My Way News

WASHINGTON (AP) - Barack Obama leads John McCain in the state-by-state race to 270 electoral votes and the White House, but eight states with a decisive 109 votes are still up for grabs as they plunge into the final weeks of a stubbornly tight presidential campaign.
The candidates’ face-to-face debates, scheduled to begin Friday night, will provide the next big chance to change the electoral lineup, especially in the eight states that are still considered tossups: perennial powerhouses Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, Western targets Colorado and Nevada, Wisconsin in the Midwest, traditional swing state New Hampshire and newly competitive Virginia.
In a political environment that dramatically favors Democrats and appears to be further trending toward them, Obama has 18 states and the District of Columbia, offering 229 votes, in his column or leaning his way, while Republican McCain has 24 states with 200 votes, according to an Associated Press analysis of public and private polls, television spending and interviews with strategists in both parties.
Like the tossups, the status of other competitive states could change in coming weeks. Of those, Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa and New Mexico are currently leaning toward Obama, while Indiana, Missouri and North Carolina are leaning toward McCain.
Before a certain girl I know starts sending me hate mail, Real Clear Politics shows that McCain is up by 3 points in North Carolina. Also, as Kelsey always mentions, do not believe the polls. But, I have to admit, they are fun to watch! And sometimes, infuriating to watch.
The Daily Gallup tracking poll shows John McCain and Barack Obama in a dead heat at 46%.
Rasmussen shows that Barack Obama is up 49% to 46%.
After McCain decided to suspend his campaign, Zogby shows that McCain leads Obama 46% to 44%.
The Real Clear Politics average shows that Obama leads 8 of 10 polls, while McCain leads in 1 poll and both are tied in another poll. However, the numbers are a bunch of crap! The ABC News / Washington Post poll shows Obama up by 9 points nationwide with only a 780-person sample size! Obama is up by 6 points nationwide in the Fox News poll with only an 900-person sample size. Bull… Crap!
The path to victory really lies in three states, so both candidates better focus most of their time in Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. McCain and Palin have a unique advantage: they both have the ability to generate large crowds. Obama has the same ability, but I highly doubt Joe Biden has the same effect as Sarah Palin. McCain should send Palin out to all of the battleground states, have her campaign in those states and attract huge crowds, while McCain campaigns around the rest of the country.
Remember, polls are bullshit. Get out and vote November 4th!
Hat Tips: Hot Air and Hot Air