Report: President Obama closes CIA “black sites”.
Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, January 22nd, 2009 at 5:03 amThe Washington Times has removed the article.
Mr. Obama will shutter “all permanant detention facilities overseas,” the draft said, according to the individuals who asked not to be named because the orders have not yet been signed. There are at least eight such prisons, according to published reports. The Bush administration never revealed the number or location of the facilities, although several were said to be in Eastern Europe.
I believe I will be mostly blogging about National Security during President Obama’s tenure.
If President Obama believes that this executive order is good for the country, he is mistaken. This is not a good start
How many attacks on America and our allies have been prevented because of the information extracted by CIA agents from terrorists while insides these “black sites”?
It seems as if President Obama is sacrificing America’s safety for a misguided ideal of treating everyone equally, even if that person is evil.
Hat Tip: Hot Air Headlines
Filed Under: News & Politics
GREAT!!!!! (sarcasticly) This man is sooo stupid. Now we will be unable to find out anything!
That DUMBASS is putting America at risk Carlos.
Congratulations, dumbasses who voted for him, you got what you wanted. America is now like a virgin highschool girl ready to be deflowered on prom night. Wide-opened and vulnerable.
Pardon my usage of words but really that’s what our country is becoming. The one thing we fear most is a scud missile or nuclear bomb explosion to go off or hit us in our own country. If he keeps appealing to the U.N. and hippies of the world, we’ll surely see this hypothetical or fantasy suddenly become a reality.
He only closed them on paper. Rest assured, the sites will continue to run in secret just like they have since the CIA began.