GOP will file fundraising complaint against Obama!

Posted by Carlos C. on Sunday, October 5th, 2008 at 3:41 pm

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Republican National Committee plans to file a fundraising complaint against Democrat Barack Obama’s presidential campaign Monday, alleging it has accepted donations that exceed federal limits as well as illegal contributions from foreigners.

RNC officials acknowledged Sunday that they do not have a list of foreign donors to Obama’s campaign. Instead, the complaint is based largely on media reports, including one from a conservative Web site.

The complaint asks the Federal Elections Commission to audit Obama’s campaign fund, RNC chief counsel Sean Cairncross said in a conference call with reporters.

Cairncross said little is known about many of Obama’s donors because the campaign is not required to disclose detailed information about people who give less than $200.

The Obama campaign, which is not accepting public funds, has raised more than $468 million. About half has come from small donors, a point of pride for the Obama campaign.

The Obama campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

This bears watching. Analysis to follow.

Breaking News…


UPDATE 1: JammieWearingFool has the entire story.

Instapundit reports:

I JUST GOT THIS EMAIL: “Republican National Committee (RNC) Chief Counsel Sean Cairncross will announce today a complaint that the RNC is filing with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) against the Obama campaign. The complaint will address foreign national and excessive contributions accepted by the Obama campaign that demonstrate it is operating outside of federal campaign finance law.”

That’s all the detail there is, and I can’t do the 1 pm conference call they’re announcing, but I assume it’s about this kind of thing. And this?

Do any of you know any gentlemen named Mr. Good Will and Mr. Doodad Pro? I am sure the people at Newsweek know.

What does this all mean? Barack Obama has been caught taking illegal campaign contributions. That is how you raise $200 million out of a record $468 million. I have known about this all week, but now I am glad the truth is busting out!

UPDATE 2: Barack Obama’s campaign might have participated in Internet fraud, according to Reuters.

(1 Ratings)

Tags: , GOP, illegal fundraising,
Filed Under: = BREAKING NEWS =, News & Politics

5 Responses to “GOP will file fundraising complaint against Obama!”

  1. Asebes Says:

    What you just posted does not prove anything. They are going off some conservative website. This is just another tactic for the RNC to try and have McCain as president. Trust me it will not go down. This is cheap and VERY low. Republidumbs have stooped to a new low.

  2. Says:

    Newsweek is not Conservative by any means.

    Obama got caught. Plain and simple.

    As always, the news hits the blogs first, then, it will hit the mainstream media.

  3. jacob Says:

    listening to Obama’s tone today…He is Terrified

    Listening to Obama’s tone in today’s rally in NC… shows that Obama is afraid that this is going to bring him down, he owns it, because he was linking McCain to Bush the last Month, so The McCain Campaign is shooting back on his links to his radical friends, i don’t know if this is going to bring a win for McCain, McCain is taking a risk, but one thing is sure, That McCain took over the theme and the day, and forced the media to address the issue and report it, and obama to defend himself, rather then talk about his comfortable issues like the economy and health care.

    One thing is sure, McCain has no choice, as long as the election is about the economy he will lose, once he turns in the election on Obama , and makes the Election as a referendum on Obama, he can pull out a win, McCain has nothing to lose, he is anyway not benefiting anything from being presidential, he has to campaign hard ,and attack , attack and attack, it worked against Romney and it can work against Obama.

  4. P1 Conservative Kitty Says:

    Well the other day when I was reading scoopthis I clicked an article on the right and from what IT said: Obama has received
    contributions from YUSAF! He also stated plain and simple that he hopes obabma is elected. IF nobama is elected he will cut defense money and thats what alqueda wants! NUFF SAID!

  5. Martha Says:

    From voter fraud (ACORN) to campaign donation fraud Obama has been the first presidential nominee who has blatantly thumbed his nose at the rules. It’s appalling that there are not numerous agencies investigating him including Congressional oversite committees. Nancy Pelosi should be kicked out on her bony ass for turning her head in the face of the obvious fraud and promoting Obama in a quest for blind ambition for the Democratic Party. They can all go to hell as far as I’m concerned. The have proven they are the party of do-nothing.

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