Teacher bullies children who support McCain!
Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, November 6th, 2008 at 4:37 pmThis is a video of Diantha Harris, a lifelong democrat and avid Barack Obama supporter. She is also a lousy schoolteacher, as is evidenced by the mushmouthed kids in her class. And instead of concentrating on grammar and English, math and science, she abuses and ridicules any child who dares to speak up in support of John McCain. This video is part of a Finnish documentary on Obama fans, and it is shocking that you have to go to a foreign country to learn what goes on in our own classrooms.
See how she singles out the little white girl and mocks her for having an absent parent, who is off defending the country, and lies to her, saying her Dad would have to stay in Iraq for a hundred years? The little girl was ready to cry! Disgusting.
Diantha Harris: It’s a senseless war! [Stares at Kathy.] And by the way, Kathy, the person that you’re picking for president said [Harris shakes her head] that our troops could stay in Iraq for another hundred years if they need to! [Kathy bites her lip, looks ashamed. Other kids stare at Kathy, laugh, smirk.] So that means that your daddy could stay in the military for another hundred years!
[Kathy is on verge of tears.]
[In an interview later:]
Diantha Harris: Now I can support whomever I want to support, as long as I don’t browbeat another person for the candidate that they supported. Like I have some students that support John McCain, and when they told me that, I said ah … “that’s good’ and I just moved on. So, I think that everybody is entitled to their own personal opinion.
Thanks to the Finnish media for performing the job that the United States media does not.
This took place in Asheville, North Carolina.
Hat Tip: Hot Air
UPDATE 1: Michelle Malkin is calling this child abuse.
Filed Under: News & Politics
November 6th, 2008 at 4:48 pm
That woman makes me SICK! She stated that she would let anybody have an opinion BUT attacks that little girl! I wonder what she would be like if arguing with an ADULT.
November 6th, 2008 at 4:59 pm
Guess this video made the teachers union mad because it has been pulled…I would love to have seen it…did anyone save it…
November 6th, 2008 at 5:07 pm
Richard, the video works. I am watching it now.
November 6th, 2008 at 5:13 pm
Our poor kids and grand kids. Man this makes me mad and to me it shows stupidity.
November 6th, 2008 at 5:30 pm
That little girl looked scared for sure…Knowing the liberal school boards, this teacher will probably get a promotion…
November 6th, 2008 at 5:39 pm
We have a new President! Democracy Happens!
We The People, have spoken.
If you do not BELIEVE in our DEMOCRACY, what is it you WISH to impart in IRAQ.
Spreading FREEDOM?
November 6th, 2008 at 6:44 pm
That teacher turned what could’ve been a good learning experience and ruined it by injecting her own political beliefs. I like how she asked the students who supported Obama “why” and made them get more specific than simply “change.”
She should’ve been equally engaging with the students who said they supported McCain. As far as her own opinions, she should’ve known better than to insert them into the conversation and start brow-beating her students. No matter what any of those students said in support of either candidate, her job should have been to challenge them to be more specific and perhaps translate their thoughts into more understandable terms.
We see this kind of thing a lot in our Public schools and it’s not a valuable to the learning process to use adult debating tactics against students too young to really know what’s going on. The teacher should not use her position of authority to intimidate students in a discussion like that, she should keep her opinions out of it and merely moderate a discussion between the students themselves… getting them ready for a day when they can possibly talk about politics in an informed and adult manner.
I’m not even going to get into the merits of what she actually said when she was browbeating that student which was a totally bullshit “talking point” from the looney land of leftward silliness.
November 6th, 2008 at 6:49 pm
(sarcasm) Oh you’re right… the election is over so we can’t criticize our politicians anymore. That’s democracy for you… NO TALKING!
November 7th, 2008 at 12:26 am
I couldn’t watch the whole damn thing. i was too upset by it. Jesus have mercy what no wait she just wasn’t thinking. you can hear her thoughts in her voice. that poor child.
November 7th, 2008 at 9:15 am
This is a story that the Tundra Tabloids broke as well as uploading to You Tube. Please give due credit where it’s deserved. M.Malkin did not break the story, I did, this past Monday. KGS
And the Asheville newspaper Citizen-Times recognizes that fact.
November 7th, 2008 at 12:48 pm
This so called Teacher must be fired! She not fit to teach! I am sure the union will be defending her if it should come to pass. I just wish She would have asked one of my kids, they would have put her in her place.
November 7th, 2008 at 1:01 pm
Teacher came across very ignorant, a bully and very angry…where did she receive her teaching certificate and or college degree…..
she’s the reason more parents home school their children so they won’t be exposed to this type of ignorant teaching….this woman should not be allowed to teach…this woman gives the teaching profession a BAD NAME. obama admin. wants to dump more $$$$ into public school system for this type of teacher….what a big-mouth, bully teacher…this is a good example of the dummy down of American educational system…bully teachers like this woman are part of the reason why the national test scores are below average in public school system…poor children have to sit in a classroom with this angry, bully teacher for 6 hrs. 5 days a week….God please help these poor innocent children having to tolerate listening to this angry, bully, bitter teacher…so pitiful…our TAXES hard at work paying her salary…what a joke.
November 7th, 2008 at 2:04 pm
I’m equally concerned that she envoked or blasphemed God’s name in the classroom (i.e. “Oh, Lord.” “Oh, Jesus.”) This is unacceptable. Separation of church and state! (sarcastic, of course)
November 7th, 2008 at 5:09 pm
KGS, I found this story on Belch.com and Hot Air.
I am glad you broke the story.
November 7th, 2008 at 7:58 pm
Here is the Cumberland County Board of Education:
Email them all. I just did.
Larry Lancaster
Kim Fisher
Greg West
Mac Williams
Helen Farrior
Donald LaHuffman
Frank Barragan
Mary Emily Royal
Macky Hall
In my opinion, this woman shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a classroom! What a bully! Thanks for posting about this.
November 7th, 2008 at 11:34 pm
piper says. What on this God’s earth are you talking about. ” We the people the people have spoken ” I guess you will be the first in line for “THE HANDOUTS” Do you have a JOB ? If so I want YOU to SHARE YOUR WEALTH HONEY” If not SHUT UP . The reason he is President elect is from all the unpolitical educated people that voted for him? Why did you vote for him ? Because he is Black or for what he thinks he is going to do for YOU. GET A JOB AND A LIFE. I will talk to you in a year. Then we will see.
November 8th, 2008 at 4:58 am
This is from theapple.com website:
“Obama and Biden have big plans for what they call “Zero to Five.” This plan focuses on children from birth to five years of age and their parents. It supports early education and universal pre-school. They want to quadruple Early Head Start funding. Their efforts for this age group will be closely tied to their efforts to provide quality health care for this young age group. Obama’s health care program may make the funding for these early childhood programs difficult to carry out in the scope that they’ve planned.”
Remember…The hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world…
November 8th, 2008 at 9:25 am
I am not surprised by this at all. I recently (before the election) entered the Dr. Freddie Thomas School in Rochester NY (a public school) and saw many pro Obama posters all over the inside of the school which is also used as a voting site. No McCain / Palin posters anywhere of course. Get ready for the new radical Socialist agenda. I’m sure we will now be loved all over the world. By all the wrong people.
November 8th, 2008 at 12:07 pm
MAny of the comments made, so far, express a lot af anger. And a lot more ignorance.
The teacher assaulted a child. Period. (look up the word) A parent can not do that withou going to jail!
For those who speak out that we are a Democracy and the poeple have spoken, you need to return to a less directed school of learning where the correct words, and the truth, will be taught. This is a Representative Republic - not a Democracy.
Those of us currently fullfilling obligations in the Sandox take offense that such a travesty of our country’s Constitution, and our Laws, could take place - either in the Presidential Elections or in the subject classroom.
Get the facts, and get the truth - neither of which wil you find on any of the Nationl News Medias. One or two are closer hanthe others, but none of them will tell you the whole truth. Search the internet; read books printed about our history prior to about 1958 - just don’t believe the versions printed in the 70′ and beyond.
And, by the way, Democracy is 3 wolves and a lamb, in a closed room, deciding what to have for lunch.
November 8th, 2008 at 9:29 pm
This did not happen in Asheville, NC…it happened in Fayetteville, NC. The home of the 82nd is here at Ft. Bragg. I saw this for the first time on FOX News, and then the tv stations in Raleigh started showing it.
November 8th, 2008 at 9:48 pm
For this teacher to treat any student this way is reprehensible! The school superintendent who responded, mentioned that he is superintendent of the Cumberland County Schools. Since I am a native of North Carolina, I can tell you that Cumberland County is in the Fayetteville, North Carolina area. Therefore, it serves the area of Fort Bragg. I am embarrassed that someone would reveal her biases so openly. To me, this shows utter inconsideration of anyone else’s viewpoint, and is very careless behavior on the part of any educator! This lady is not fit to be called a teacher, and shows her complete ignorance! Her behavior is shameful, and she owes this child and her parents (as well as the class as a whole) an open apology. Her school board, superintendent, and principal should demand it. She should be told to keep her biases to herself. . . but there is no excuse for her not already knowing and practicing such behavior!
November 9th, 2008 at 2:16 pm
Maybe obama will make her the head of the department of education. She has probably the exact same qualifications as jocilyn elders who had that position for clinton. Very sad that we have to elect these idiots every few years to remind us how bad they really are.
November 9th, 2008 at 3:57 pm
obviously this teacher does not have any respect for her students or the little girl she lashed out at. In my opinion I seen discrimination here against the white girl. I felt she was intentionally being a bully to her and knew exactly what she was doing.
Good teachers inspire students and appreciate them and their diversities.I am wondering what else she says to her students that the camera does not see. I would hope that the parents of the students in her class would stand up to her and request for her to be removed or have the children taken out of her class.
The school board needs to do something about this. If they don’t they are in as much fault and supporting this type of behaviour. Obviously this teacher has been allowed to get away with way too much or she wouldn’t be pushing her limits. She probably has the rest of the staff and school intimiated and scared of her as well. I urge people and students to stand up to bullies such as her.
November 9th, 2008 at 6:07 pm
It doesn’t stop at “politics”. My son was told by his 3rd grade teacher that the Bible is fiction!!! We’ve been taking him to church since before he was born! Teachers need to keep their personal opinions to themselves in the classroom. A childs parents are responsible for instilling values in their children. This woman was teaching gifted children! I simply explained to my son that everyone has a right to believe what they choose, and that apparently, she did not believe in God. Needless to say, my son is currently home schooled. If you are a parent, be aware of what the teachers are telling your children. Ask them everyday what they learn about in school!
November 9th, 2008 at 6:10 pm
By the way Jim - Well stated!
November 9th, 2008 at 6:26 pm
Hey Piper,
If you think “WE THE PEOPLE” means us peons (n. :members of the laboring class) when it comes to our government, YOU need to WAKE UP!!!!!
November 9th, 2008 at 11:14 pm
this teacher should be fired, not investigated.
The Principal should go too!!! he says good neutral discussion is aacceptable!.Says who? Are these elementary school teachers trained to be neutral??
The fact is that teachers should not be discusing politics with kids,end of story…too much potential for abuse. it shouldn’t be allowed in upper grades either. We have College professors intimidating and taking action on students who disagree with their Left Radical Agendas. KEEP THIS OUT OF CLASSROOMS AND TEACH WHAT YOU ARE PAID TO TEACH! Teachers are not paid to “share” their political views!
What a pity that our media keeps these stories from us. It had to come from FINLAND indirectly and by accident. If you don’t watch FOX you will not know what is going on. Our Radical Biased Left Obama media is about as ethical and honest as Russian, Iranian, Arab, and Venezualan news in their countries. This a glimpse of the Obama Changes we face. Thank God FOX will be on for awhile until Obama removes political dissent and the truth. Then we will get only the OBAMA NEWS they want us to get!
Just like in Marxist and dictatorial regimes!
November 9th, 2008 at 11:34 pm
Just imagine the media reaction if a teacher looked right at in the eyes of children and said “your parents should not vote for Obama because he has many terrible terrorist friends who have killed Americans, bombed buildings, steps on the American flag and HATES WHITE PEOPLE! They even jump up and down when they SCREAM OUT how much they HATE AMERICA AND WHITE PEOPLE!” …”Why would anyone vote for OBAMA?”
You would see headlines in the NYTimes and round the clock media coverage calling for the immediate firing of the teacher.
Who is kidding who…
We no longer can trust the old media in this country. They are in the Tank with radical leftists. Personally, our family only trusts FOX to hear the news that is hidden from the American public!
November 10th, 2008 at 2:59 am
Throw Diantha’s ugly ass out the door and into a prison cell. She is a traitor pure and simple.
November 10th, 2008 at 3:31 am
Just would like to point out that this is not a Finnish documentary but a Swedish documentary made by the reporter Folke Rydén, http://www.folkeryden.com. He often lets the camera roll and see what people are saying. What you can see on YouTube is only a fragment on what he has reported on the American election. Newscoverage on the American election has been very extensive in the Swedish media.
What the teacher does is of course unacceptable.
November 12th, 2008 at 1:13 pm
Our poor children in these United States. The things they heard and seen during this election. They learned color matters more than character. God help our children in the years to come.
November 15th, 2008 at 5:37 pm
A prime example of why I send my kids to private school. All it takes to teach first grade in public school is making it through second. (As evident in the video) I would bet a paycheck that the teacher in the video can not spell public and should not be teaching in one. She still gets to teach in one however.
November 28th, 2008 at 12:14 am
I am a teacher for DISD… not the best district, but this is awful. The thing about this teacher that upsets me the most is that she cannot speak proper grammar, used the Lord’s name in vain several times, is a bully, cannot pronounce Obama’s name correctly, and had the nerve to video tape this lesson like it was a great model lesson. Believe me, if you want to video tape a lesson in your class, you have to have parents sign a release agreement that their kid can be video taped. She did this or else the parents can sue… If my kid was being harrassed like the girl who has a military father… I would so much pull my kid out of her class and a lawsuit would happen very quickly.. I hope she loses her job. by the way… I was a big McCain supporter… but I would never impose my RADICAL thoughts on my kids.
November 30th, 2008 at 10:31 pm
If the school board fail to do the right thing and fire Diantha’s wortless fat-ass, then the people of that school district MUST RISE UP and throw THEIR FAT ASSES OUT - - - AND HERS TOO!
So Piper, you call media selection “democracy in action”? Excuse me, Piper, you terrorist-appeasing Communist traitor Obamanazi ignoranus, but media selection DOES NOT COUNT as an “election”! Maybe Piper would be better off in a country where HER idea of “democracy” prevails — like Cuba or China!