiteHouse, it may come as quite a suprise to many that Obama’s so-called lead in the polls is narrowing signifigantly as the election approaches. Some polls are now projecting a mere 1% lead for Obama over McCain!This is exactly what I said would happen in the blog where I asserted, and proved, that polls were deliberatly skewed towards the democrats except in times where their credibility might be at stake. The same sequence of events has played out in every election in recent memory! What do we expect from polls who don’t even interview an equal number of Republicans to Democrats most of the time?
In reality, this race is very close and with Obama performing worse than Kerry at this time in 2004, there’s reason to believe that Obama might even lose! Well, not if ACORN has anything to say about it but let’s hope that ACORN’s illegal impact on this election will be inconsequential.
The bradley effect might get blamed when/if Obama loses but let’s not lose sight of the fact that the polls always intended to shoot for swaying the results of the election rather than accurately reporting American Opinion. The only time they narrow in order to more closely match reality is the last two weeks of the election. Watch for more polls to narrow Obama’s “lead” in the coming days.
Filed Under: = BREAKING NEWS =, News & Politics
October 21st, 2008 at 5:29 pm
As expected.
October 21st, 2008 at 10:00 pm
As long as McCain’s within 4 % points in the polling, I think he’ll win. I really think the GOP is going to turn out this time.
October 22nd, 2008 at 2:03 pm
Second time entering this!
Explain to me why obama CAN NOT join the FBI,CIA, secret service etc AND still run to The President of America? I’ll tell ya why b/c of all ties to Bill Ayers, Fanklin Raines, Tony Rezko, Louis Frakkon AND ties to Yusaf (politial advisor for Hamas!) Go check it out! Timmeman did the research. He says Hamas is resposible for runninig phone lines to America telling American muslims to vote for obama AND Yusaf donated $32,000,000 to obama campaign! Don’t forget Hamas IS responsible for 9/11!
I want to see the REAL AUTHENTIC US birth certificate! Any piece of paper can be made on the internet.
How does everyone feel about the 2nd ammendment? Well it if it were left up to obama we would have THAT RIGHT taken away!
He wants to tax all registered guns bought to be taxed 500%!
ALSO if we were to defend OUR OWN HOME with a gun we would be treated like a criminal in obama’s eyes!
Any one who does not pledge allegiance to The American Flag in respect to OUR country should NOT have the NERVE to run for president! I REST MY CASE!
October 22nd, 2008 at 2:11 pm
Well, Al Qaeda was responsible for 9/11. I am sure, however, Hamas did not mind America being attacked.