Posted by Carlos C.closeAuthor: Carlos C.Name: Carlos Candelario Site: AIM: Yahoo: About: Send me a private message to my MySpace inbox anytime at Authors Posts (638) on Thursday, October 23rd, 2008 at 10:01 pm
I love her name.
Kookoo Molookoo says that the secret to long life is to trust God and respect their parents.
Mustapha Mond 's Scoop on Liberal Obama donor is behind Joe the Plumber background checks!: If Joe waits until 0bama gets elected, he can join the class action lawsuit as...
Kelsey Golden 's Scoop on A Vote For Obama Is A Vote For The Death Of Israel.: Ahrcanum, Hrmmm… that’s interesting that they’re offering a reward. If they...
Ahrcanum 's Scoop on A Vote For Obama Is A Vote For The Death Of Israel.: The LA Times is refusing to release a video with Obama at a party for Khalidi. The Jewish World...
Kelsey Golden 's Scoop on Americans in Israel cast their ballots for McCain.: Lots of lazy people vote democrat so they can sit on their ass and get hand-outs so maybe...
Jessica 's Scoop on Americans in Israel cast their ballots for McCain.: The scary thing is though, alot of people have voted early, and can’t get that vote back. The...
Kelsey Golden 's Scoop on A Vote For Obama Is A Vote For The Death Of Israel.: If Iran gets a nuke due to Obama’s lack of good policy, his policy towards Israel is...
Kelsey Golden 's Scoop on Homeless man gets nine months in jail for stealing $1.: I think the fact that the victim was a 10 year old girl is why he got 9 months.
steven murphy 's Scoop on The Obama-Khalidi Tape: Your one side d and thats why I stoped receiving your paper. If you where more balanced ,that would be different.
Mike 's Scoop on Gallup: Obama 49% - McCain 47%: I think Obama will lose…keep saying “Bradley Wilder” over and over again. I think Obama will lose and I...
Carlos C. 's Scoop on Gallup: Obama 49% - McCain 47%: Alaska is not Socialist. You keep becoming even more of a liberal idiot with each passing day.
Asebes 's Scoop on Gallup: Obama 49% - McCain 47%: “vote against this Socialist.” C’mon… Palin runs a socialist state. Now how can you say he is a...
dart336 's Scoop on Game 5 of the World Series postponed until Wednesday.: and I want base ball to ends so I can enjoy normal programing
mominaz 's Scoop on Baby Caylee Anthony is dead!: This is truly a traggic story, the sad thing is I have two little guys, my youngest is seven, he has been following this...
October 24th, 2008 at 12:37 am
I wonder if it’s true. If it is, that lady has been through a lot. I’d love to spend a day talking to her about her life.