Posts Tagged ‘pro-Palestinian supporters’

Jews need Nazis?

Posted by Carlos C. on Monday, January 19th, 2009 at 5:06 am

Daily Telegraph

According to this little pro-Hamas supporter, the Jews need Nazis.


from the pro-Hamas terrorist Melbourne, Australia rally.

Muslims kids these days are completely brainwashed. But how is that any different from the past 20+ centuries?

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U.K. Hamas-supporters send terror text messages.

Posted by Carlos C. on Sunday, January 18th, 2009 at 9:02 am


The Sun

MENACING texts sent to Israeli soldiers’ families by Hamas supporters were traced to Britain yesterday.

Scores of messages have been sent — warning that Israeli sons fighting in Gaza face slaughter.

Checks of the code from the sender’s number revealed the texts originated in the UK.

British supporters of the Islamic fanatics in the besieged Gaza Strip were assumed to be responsible for the scare tactics last night.

The message — sent randomly to Israeli mobiles — reads: “Come on into Gaza. Lots of surprises waiting for your sons, the least of which is death — Hamas.”

Israeli and British anti-terrorist investigators are attempting to trace the terror texter — but last night the number had been switched off, suggesting the line had been disconnected.

Liron Morris, whose husband is an Israeli army reservist, said: “It seems very legitimate to me to be scared when someone gets a hold of your telephone number and threatens you.”

Hopefully the terror texters are caught.

Hat Tip: Israel Matzav

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Pro-Hamas propaganda.

Posted by Carlos C. on Sunday, January 18th, 2009 at 6:25 am


Note the swastikas that represent the helicopter’s rotors, because everyone knows what Nazis the Jews have always been!

Proof writes:

This picture was taken at a UK pro-HAMAS rally. I am continually amazed that, as Ann Coulter points out in her new book, it is often the victims who are accused of being the oppressors. The Jews, who suffered millions of casualties under Hitler’s regime, are the last people on the planet to be compared with the Nazis…unless like the Nazis, you need to dehumanize them before you destroy them! In which case, these HAMAS (Hide Among Mosques And Schools) sympathizers know exactly what they’re doing!

Note, too, the bomb “Made in USA”, complete with American flag, being dropped on the Giant Baby Bottle of Blood! (I would think, a baby bottle of blood as big as a helicopter could be a frightening thing, but who am I to judge? )

Would it be too much to ask these people to get off their duffs and protest all the rockets being fired into Israel which bring about the Israeli response? There is video posted of Israeli pilots who actively avoided civilian casualties while hunting down the animals that target their families. You can see it here. So, the image of Israelis bombing children is merely a base and baseless calumny from the pro-HAMAS protesters. But, as propaganda, to the “victims” who are in reality the oppressors dedicated to wiping Israel off the map, no lie is too big. No slander is too great. This is merely another in a long line of lies.

Proof says all that needs to be said.

Hat Tip: Proof Positive

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Hamas supporters throw shoes at Obama posters!

Posted by Carlos C. on Saturday, January 17th, 2009 at 4:34 am


Remember when angry Hamas supporters burned posters of Barack Obama?

Well, they threw shoes at Barack Obama posters, too.

Shoe chucking is not so funny now, huh, liberals?

Here is the video:

While chucking “freedom sneakers” at Obama’s poster, Hamas supporters also “Death to Obama!”.


Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit

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Hamas supporters burn Barack Obama flag!

Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, January 15th, 2009 at 5:49 pm


Plus, the Hamas supporters ran over the Obama flag with their cars.


But I thought these people wanted Barack Obama in the White House?

I guess not.

Hat Tip:
Michelle Malkin

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Israeli flag burning in San Francisco!

Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, January 13th, 2009 at 8:34 am

Zombie Time

Plus, liberals at the rally are already mad at Barack Obama. Apparently, Obama is not left-wing and radical enough for their tastes!


The only pro-Israel supporter at the rally was asked by the police to leave as pro-Hamas terrorist supporters burned flags.


The family that hates together, stays together!


Scoop This still stands with Israel.

Hat Tip: The Jawa Report


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Pro-Palestinian supporters brandish guns during rally.

Posted by Carlos C. on Sunday, January 11th, 2009 at 5:05 pm

Barcepundit reports that “peace-loving” pro-Palestinian supporters at a rally in Barcelona, Spain brandished their guns during a rally.


We have guns, too. And, more ammo.

Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit

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Germany reverts back to Nazism.

Posted by Carlos C. on Sunday, January 11th, 2009 at 12:24 pm

German police submit to a pro-Palestinian mob and removed an Israeli flag from an apartment window.

Jihad Watch

The mob applauded, cheered, and shouted “Allahu Akbar” when the Israeli flag disappeared.

Today, 10.000 people demonstrated against Israel here in my hometown Duisburg (Germany) and to express their solidarity with Hamas. So, my girlfriend and me put two Israel flags out of the windows of our flat in the 3rd floor. During the demonstration which went through our street the police broke into our flat and removed the flag of Israel. The statement of the police was to de-escalate the situation, because many youth demonstrators were on the brink of breaking into our apartment house. Before this they threw snowballs, knifes and stones against our windows and the complete building. We both were standing on the other side of the street and were shocked by seeing a police officer standing in our bedroom and opening the window to get the flag. The picture illustrate this situation. The police acquiesced in the demands of the mob.

.And people think it cannot happen again.

Hat Tip: Atlas Shrugs

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Pro-Palestinian protesters riot in London!

Posted by Carlos C. on Saturday, January 10th, 2009 at 5:42 pm

Pro-Palestinian / Pro-Hamas protesters riot in London!











Daily Mail

Violent clashes occurred between police and around 20,000 protesters outside the Israeli Embassy in London - with an estimated 100,000 protesters airing their views around the city.

Windows were smashed and policemen were injured - with one officer knocked unconscious in the running battles and two requiring treatment for facial injuries.

The protesters - mainly young men - knocked down barriers threw missiles including eggs, red paint, sticks and shoes as 300 officers in full riot gear tried to maintain the peace.

There were reports that some protesters had tried to set fire to police vans.

The violence, which broke out in front of the Israeli Embassy, appeared to be led by a hard-core of masked and hooded youths.

A national demonstration against Israel’s attack marched from Speakers’ Corner at Hyde Park today to the Israeli embassy in High Street Kensington.

Here is video of the riot:

Sooner or later, there is going to be a massive, all-out brawl if pro-Hamas crowds keep getting more bolder and more violent.

Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit

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1,000 pro-Palestinian thugs attack pro-Israel rally with knives, bats, and Molotov cocktails!

Posted by Carlos C. on Friday, January 9th, 2009 at 9:27 pm

Images from pro-Israel rally in Oslo, Norway:

Norway Gaza Protests

Pro-Israeli demonstrators, in foreground, and anti-Israeli demonstrators, in background, protest outside the Norwegian Parliament, in central Oslo, Norway, Thursday, Jan. 8, 2009.


31 protester were arrested after they attacked the pro-Israel demonstration.


Violence at the protest in Oslo.

OSLO (Reuters) - Oslo police detained at least 27 people on Thursday after pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian demonstrators clashed in one of the worst such outbursts in the Norwegian capital since the 1980s.

Shop windows in the city center were shattered and police repeatedly used teargas to break up groups of activists demonstrating over Israel’s crackdown in the Gaza Strip.

The violence started when about 1,000 pro-Palestinian supporters showed up at a rally sponsored by Norway’s largest opposition party in support of Israel. Television pictures showed they burnt Israeli flags and threw projectiles at police clad in body armour who separated the two groups.

“This has nothing to do with the situation in Gaza,” Johan Fredriksen, chief of staff of the Oslo police, told the website of the daily Aftenposten.

“These people came to the protest with knives, bats and Molotov cocktails,” he said, speaking about the pro-Palestinian side.

“You have to go back to the early 1980s to find a similar situation in Norway,” Fredriksen said, adding that police were still concerned about security across the city.

Clashes also took place near the Israeli embassy.

Tabloid VG on its website said that Oslo was the site of a “street fight” with groups of men throwing rocks and bottles at police. One police car was trashed and one officer injured.

Before the flare up, some 15,000 people walked through the city centre for a peaceful, torch-lit protest, police said.

I am surprised that violence at these rallies does not escalate further.

Kudos to all police men and women worldwide for keeping the peace.

Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit

UPDATE 1: Check out the You Tube video of the rioting!

I am surprised that a massive fight did not occur.

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