MJ fires Jabberjaw!
Posted by Carlos C. on Wednesday, September 24th, 2008 at 7:45 amMJ, real name Todd Schnitt, is the host of the MJ Morning Show and The Schnitt Show in the afternoon. MJ / Schnitt just fired cast show member, Jabberjaw (real name Kim), for calling in sick with a “migraine” and attending today’s Barack Obama rally in Florida. MJ is mad that Jab did not ask for a personal day, which MJ says he would have granted her. Jab cleared her personal day with the show’s executive producer, Joey B, and manager, Tommy Chuck. However, Joey B and Tommy Chuck are NOT Jab’s boss. MJ is the boss. Also, if Joey B knew of Jab’s lie, he might be fired as well. Joey B stormed out of the studio while yelling and threatening MJ to fire him, too.
This is going to blow up in the liberal blogosphere, especially since MJ / Schnitt is a Republican radio show host. Last Friday the DailyKos website, dominated by the far-left lunatic fringe, posted a “diary” stating that Schnitt is participating in “voter intimidation”. DailyKos contends that Schnitt is intimidating Jab to vote for John McCain. I expect the DailyKos and other liberal kook websites to post blogs with themes such as “Republican bosses are firing Democrat employees”, and other similar topics.
UPDATE 1: Joey B, another Obama supporter, was just fired by MJ / Schnitt because Joey B conspired with Jab in order to lie to MJ about Jab’s true whereabouts today. Joey B might return to the show, though. Things are crazy in the studio right now.
When someone lies to their boss, that is grounds for dismissal. Politics have nothing to do with this, even though liberal blogs will DEFINITELY start bitching about this.
UPDATE 2: MJ has decided to keep Joey B on the show. Joey B left the show for an hour and hid in a coat room closet to gather himself.
Filed Under: = BREAKING NEWS =, Entertainment, News & Politics
MJ Pubic-Hair Schnitt is not her direct boss, and he is looking at a lawsuit for sexual discrimination for some of the crap he pulled on her. Mr. Pubic-Hair is a real dirt bag.
that is not even the whole story. MJ yes did fire her for the day. He asked her to come back the next day to talk about what had happen. They seemed to get everything straightened out. MJ then went to his bosses asking them if they could have jab on a full time employee, they said that they did not have the money for it. Mj was willing to give up some of his paycheck to let jab be full time. He did not tell her this and the next day she does not show up again. They try to get a hold of her and some how the lines were crossed or something and jab started getting the calls that were suppose to go to the show. She accused of him harrassment when it was all an accident. She left and she went on a radio show and bashed the mj morning show with everything but the truth.
If you want to post something make sure you have all the facts.
Everyone is too funny!
I WILL NOT even join in and add fuel to the fire.
Only a putz would listen to MJ, anyway.
He is lame.
Am I the only one who’s never heard of MJ or JabberJaw?