Posts Tagged ‘U.S. military’

Victory In Iraq Day!

Posted by Carlos C. on Monday, November 24th, 2008 at 9:15 am

Scoop This is a couple of days late to the party.

But we are still going to rock for our troops in Iraq!

On a personal note, I have two cousins and many friends fighting in Iraq. My friend Marcus Mathes died in Iraq. Before I started blogging on Scoop This, I blogged about Marcus on my .

We honor your sacrifice and celebrate your victory, Marcus.

Marcus Mathes.

Marcus hugs his wife.

More on Marcus Mathes at The Iraq Page.

Scoop This thanks all of our military men and women in Iraq, Afghanistan, and all around the world.

America is The Land Of The Free because of The Brave.

And Saddam Hussein and his sons are still burning in hell.

Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit

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U.S. troops will stay in Iraq until 2011.

Posted by Carlos C. on Sunday, November 16th, 2008 at 2:26 pm


Iraq’s cabinet has approved a pact that will let US forces remain in the country until 2011.

President Talibani and Iraq’s two other Vice Presidents still have to ratify the deal.

At least our military will be able to get a chance to finish the job and come home in complete victory.

Check out the news video on ITN.


BAGHDAD - Iraq’s Cabinet on Sunday approved a security pact with the United States that will allow American forces to stay in Iraq for three years after their U.N. mandate expires at the end of the year.

The decision followed months of difficult negotiations and, pending parliamentary approval, will remove a major point of contention between the two allies. Parliament’s deputy speaker, Khalid al-Attiyah, said he expected the 275-member legislature to begin debating the document this week and vote on it by Nov. 24.

“This is an important and positive step,” said U.S. Embassy spokesman Adam Ereli.

Iraq has control over 13 of its 18 provinces, and violence is down dramatically, thanks to the surge.

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McCain sues to make sure that the military vote counts!

Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, November 4th, 2008 at 12:40 am

RICHMOND, Va. — Republican John McCain’s presidential campaign sued the Virginia election board Monday, claiming absentee ballots weren’t mailed on time to military members serving overseas.

The complaint asks the U.S. District Court in Richmond to order the state to count absentee ballots postmarked by Tuesday and received by Nov. 14. It contends that thousands of troops’ ballots — many of which would go to McCain — will not be counted.

The deadline for ballots to be received is 7 p.m. Election Day, which is Tuesday.

The lawsuit is the second in a week to challenge preparations for the presidential election in Virginia, where Barack Obama hopes to become the first Democrat since 1964 to win the state’s 13 electoral votes. Polls over the past week show him about even with or slightly ahead of McCain.

More than 436,000 new Virginia voters have registered since Jan. 1, and about 500,000 people — a tenth of the state’s electorate— have cast absentee ballots.

The NAACP sued the state last week, alleging it allotted too few voting machines for the enormous number of voters in majority black precincts expected to be drawn by the prospect of electing Obama as the first black president.

U.S. District Judge Richard L. Williams on Monday declined to order longer voting hours and other changes requested by the NAACP. He did order the elections board to publicize the availability of curbside voting for older or disabled voters and the fact that people in line by 7 p.m. will be allowed to vote.

A hearing on McCain’s lawsuit is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. Tuesday before Williams.

That lawsuit alleges that ballots for overseas military voters were mailed too late to ensure they are returned by the deadline. Defendants are the chairwoman, vice chairman and executive secretary of the state elections board.

A 1986 federal law requires ballots to be mailed to military voters in foreign countries at least 45 days before the election, which this year would have been Sept. 20. The lawsuit alleges the state didn’t have the ballots printed and sent to local officials by then, meaning they may not have been mailed overseas until October.

Ashley L. Taylor Jr., an attorney for McCain, said tens of thousands of oversees military absentee ballots could be voided unless the deadline is extended.

“The last thing you want is to have a service member in Afghanistan or Iraq who received his ballot too late not being able to vote in this election,” Taylor said.

Board Chairwoman Jean Cunningham said late Monday afternoon the board had not seen the lawsuit and could not comment.

Scoop This reader, Staff Sergeant Jim H. writes:

Military members, if you did not receive your ballot in time for it to be sent back in time to be counted, contact your Voting Assistance Officer. This can be more ammunition in Senator McCain’s lawsuit to allow your vote to count.

Just like Gore and Kerry, Obama will try to block your vote, because they all know that the military supports Republican candidates much more than Democrats.

Scoop This will do its part in monitoring all of the election coverage and we will make sure that every vote is counted!

Remember Conservatives… Vote! Vote! Vote!

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Control of Anbar province handed to Iraqis!

Posted by Carlos C. on Monday, September 1st, 2008 at 7:47 am

BAGHDAD (AP) - The U.S. military has handed over security control of the western province of Anbar to Iraqi forces.

The province was once a hotbed of the Sunni Arab insurgency, and the scene of some of the bloodiest battles of the Iraq war.

The handover marks a major milestone in America’s strategy of turning security over to the Iraqis so U.S. troops can eventually go home.

In the ceremony Monday in the provincial capital of Ramadi, the top American commander in Anbar, Marine Maj. Gen. John Kelly, said al-Qaida has not been entirely defeated in Anbar. But he said, “their end is near.”


The fighting in the Anbar province, as well as the lawlessness and the despair that existed there, became a talking point for anti-war liberals who wanted to pull the troops out and go home. However, the U.S. military remained, and are still, resilient, they overcame many obstacles, and won the fight! They have decimated Al Qaeda in the Anbar province and are now hunting Al Qaeda’s remnants. This is victory! This is success! And soon our troops will come home with the honor that they have earned.

Oh, and of course, the surge worked.

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